Chapter 5

Bruno faces Helena, thoughtful. Not in a million years would imagine that sweet girl had gone through all that. She turns to him and gives him her best smile amid the pain that was taking over her eyes. Helena returns to face the hand and then feels Bruno's hand hold his in the sand. She continues facing the sea, because if she faced Bruno again felt that tears would take over her face and that Lena was not willing to allow. Crying in front of a stranger? Not in a million years! Gradually, Bruno's fingers move away from his, and he turns back towards the sea in silence. They stay like this for a few long minutes, until Bruno takes a deep breath and asks:

—So you decided to come on this trip to try to convince him that this is not the person he accused you of being?

—No. - Denies Helena, shaking her head, smiling. — In fact, it would be an obvious reason, but not…

— You came because the tickets weren't refundable and decided you weren't going to lose that money? - Asks Bruno trying to guess what made Helena come to your city.

—It's a good reason, but no. On the contrary, I spent more bringing my brother and mother with me.

— Hummmm... – Release thoughtful Bruno. He analyzes Helena from head to toe and then risks once again: — The costume, the store where he bought did not accept the exchange because it passed the date. Then you got a cycling suit with no purpose at all to wear and decided to come.

—I was left with two costumes, because I bought his too. - Corrects Helena, observing the expression of joy of Bruno for thinking he had hit. — But, no, that's not what made me come here. Although I still have his costume in my bag. If you want, I can give it to you… if it fits.

—Thank you. - Thanks Bruno facing Helena who returns to observe the sea. His curiosity does not allow him to give up, asking what brought Helena to Parati. He pushes Helena with his shoulder and asks: — So, what made you come here?

—You. - Answer Helena, quietly.

—Me? - Asks Bruno in shock at the revelation.

Her head was buzzing trying to imagine when she had met Helena and invited her to come to Parati. He tries in every way to pull on the memory while promising never to talk to any woman again if he is not sober. Bruno faces Helena and then does not resist and asks:

—Have we met before?

— No! - Loose, Helena laughing. — No, not really you, but your store when they answered me about my cancellation. You emailed me saying, "Don't let your broken heart stop you from knowing our services. Believe me, you will fall in love."

— Gabriel. - Releases Bruno shaking his head, dissatisfied. He faces Helena and then concludes: — You were the bride of the email that Gabriel replied. I am so sorry.

—Do not feel. - Says Helena, touching Bruno's shoulder.

—So? Were we right? - Asks Bruno, curious.

—We will see. - Said Helena getting up. She cleans the sand off her clothes. — I believe there is much more that she wants to show me…

—Yes, there is a lot. - Bruno speaks, getting up. He approaches Helena and says: —However, it is not funny to show everything at once…


—No. After all, the best passion is the one that appears gradually. - Bruno explains, so close to Helena that at any breath their bodies would touch. He straightens her hair that keeps staring at the boy. — In the details… in the gestures.

—But I don't want to fall in love. - Says Helena, taking a step back. — I didn't come here for that.

— No? - Asks Bruno.

—I just came here to see what I could do about it.

—Better yet. - Says Bruno, coating his face of his seductive smile. — So the tour is more interesting.

—I bet you do. So, let's go? - Asks Helena, walking towards the trees. — I believe there's still something more to see today.

— Yes, but first I need to ask you: how about unbending your tears in the best still in the region?

—Are you asking me to drink in the middle of the day? - Helena asks, surprised, while unlocking her bike. — That is personalized service!

— Well, since you don't want to fall in love… Better go in the morning. - explains Bruno, shrugging his shoulders. — Now if you change your mind, we can go at the end of the afternoon, around night…

— Let's go now. - Accept Helena putting her helmet.

Bruno and Helena return to cycling until they enter a bumpy dirt road with climbs throughout the 1.5 km of the route. Helena finds this road a spectacle apart, to be surrounded by greenery and birds.

When they arrive at the place, a place, Helena felt in paradise, because the view of the place is incredible with the mixture of the countryside with the Prainha by the sea at the end of the site. The blonde felt a good energy when getting off her bike, added to the noise of the machine working and that good smell of cane in the air.

— This place is Santo Antônio. - Informs Bruno, attracting Helena's attention. He approaches getting behind her and then holds Helena's arm until touching her hand, indicating the places that her speech says: — There ahead is the Island of Araújo, with its fishing village, and the Bay of Ilha Grande. This is where the Alambique Maria Izabel is located and the still is on the hillside.

The facilities of the site and the still that is at the top of the slope are simple and well cared for, transporting Helena to the past. There is little distance from each other, in well-kept gardens framed by the forest and the sea, are the plantation, the site, and the still.

— Spectacular! - praises Helena, numb with the touch of Bruno who continues holding his hand. She turns towards the boy with her lips ajar finding Bruno watching her tenderly. She then closes her eyes waiting for the touch of the boy's lips on her.

— Bruno, that way I'll have to hire you as my employee.

Bruno and Helena turned to where that calm voice came from and came across a woman with long gray hair in a generous braid sitting in the hammock on the balcony of the house, looking at them serenely.

— Maria Izabel. - Bruno speaks as he walks towards the simple woman who now rises from her net barefoot.

— Bruno. - Maria Izabel speaks, turning her face, allowing Bruno to greet her. — How are you?

— I'm fine. What about you?

—I'm fine, I just ground the cane. - Mary replies, smiling at the boy. Then she turns towards Helena, who is a little further away from the two: — And she is?

— This is Helena, she hired our bike tour package. - Bruno explains.

— Hummm... and since when did my site enter your route? - Asks Maria Izabel, surprised by Bruno's explanation. Although his still is well known in the region, the boy did not bring his customers here, even to prevent them from going out drunk.

— She is special. - Bruno speaks to Maria Izabel. — Just do not say that to her.

— Why is she special?

— You'll see. - Bruno replies as he gestures to Helena to approach. As the young woman approaches, he continues saying: —Helena, this is Maria Izabel, the creator and owner of the best still in the region and fool the world!

— Bruno, always so exaggerated. - Maria Izabel speaks smiling to Helena. — Nice to meet you.

— The pleasure is all mine. Your home is beautiful. - Praises Helena, admired with everything. — Congratulations!

— And she built the still alone. - Bruno continues talking. — Tell her, Aunt Maria.

—Really? I would love to know your story closely. - Says Helena facing Maria Izabel who is now with an enigmatic face.

— Now I understand. - Loose Maria Izabel analyzing Helena carefully.

—Understood what? - Asks Helena, curious.

—Nothing... – Maria Izabel answers. She breathes deeply and then speaks softly. — Come sit down. I will be happy to tell my story.

The three take a few steps to the balcony, where Maria Izabel sits back in her hammock while Bruno and Helena sit on the carved wooden bench. She smiles at both of them and then gets better.

— You know, I've had that look... That pain in the eye. - Comments Maria pointing to Helena who is surprised. — Divorce? Breakup? Engagement?

—He broke up with me a few hours before we entered the church. - Says Helena, shy.

—Not only finished, he did something else, was not it? - Asks Maria Izabel looking at Helena as if she saw the soul of the blonde.

—He said some things… And maybe he was right about me. - Says Helena, sad. She then faces Maria Izabel and says: — Well, but I did not come here to fill the lady about my relationship that did not work out. Now I want to know how you built this paradise?

—Bruno, ask Maia to pick up the blue and gold cachaça, please. - Maria Izabel speaks, looking serenely at Helena. — To know my story, you need to taste my product.

—Of course. - Bruno speaks walking into the site.

—Helena. - Calls Maria Izabel again attracting attention of the blonde. —Know that we are much more similar than you think.

—Really? You were also abandoned at the altar? - Asks Helena, surprised. Now I understood why Bruno brought her to the still of Maria.

—No. I married at seventeen. I had six daughters with him and a troubled relationship. Until one day we separated and I invested all the money I had when I bought this place by the sea. All because I just wanted a piece of land to plant and have a horse that was a childhood dream. However, I bought and found myself without money or profession and, at the time, with five daughters to raise, one in the belly and did a bit of everything. I sold bananas, stitched, sewed, was a gardener and even a sailor. I took tourists on tours of the islands of Paraty, on the boat bought for my own transport. There were no roads to the site Santo Antônio at that time, then in moving with the boat. And despite everything I tried to do, I always heard a phrase from my ex-husband in my head saying: If it wasn't for me, you would be a cachaceira! And you know what, he was right. Cachaça had been running through my family's veins for years and I couldn't deny it anymore. So I planted my first cane here and started little by little. I took his phrase and redefined my patterns and broke the prejudices about cachaça made by women. So, from the day I planted my first cane plant until today I decided who I was: I am cachaceira yes!

— And the best. - Plays Maia approaching with the two bottles requested by his mother while Bruno held the glasses.

—Thank you. - Thanks Maria Izabel giving a kiss on the face of the daughter who sits next to you. — I finished assembling Maia's pregnant still and the first distillation only happened to her completing her second birthday. Maia was born with Down's Syndrome, but she didn't limit it to anything either. She is my biggest companion and the biggest incentive. In fact, the six daughters always gave him the strength to move forward in the most difficult moments. Because don't think it's easy, but it depends a lot on you. - Ends up serving the transparent cachaça and delivering it to Helena.

Helena holds her glass of cachaça, takes it to her lips and then turns, savoring the drink served. She clears her throat right after the cachaça passes through her throat and runs through her body, bringing a feeling of warmth.

— So, what did you think? - Asks Bruno facing Helena, curious.

—Strong , but soft. - Try saying Helena before coughing.

— How people should be. - Comments Maria Izabel facing Helena.

—How should people be. - Repeat Helena shaking her head towards Mary, agreeing. She turns to Bruno and continues. — Strong and soft.

— Now it's time to put a real smile on this young lady's face. - Speaks Maria Izabel opening the other bottle of burning water already with the liquid of golden coloring. — You know, when we have a cachaça, we are happy. Then with the right cachaça, you will be much happier. With this one, all people are happy. - Ends delivering another glass to Helena that turns quickly.

— I think she's right. - Says Helena with a red face laughing.

They continue excited tasting the other Cakes produced by Maria Izabel, while she explains the whole production process and craft chat with them, leaving Helena well will as long not felt. So much so that the time passes and when Helena realizes, the sun already allowed itself to disappear in the horizon line of the beach.

— Thank you so much. - Thanks Helena to Maia after making the financial transaction by the Cats' cell phone that she decided to take as a treat to some people in São Paulo.

However, the Caps he consumed on the day, had the pleasant surprise of having been paid by Bruno who talked with Maria Izabel near the bikes.

— Send a kiss to your mother for me. - Ask Maria Izabel to the boy.

—Can leave. - Bruno speaks trying to disguise the sadness with gave smile.

— How is she? - Asks Maria Izabel.

— You know, she has good days and bad days...

— Bruno, you know that everything has its time and nothing happens by chance. - Maria Izabel comments. — Just be grateful for everything.

—It's hard to be grateful for a disease that is slowly taking my mother away.

— But be thankful for the time you still have with her. These fractions of lucidity... Be thankful for that. - Ask Mary touching the boy's face. — As well as for the people who are and those who are entering your life. - Ends now looking towards Helena.

—Helena is not coming into my life. She's just a client who needed care. - Says Bruno speaking as fast as his nervousness allowed.

—Ah, dear. She has already entered. - Says Maria Izabel looking at Bruno who looked at Helena, nervous.