Rating game

- Play Vampire Knight Guilty OST Track 6 Vampire Ball -

Today was the day, it was after team rias lost the Rating game. For this being a meeting of high society both Chibiusa and Shirou had gotten dressed in their respective outfits Shirou in a Women's cut suit specifically Proto saber's Costume and Chibiusa in her full Magical girl mode to not have to dress up because she was already in a dress, Chibiusa still remembers how awkward she felt first wearing skirts.

They had been given the coordinates to the door by Rias's older sibling so they may crash the party and save his dear Sister, they may not have failed training but they failed the Rating game thus punishment was deserved.

Arriving at the Party, they appear at the front door to the party Shirou knocked the guards out before they entered they could hear Riser speaking inside the venue

- Play Vampire Knight OST Track 28 Social Ball -

Riser:「-en, allow me to present… …My queen Rias Gremory. 」


Chibiusa and Shirou walked into the ball without restraint, they walked with grace like the Queens they are.

Riser:「Hey, where do you think you are!? 」

Chibiusa:「Riassssssss, Come along now we have more training to do, Don't forget to bring the others along as well we have more training! 」

Soon after her words came the Evil laugh which haunted the team, it was what Shirou dubbed the "Evil PoPo laugh"


Rias's peerage had pure dread wash over them at Chibiusa's words, they knew they failed the battle but they were afraid of Chibiusa more than Riser.

Chibiusa focused her gaze on Riser as he smiled lecherously with a huge predatory grin that would make most others Shit their pants,

Chibiusa:「This chapter, You. 」

Riser:「What? 」

Sighing Shirou steps forward to speak, but was interrupted by Sirzechs Lucifer stepping forward to talk.

Sirzechs:「This is the entertainment I prepared. 」

Rais:「Onii-sama!? 」

There were multiple murmurs from the Upper class about him being here and the entertainment he produced,

Riser:「Lucifer-Sama, what do you mean entertainment? 」

Sirzechs:「Riser, I watched the Rating Game with great interest. However, your opponent was my sister, someone who had no Game Experience and I commend her on lasting as long as she did and doing as great as she did, it shows she has real talent but I found the battle to be… 」

He took on a thoughtful look thinking for the right word,

Shirou:「Allow me, Lucifer-sama. I believe the word you are looking for is either Lack-luster or inadequate 」

Sirzechs:「Thank you, Emiya-Chan, yes inadequate works the best. 」

Chibiusa:「I call it a disappointment. 」

She called out loud as she stared directly at Rias, Riser ignored the disrespectful humans.

Riser:「You are discontent with the battle? 」

Sirzechs:「No, no. If I could just interject. The Rating game itself had lost some of its significance as a battle between two equals, both fighting for the right to be called the stronger team. Especially this time, circumstances being what they are, The old family is losing face is it not? This is my dear sister's engagement party, I wanted to add a little wild spice to this event. Emiya siblings, I would like to see your powers with my own eyes, I know both of you are Powerful enough on your own but recently you had gathered some familiars correct? 」

Both siblings nodded at his words, Chibiusa had a grimace on her face and Shirou had a smile. Riser Scoffed at the notion of two humans and some familiars beating him, it would appear he was hiding his recognition of Chibiusa something that Puzzled both Chibiusa and Shirou.

Riser:「Do you honestly think, that a couple of humans with familiars could defeat a devil? Let alone I, the Overlord of flame!? 」

Chibiusa:「More like Overlord of Sparks… 」

She grumbled but the enhanced hearing of the devils picked up on it.

Riser:「On second thought, why don't we do this? If they think they can mock me in such a manner! 」

Chibiusa:「How would you like me to mock you? I take requests! 」

Sirzechs:「I've had Grafiya prepare another Arena, why don't we liven up the party a little bit? 」

- Time skip -

- Stop song -

The area they were occupying was the same as Rias's school Arena, Chibiusa And Shirou were sitting in the school, In this battle, Chibiusa was considered the King and Shirou the queen. It was a hard-fought fight about Chibiusa being the King when she wanted to be the queen, unfortunately, the Sailors scouts who are acting as the pawns won out that battle when Shirou agreed for her to be king.

The plan was simple, the scouts would surround and protect the school as she would take pot shots using just barely any magic into the Destruction magic she copied from Rias, and when she wasn't doing that she had a full gaming setup going on.

Shirou was taking; Heracles as Rook 1 and Astolfo as Rook 2, Arthur as Knight 1 and Archer as Knight 2, Gilgamesh as bishop 1 and 2 as he was worth a whole mutated set but they couldn't just send Gil by himself they had to fight as well, the rest were left with Sirzechs, Sailor Pluto was left at home to watch the fight from there.

Grayfia:「3, 2, 1, GO! 」

And the battle started.

Large speaks appeared on top of the school building where they had taken residence as the music started blasting.

- Play Armed and Ready to Burn! (I Burn + Armed and Ready) -

Chibiusa immediately started her pot shots sending the Pure-blooded Devils into a rageful frenzy before they were calmed down by Sirzechs explaining it was an inferior copy of

Shirou with her Servants rush to the field, and meeting no resistance they split up, The rooks head to the Gym where they meet 1 rook and 3 pawns in an instant Heracles roared to the sky and winds picked up around him and he goes after the rook first He targets and slashes the upper arm, collarbone, windpipe, temple, diaphragm, rib, testicles, and thighs simultaneously at "godspeed", faster than the speed of sound. While Astolfo stopped in front of the 3 Pawns pulling out a horn that glowed gold, feeling the danger presented by the horn all 3 bum rush and just as they got in front of them ready to strike Astolfo blew the horn as hard as he can blowing the 3 away from them while dealing a large amount of damage, the pawns cloths shred to pieces due to the wind pressure but they got back up and bum rushed Astolfo again as they readied their lance which continued to glow golden again enhancing their speed the pierce through one of the 3 rooks as they got teleported along with the rook to the infirmary leaving two pawns left, both gulped before they rushed at Astolfo again this time one being intercepted by Heracles as he grabbed their leg and start to bash them into the ground like hulk before trying to behead them with his stone slab, lucky for the Pawn they were teleported away right before Heracles hit them as a massive crater was left in the wake of the blow, Astolfo pulled out their sword and rushed quickly into battle with the Final Pawn Nel who was wielding their chainsaw Astolfo blocked each blow they went for weather it was a slash from the bottomright to the top left a horizontal slash or vertical slash Astolfo parried each and every blow never taking the opening the pawn was iratied that they were being played with before they felt something grab their leg, looking down at the hand clasped around the entire shin, they gulp before Heracles squeezed breaking the entire shin bone to nothing but dust they were frozen in pain they couldnt even scream as their other leg was grab before they got the same treatment as the other pawn Heracles got his hands on.

While this was happing Chibiusa was sitting down on the roof watching My Little Pony: Friendship is magic on a 70-inch plasma screen tv, occasionally taking pot shots at riser from atop the roof, irritating Riser further than he already was, Standing beside her in his normal combat outfit was Archer as he casual made more tea and snack for Chibiusa, while also watching Arthur's back from afar as he can see miles out.

Arthur was rushing towards the enemies base when the enemy queen tried to take him out with a sneak attack, which was unsuccessful as Archer used his bow and arrow to hit her hand and alert Arthur of her presence, skipping the banter he lunged at her from the ground he slashes at her only for her to fly far enough to dodge, his sword may be covered by invisible air but she moved far away from Arthur so as to not be hit by anything he could have, Arthur sees this as he lands on the ground uses mana burst to empower himself to go flying like a jet he arrives in front of her too fast for her to react as she is hit by another arrow from Archer it's like Arthur entered Raiden's blade mode as he makes thousands of slashes in a second as her skin gained cuts all lover not too deep as to permanently injure her as this wasn't a fight to the death but enough to send her back to the infirmary, he lands on the ground and gives a thumbs up to Archer, following the order he was given before the fight begun he does the same as Heracles and holds down his position, his master and the Caster servant rush past him as he awaits and enemy.

Looking back at Chibiusa she now has popcorn as archer watches over the battlefield a magic headset on as he relays info to the team who all have magic earbuds on.

Riser in the ORC club room is laying down on a couch taking a nap as he believes that the humans would never be able to defeat his Peerage as they are devils, he believes that none of them could defeat him as he was reincarnated here by that ROB that had given him powers, the only annoyance that he had to deal with was the original Riser still within his soul fighting against the assimilation.

Cutting back to the pair of Gil and Shirou they rush to the outside of where Riser's remaining Peerage is, Ravel Phenex his Bishop once again, Karlamine his Knight Isabella his other Rook Siris his Other knight and the other twin pawns Ni and Li, Gil and Shirou look at each other and nod as Shirou sprinted past the Enemies while Gil stayed behind standing in front of them he opened his gates as his stone book opened in front of him his staff at the ready.

Gilgamesh:「By my order, ready the arrows! 」

All of his enemies standing far away from him, readied their defences as they felt the magic in the air grow exponentially, not to a point they couldn't withstand but it was obvious to them that Caster will be heavily winded at the end of his spell.

Gilgamesh:「Use my treasures to show them the power that protects Uruk! 」

The magic further intensified as they all rush to stop him from completing his spell they all gave up their defence and bum-rushed him but it was too late.

Gilgamesh:「My resolve shall flood the earth! Melammu Dingir! 」

Thousand of gold glowing arrows besiege them all as they rushed to Gilgamesh, seeing them all fall in front of him before being teleported away.

Gilgamesh:「The more strategies at your disposal, the better. You've learned that, at the cost of your life. 」

Cutting back to Shirou she arrived outside the ORC club room only to see a Barrier erected which is the only reason they let her pass, unfortunately for them she has "Rule Breaker" allowed her to destroy the barrier with one stab further upsetting the Pure-Blooded devils.

Rushing inside she rushed to the president's room, slamming the door open she sees no one there.

- Stop Song -

We cut back to Chibiusa who had sent Archer away, watching the TV

TV:「Come on every Pony! Smile Smil- *BOOOOOOM* 」

The Tv was exploded as their stand Riser, in the place where the TV was, and he was PISSED that Chibiusa didn't even see him as a threat.

Chibiusa:「That was a 70-inch plasma screen tv, *Sigh* well how can I help you?. 」

Riser:「Due to the rules of Rating games we were allowed an hour to do information gathering while you just sat on your ass watching TV I was doing research into you "Red-Dragon Empress", "Chibi of Kuoh Academy", "Friend of all", "The one denied kitchen access", "The true Genius of Kuoh Academy", "The sloth of 3A", "The pervert Obliterator: Smol", "Smol Onee-Chan!" and "The Loli of destruction" 」

Chibiusa:「Oh you dirty simp, lick the clit!. 」

Riser:「Excuse you? 」

Chibiusa:「Oh I'm sorry, I like to dirty talk when someone is EATING ME OUT! 」

Riser:「Perhaps I should just skip to Riser's point. I am the Overlord of flames- 」

Chibiusa:「And I'm Carmen Sandiego, GUSSE WHERE I AM? 」

Riser:「Riser is trying to have a serious conversation with you! 」

Chibiusa:「oh, so am I and I'm failing and I'm sorry for that, It's just that I'm so agitated because this Blonde little Chicken shit strolled onto my Roof-Top destroyed mY 70-INCH PLASMA SCREEN TV and is trying to impress me like I'm his alcoholic Grandfather! 」

He flashes in front of her as his hand is covered in his red flame while her hand is in front of his face covered in blue flames.

Chibiusa:「Be a sport and grab Gramps another beer, would you? 」

They sat there Chibiusa waited for the beat to drop before she blasted Riser away while he launched his fire at her, Chibiusa was launched backwards after the massive thing of fire Riser having shrugged off the attack turned around and started to walk off expecting to hear how Chibiusa was sent to the infirmary it was only 5 seconds later of radio silence did the music kick in and he turned around.

- Play Ready To Die by AndewWK -

He looked at where Chibiusa had landed as the music ramped up just before the beat dropped and as it did She just blast the ground behind launching her into a standing position as she blasted off into Riser,

Ddraig:「OMNI-BOOST! 」

Riser:「Omni-what? 」

She blasted off into his stomach as she Uzumaki Dab-kicked him in the face he landed on his ass before blasting off with fire and attacking her as she pulled her own fire around her into a shield as Riser started to use a form of martial arts while using his fire, the form was early similar to Fire Bending from ATLA she deflected most of the fire but some still licked her skin only for the Affected Areas to become covered in a Blue fire before disappearing the skin healing like it was never damaged not even scared.

The Sailor scouts who heard what was happening had rushed to the rooftop only to be blocked by a barrier erected by both Chibiusa and Shirou to stop them, the servants all had the ability to enter the barrier heck even Shirou herself the Barrier was made to keep the Sailor Scouts out.

The fight continued as Riser consumed the Fire Chibiusa shot off at him, having copied his ability to consume fire she used it sparingly as the heat could put her out of commission if she consumed too much of it.

Ddraig:「OMNI-BOOST! X3 」

Riser:「TIMES WHAT? 」

She started to ping pong him around the field as his mental and physical stamina was drained slowly, he decided to fly up into the air before making a bunch of hand signs slamming most of his magical power into this one attack,

Riser:「Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation 」

The sea of fire was condensed into a ball before his mouth, shoot out in a laser toward Chibiusa


In her left hand was a ball of Light and her right had a ball of Darkness she whipped her hands out to both sides before bringing them in front of her with her wrists touching, both balls mixed together as her arms fully extended and launched the energy in a beam she blasted Riser with her energy beam, The energy beams collide while struggling to overpower each other.

Ddraig:「OMNI-BOOST!- 」

Ddraig was readying to Boost Chibiusa's beam, to Chibiusa's limit.

Riser:「nooo 」

Riser hearing that started to panic and put more power into the beam.

Ddraig:「TIMES 」

Panicking even more he starts to dump all his extra mana, not a single drop left for regeneration.

Riser:「NO NO NO! 」

The beam slowly started to overtake Riser's beam as he was starting to run out.



The beam shot through his beam ending up in his solar plexus as he was launched to the other end of the rooftop, he was stopped because the barrier caught him before he could go further.

She charged up her supermaned pose straight into his face before unleashing her fists upon his face unleashing the legendary Seven page Muda.

(*Because web novel is a ***** we can't post the Seven page Muda, but we can on the Wattpad version*)

- Stop Song -

Riser was teleported to the ICU section of the infirmary where he was fed 3 Phenex Tears to heal him up he was knocked out and would be for a while.

- Inside Riser's mind -


This man, Minikui Ko-nashi was the soul who had taken over Riser's body and was now in his mind place one where his soul interacted with him, he was the definition of an ugly bastard overweight otaku.

Behind Minikui was the real riser who was slightly dissolved and chained up, luckily since his dissolving body was loose in the chains he was able to silently escape.

Charing his magic up, he settled to be right behind the bastard who had overtaken his body the one who had molested his precious pieces he was just thankful that his parents noticed something off with him and had kept his body out of his precious little sisters reach.

Riser:「Maybe she was a Reincarnator like you! 」

He shouted in anger, Minikui turned around only to see riser out of the chains and slowly going back to normal at a much faster rate than he was dissolving, he dropped to the floor as Riser slowly approached.


Riser:「You can thank that child over there for making you use most of your magic the bindings stopped restricting me as much and I was able to slip out, And why would I stop approaching you? I can't be the shit outta you without getting closer! 」


Riser proceed to give him a beating that even Jotaro would say was too far, consuming Minikui and all his knowledge, vomiting at the amount of porn he saw, epically the child porn and loli-con porn that man had saved on his HDD, it sickened Riser to the Core he Repressed those into a package before deleting them from existence, the only remaining knowledge about those things was only that he destroyed them, the rest he kept as it was useful knowledge anyway. Although the HSDXD universe where he is from wouldn't happen the same way as the anime as Issei wasn't here but it seems the Emiya siblings were capable, much more so than Issei himself.