Chapter 6

Bruno and Helena get off the bike, panting. They gave their all cycling as fast as possible back to Parati to arrive before the sunset is over. Some stars appeared when they finally stopped in front of the hostel where Helena was staying. She takes off the helmet, handing it to him, and receives in exchange her bag with the Cats she bought.

— Thank you for today. - Thank the young woman by adjusting the blonde strands behind her ear.

— Always at your service. - Bruno replies, facing the girl with a smile, cheeky.

—What was it? - She asks, smiling awkwardly.

— What about it?

— And then, what?

— Did you feel the passion? Fell in love? - Asks Bruno, nervous. Helena's face turns into a tomato so red, forcing Bruno to continue his speech quickly: — I mean, by the place… the story of Maria Izabel.

—Ah… Yes, it was all very amazing and exciting. - Helena replies, relieved. She then raises her eyebrow, saying: — Of course this does not change our deal.

—Of course not. Nor had I thought about it.

The two stare at each other, analyzing every detail of each other's faces. Bruno has to strive to contain his hand that wants to touch Helena's face to map with her fingers the light freckles of her, descending through the lines in the corner of the blonde's mouth, where no doubt would be lost. He bites his lips when he felt they were ajar while analyzing the young woman. Helena slowly puts a smile on her face and then brings her face closer to Bruno, landing her lips on the cheek of the boy, who holds his breath to feel the touch.

— Good night, Bruno.

—Good evening, Helena, almost Albuquerque. - Bruno speaks with a huge smile.

He fixes the bikes and then walks down the street, whistling loudly, being accompanied by Helena until she loses sight of him. She smiles and then walks into the inn thoughtfully. It was surreal how Bruno could mess with her like that and then, for a little time. Just his touch, all the shivers; the smile takes you to the moon. What is happening to me? Is it lack because of what happened to me? Oh, God, what's happening to me? Helena thinks as she opens the door to her room.

— You finally showed up, Helena! - Speaks Regina rising from the couch extremely nervous, unlike Marcelo who remained entertained on the phone. — Your brother and I were just about to call the police.

— And why didn't they call? - Asks Helena, putting the bag on the round dining table.

— How is it? - Asks the mother, surprised at the boldness of her daughter.

— Mom, Helena asked why we did not call the police. - Repeat, Marcelo mocking his mother.

— What is that smell of drink? - Asks Regina, ignoring her son. She approaches Helena and then walks away, horrified. — Did you drink, Helena Santos Rocha?

— Oops! - Loose Helena walking towards the wardrobe, being observed by her brother, who is now finding everything very interesting. The boy walks towards the dining table while the sister opens the wardrobe door, saying: — Sorry, Mom.

— Was it bad? Helena, did you leave here to cancel that damn package and spent the day drinking? Is that right? - Asks Regina, angry.

— Actually, no. - Says Helena, touching her clothes. — I went there and sample the package. I made a package of seven days of cycling.

— You what? Helena! Do you know what you did? You weren't supposed to do that!

— Dude, you bought cachaça! Cool! - Marcelo talks excited about the bottles.

— Yes, it was part of the cycling package. I met a wonderful beach today… Corumbê. Then we went to the still Maria Izabel. - Comments Helena with her brother. She turns to her mother and says: — It was in this still that I took them all.

— Did you forget why we were here? - Asks Regina, holding the wardrobe door and standing facing her daughter.

— We're here because I got my ass kicked by my fiancé. That's why you and Marcelo are on this trip. Because if Leandro was here… It would be me and Leandro. In fact, if it were so, I doubt that I would have drunk them all… which would be very annoying. The Cachaça are wonderful. Really, Marcelo, you have to try. If you want, I'll go back and buy more.

—Of course I do, sister. - Says Marcelo, excited.

— Helena! - Calls Regina, trying to bring her daughter to reason. —That's not why we're here. We travel here, because we need to reflect on the mistakes made that made Leandro give up, improve and then win back his fiancé. And of course, cancel that damn package and tell them we'd sue them if they didn't make the refund. Now you've extended the package to seven days? What are you thinking?

— I'm thinking about enjoying the trip. I recommend you do the same, because Leandro will never come back to me. He doesn't want me, and he's right not to want me. The Leandro of a person who knows who he is, and at the moment I don't even know what to use after bathing. - Helena answers, seriously. — Now, if you can leave my room and go to yours, I thank you.

— And if it continues like this, neither Leandro nor anyone will want you, Helena. Is this what you want? - Asks Regina. — Do you want to be like me? Alone, with no one to look after you? Think about what happened to me and see if that's what you want for yourself.

Helena walks away from her mother and walks towards the bathroom with some clothes. She takes off her costume and then enters the shower and tries to focus on the hot water running through her body, but her mother's words do not leave her alone.


Bruno arrives at the store that has already been closed by his friends and then keeps the bikes. He takes the helmets and takes them to the closet. He keeps his and then picks up the helmet worn by Helena, carefully smoothing as her mind wanders through the memories of the day. Bruno focused on the moments when she smiled in his direction, or caught the young woman looking at him, enigmatic. Bruno smiled as he remembered the way Helena was cheerful on the beach of Corumbê. "I'm glad we'll see you tomorrow, Helena" Bruno thinks, guarding his helmet. Just thinking about the next day feels the anxiety take over his body, leaving a chill in the belly of the boy who already counted the minutes to see the young blonde hair once again. He comes home and the parents are already in the room, which is better for Bruno, who also goes to his room. He takes a bath and then lies down, falling asleep while thinking of Helena.

The next day, Bruno gets up before his father, who is surprised by the enthusiasm of his son, who has already prepared breakfast for Nilton and Loreta, who is already enjoying the full table.

— Who are you, and what did you do to my son? - Asks Nilton, surprised.

— Nothing. I just wanted to do something different today. - Bruno replies, evasive. He smiles at his father and then gives him a kiss on the cheek, saying: — I went!

Nilton watches his son run away from home and then turns to his wife, who was delighted with a gossip. Loreta smiles at her husband and then says:

— Your child.


In the store also, the boys were surprised, because they arrived and Bruno had already put the bikes out and was adjusting the equipment. The boys face him, curious to know what had happened between him and Helena for Bruno to be whistling. The brown-haired boy finishes putting the new equipment in its proper places, ignoring the dog faces asking for food from friends. Gabriel, the most curious, does not resist and approaches Bruno, asking:

— So, how was yesterday?

— Yesterday? It was normal. - Bruno replies, moving inside the store.

—Normal? - Repeat Lucas, surprised by Bruno's evasive answer. — Man, you're whistling so loud you can hear you from the corner.

— Really? Sorry, I'll turn it down. - Bruno speaks, scaring his friends even more.

— Dude, are you okay? - Jonathan asks, worried. — What happened yesterday?

— What? Nothing happened yesterday. - Bruno speaks with a silly smile on his face.

—Nothing, I know. It's in your face that something happened yesterday. - Argues Gabriel, pointing to Bruno's smile.

—Seriously... Helena and I went to Corumbê...

—Corumbê! - Repeat friends, excited.

—Then I took her to Maria Izabel, and we took some things.

— Ahhhh... – Release friends.

—I took her home, and that was it. - Ends Bruno receiving looks, surprised. — What was it, people?

— It is not possible that nothing happened… nothing. - Says Lucas, unconfirmed. — Helena is beautiful. If you fool more beautiful than Suzana and you did not invest?

— Lucas, not every customer will take to bed. - Explains Bruno, holding on his friend's shoulder.

—Except for the part where you've taken all the clients to bed, except Helena.

— Give him a break. - Gabriel speaks to Lucas. — Yesterday was only the first day, and as far as I know, he has seven days left.

— Actually, Gabriel. Do you know who Helena is? - Bruno asks his friend.

— I have no idea. - Gabriel answers.

— She is the bride of e-mail. - Bruno reveals.

— Not really! - Gabriel exclaims, surprised. — Man, I'm sorry…

—No, that's okay. - Bruno speaks.— The only problem is that now I have to make her fall in love with Parati.

— Only for Parati, or for you too? - Asks Jonathan.

— Parati, for now. - Bruno answers, enigmatic.