Chapter 4

Bruno's request causes Helena to close her eyes, allowing herself to return to the moment that led her there.

— Open your eyes, Lena. - Ask the mother of Helena making her daughter open her eyes in front of the mirror.

Regina sighs to see her daughter dressed beautifully in that white princess style dress full of lace, the way the mother of the bride had imagined. Helena could even say she was surprised, but she would lie, because, knowing her mother, she knew that the dress would not come out less than perfect.

In fact, perfect was the motto of Helena who, since childhood, was sure of how her life would be. Or rather, the life imposed by Regina on Helena since the night that Augusto, father of the young woman, ended the marriage with Regina, her mother, in front of her children. Marcelo was younger and little understood, but the girl understood very well the discussion of the parents that at a certain point culminated in the dialogue that forever changed the life of his family:

— So say, Augustus, what do you want from me?

— What I want is a selfless, submissive wife who treats me as the man I am! I am the head of this family and not you!

—Funny, I thought, to be the boss of something needed to work and earn money! And in case you do neither! It is I who unfold for this family to have something to eat!

—Yes, because even that, Regina, you took it for yourself! Enough, I'm tired of being the laughingstock of my friends. I need a wife who listens to me, who follows my orders and doesn't question me… And you're not capable of it. So enough, I'm leaving.

And that's how Helena's father left the scene and gave way to the child's mother doing everything to turn the daughter into the woman idealized by Augusto. First, Helena should focus on studies, because that way she could enter law school, but should not practice, because it would be just something to put her in the right circle to meet her husband to whom she would dedicate her life as a housewife.

Something that unfortunately her mother can not do, because when Helena's father left, the last thing Regina was able to do was take care of her children at home. Helena saw all her mother's suffering and promised herself that she would not go through it. No, she just had to follow the script drawn up by Regina. And so he did, in the second year of college he met Leandro, heir to a hotel chain that did administration. Since they saw each other, they haven't let go. In a few months, she met the young man's parents who considered her a lovely young woman and worthy of a serious commitment that came soon after, at the request of Helena convinced by Regina, on Valentine's Day to be something remarkable.

The engagement was also not much different, it was on the date of their first kiss, entitled to the speech of the groom written by Helena through the influence of the mother. In fact, everything was very well orchestrated by Regina. The entire wedding organization had Regina's finger d for agony of the ceremonial team who had to deal with the schedule and the endless lists sent by email. By the way, the wedding was marked precisely on the date of the 30th anniversary of Leandro's parents' wedding. The guest list was also drawn up millimetrically with the right people, including Lena's bosses, who, according to the bride's mother, seeing her happiness would facilitate her leaving the company without her having to resign. Does it make sense? Maybe not for mere mortals, but for Regina it made perfect sense.

The honeymoon was in charge of Helena, but with many appointments of Regina, who clarified that it should be to the liking of Leandro, and so it was. Leandro has always dreamed of taking a trip to Parati and practicing his favorite sport, cycling, as well as trails, diving, surfing, and other sports activities. In fact, Parati was chosen to satisfy Leandro to know the coastal city of Rio.

Yes, Helena was fully aware that her honeymoon did not seem romantic and did not have much personality, because every time she told the script prepared people were questioning:

"Honeymoon is for the couple, what have you planned for the two of you?"

"What about the romantic part?"

"What do you want, Helena?"

"And as for you, what do you want to do?"

The only thing Helena did was smile and say that for her the plans were perfect and that the important thing was that Leandro was happy, because his happiness was yours too.

— I'm coming in.

The bedroom door opens, allowing Marcelo, his brother, to enter. He stares at her for a few moments, admired by the bridal beauty of his sister, who remains analyzing every detail of the dress in search of any defect.

— Wow, you look beautiful. - Praises Marcelo being ignored by his sister. He waves his arms towards his sister as he says: — Lena, you look beautiful… Hey, Lena! Earth calling Lena!!

—What? - Asks Lena, angry at her brother.

— I'm fine? - Asks the brother showing his black tuxedo to the sister, who makes a face. — What is it?

— Your tie is crooked. - Says the sister approaching Marcelo and practically hanging him with the tie, then she fixes the shirt, the belt and arranges the lapel. — Now, yes, less ill.

— And with you, perfect Lena. - Mocks Marcelo, receiving a glare from his sister. — Poor Leandro, who will have to put up with you for the rest of his life.

— Marcelo, leave your sister alone. - Asks Regina, serious. — Well, I think we can go now, or we'll have to pay the fine of the Sala... and the Sala São Paulo is not cheap at all.

The wedding was organized in the historical patrimony of São Paulo, headquarters of the São Paulo State Symphony Orchestra, the favorite orchestra of Leandro's parents. It's okay that watching the Orchestra was not something within the reality of Helena, but Regina convinced her to attend to please her in-laws and now the daughter will marry in Sala São Paulo.

— Marcelo. - Calls Helena watching her mother arrange the bouquet of red roses that symbolized the first rose given by Leandro to Helena. The brother faces the young man with the face of a few friends: — You who had the audacity to take my fiancé at a bachelor party, checked if he is okay?

— The bachelor party that you and Mom forced me to end at ten o'clock at night, with no kind of alcohol? If you're talking about this, don't worry, I left your fiancé home safe and sound. There's nothing to worry about.

— Okay, he needs to be in the São Paulo Room at 6 p.m.. - Says Regina, staring at his notebook. — We still have the photos in thirty minutes.

— Great. - Says Helena, staring at the mirror while making some faces for him.

— But what is it? - Asks Marcelo, bothered by his sister's expressions. — What are you doing?

—Your sister is training expressions for marriage. - Replies Regina in place of the daughter. — She can not go out in the photos of the horrific wedding. The service of the photographer is very expensive.

—It was just hiring a cheaper guy. By the way, this marriage could be much cheaper... – Marcelo comments, throwing himself on the couch. — Greater waste of money, all this. And for what? For people to eat, drink and will still talk badly about everything! I don't know, so much better to invest…

—All right, Marcelo. I've heard your litany a thousand times ! - Lena reacts, irritated. She turns to her brother and continues: — But I want this! I want a pompous and expensive wedding!

— Do you want to, or does Dona Regina want to? - Provokes Marcelo receiving a staring from his mother.

—Marcelo, go find what to do. This is not the time for you to annoy your sister. She needs to get calm in the church. - Says Regina approaching her son and pulling him from the couch. — So, go. See if everything is in order out there. Come on!

—Ok, ok... – Marcelo speaks facing his sister. —Sister, if you want to get out of this captivity, blink twice.

—Get out of here! - Shouts Helena to the brother who walks laughing towards the door.

She returns to face the mirror, training her expressions as her mother continues to go through the wedding schedule. The two are concentrated when the door opens again:

— What do you want, Marcelo? - Helena speaking away from the mirror. When she looks towards the door, it finds the figure of her fiancé wearing jeans polo shirt, very different from what was chosen for the wedding. — Leandro, what are you doing here?

—Lena, we need to talk. - Answer Leandro, seriously.

— Leandro, my dear? What is this? - Regina asks, surprise, approaching. — It is inappropriate for the groom to see the bride before the wedding.

— Miss Regina, I need to talk to Lena.

— What do you have to talk about with my daughter just before the wedding? - Asks Regina, controlling her irritation. — What subject would be so important that it cannot wait until after the ceremony?

—If I can't talk to Lena now, there probably won't be a wedding. - Leandro explains, seriously.

—All right, say what you have to say. - Asks Regina, opening her notebook.

—I want to talk to my fiancée alone. - Says Leandro, angry. — Can I?

— Leandro, dear... there's nothing you need to talk to my daughter about that I can't be there for.

— That's exactly the problem: you. - Says Leandro facing his mother-in-law and then his fiancée: — Helena, can you ask your mother to leave, so we can talk, or even this I will have to do for you?

— Mom, please leave us alone. - Ask Helena for mother who faces her, surprise. Regina could have sworn that Helena would defend her from Leandro's harsh speech. The daughter faces Regina asking once again: — Please.

—Okay. - Agree Regina facing the clock. —However, be brief, because we have only twenty-five minutes before we start with the photos.

Regina walks slowly through space taking her purse, while hoping that Leandro would start the matter in her presence, something that did not happen. Then she leaves the couple alone. Helena faces the groom, serious, as she says:

— You don't have to treat my mother like that.

— Really? I wanted you alone; she wanting to meddle and I leave as wrong? Again I'm wrong? - Asks Leandro, angry. — I am so tired.

—Tired? - Asks Helena without understanding. — Tired of what? From yesterday's party ? I told Marcelo not to make this farewell party... I knew it wouldn't work...

—No, it's not that. I'm tired of everything. I'm tired of this marriage, your mother... I'm tired of you! - Release Leandro making the eyes of his bride widen towards him. — I'm tired of us!

— Leandro, you must be nervous. - Helena speaks, ignoring the speech of her fiancé and approaching him. She holds her fiancé's face between her hands, forcing him to face her. He had trained this with his mother, when the groom could get so nervous that he could consider giving up the marriage. And this, according to Regina, was undeniable. — It happens every groom on the eve of the wedding. Do not worry, everything will be fine. You just need to come home, get ready, wait for me at the altar. You see that it is as it should be.

—Lena, why do you want to marry me? - Leandro asks, seriously. — Be honest: why are you marrying me?

—Because it's right, silly. - Says Helena, smiling at his answer. That was obvious.

— Just for that? - Asks Leandro, dissatisfied with the answer.

— What do you mean, "just for that"? That's exactly why I'm marrying you. Because we've been together a long time and it's only natural that we get married. My mother kept insisting, remember? Those who date a lot do not marry, were her words. And her mother also wanted. - Helena says that it surprised her to see Leandro take his hands away from his face. — What was it? Wasn't that the answer you wanted?

—And you? Did you wish to marry me?

—Of course, Leandro. - Helena replies by adjusting the brown strands that seemed to want to loosen in the hairstyle. —Why the question?

— Because I did not want... And I do not want to get married now. - Reveals Leandro, leaving his bride in shock.

— What? What? Why? - Helena asks, looking for the sofa to sit on. — Why?

— Helena, I always said that I wanted to marry for love. - Begins Leandro facing his bride. — So I can not marry you... Because I don't love you. And after yesterday, from the conversation I had with your brother, you don't love me either...

— What did you have yesterday? What did my brother say to you? - Helena asks, irritated.

— Nothing, your brother said nothing I didn't already know. Helena, you don't want to marry me.

—I do. - Responds Helena, already in tears.

—No, you don't.

— Please, Leandro, I said I want to.

—Helena, what you want is to fulfill the crazy plan that your mother created for your life. - Leandro speaks. — In fact, everything. Our dating, our engagement, our marriage... Everything! Everything is being followed according to this crazy plan of your mother! Helena, what do you want from life?

—I want you to!

— After we are married, you will quit your job and stay at home, taking care of our children and me. Serving me like I'm the magnanimous one. You didn't even consult me about it to see if I wanted to.

— That's what every man wants. - Rebate Helena, wiping the tears. — Every man...

—No, I don't want a woman like that. - Hit Leandro.

— Okay, so I work, no problem. - Says Helena, smiling at Leandro.

— You know, you acting this way with your mother, you just showed me how shallow you are. Helena, ask yourself what you want out of life? How do you want to live? What do you want? Who are you?

— Okay, okay, I do it. If I'm gonna have you, I will do it. Now go home and get ready, okay? We have little time until the wedding.

—No, you're not understanding. It's not for me, but for you. - Explains Leandro touching Helena's face. — Lena, go after who you are.

Leandro offers a kiss on Helena's forehead and then walks away, leaving his bride sitting on the couch.