Battle Royale!: It all changed when the cringe nation attacked

- Play Vampire Knight OST - Hidden Truth -

Shirou had finished cleaning the dishes and put them on the drying rack as Chibiusa had set down in front of the door to put her shoes on. Walking over to where her older sister was, Shirou asked a question.

Shirou:「What do you think we should do today? 」

Chibusa:「Probably head over to the ORC and see what they're doing… Hey, whatever did happen to Issei? 」

Shirou put on her shoes as they both walked outside heading to the school.

Shirou:「If I remember correctly… his parents pulled him out of Kuoh and moved to Europe because he was somewhat decent in English so he could have an education in science, turns out that after the incident he gained a sudden fascination with Technology and Biology. Hell, I went by the neighbourhood before they moved out and saw his box full of porn out on the curbside, it was just out there like that one family guy episode, the other two perverts soon came and collected it, dividing it between them. 」

Chibiusa hummed in acknowledgement as they continued their walk in relative peace, it didn't take them long to arrive at the school grounds as they continued to walk towards the ORC building, it was a pleasant Sunday Afternoon.

Chibusa:「You know what? 」

Shirou:「What? 」

Chibusa:「I'm bored. 」

Shirou:「Don't you fucking tempt murphy. 」

Chibusa:「What? I just want something to happen and spice up our day! It's not like reincarnators are going to pour out of portals Avengers-style right? 」

Shirou:「Alright, if that happens I'm entirely blaming you, you just had to DUCKING tempt murphy all the time don't you? 」

Chibusa:「What? I only do it when I'm bored. 」

Shirou:「*sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose* You're always bored. 」

???:「What do you mean Issei is gone!? Who the fuck has the Boosted Gear!?」

- Play Metal Gear Solid - Alert SoundTrack -

A melodious voice is heard on the other side of the ORC's door. In response to it, the two hear the raw confusion of all the ORC members.

Rias:「I.. well the Emiya sisters have-」

Neo: 「Wait… Fate? Is this a crossover? Oh do I get to meet the man behind 'PeOpLe dIe whEn tHeY aRE kIlLeD'? 」

The voice sounded sarcastic but oddly happy as she asked.

The door slammed open two the view of two girls the tall red-haired girl suddenly shouted.

Shirou:「'So yOu dODgEd My uNdODgeAbLe BlOw saBer' 」

Chibiusa stared at the scene in front of her, a flash of recognition passed her eyes at the sight of the girl sitting on Rias's lap before Chibiusa went into her "PoPo mode".

Chibusa:「Riiiiaaasssss, Why are you not traaaaaiiinning? Did I say you could have a breeeaaak? do not make me pull out the teleportation spell! 」

The ORC all started to shake as cold sweat went down their back.

- Play Vampire Knight OST - Hidden Truth -

???:「Wait.. hol up. Too much is being said at the same time. Calm down, TFS fangirl. And you, Redhead.. you look oddly familiar? Don't you worry, Seat.. I'll keep you safe 」She said, petting Rias' hair like she was trying to comfort her.

???: 「So... I dunno who the midget is but I can vaguely guess as to who the gold-eyed and redheaded girl is. Fem-Shirou, right? 」She pointed at Shirou.

Shirou:「'PeOpLe dIe whEn tHeY aRE kIlLeD'! 」

Shirou proceeded to take the famous stance and say the magic words before ragdolling onto the floor, the Garry's Mod flatline sound ringed out.

???: 「But why though..? 」Neo watched as Shirou dropped to the floor.

???: 「Am I having a fucking fever dream..? 」The girl rubbed her eyes and got off Rias' lap. Though Rias seemed to oddly miss the contact with the 4'9 girl.

She then looked outside the window briefly, to check if everything was real. Sadly, it was.

The Sailor Scouts then burst into the room.

Sailor Moon: 「Chibiusa! Where have you been!? We're late for the spa! 」Sailor Moon chastised her.

Chibiusa: 「Nope! 」Chibiusa snapped and opened a gate under all of the Sailor Scouts, effectively 'YEETING' them out of the world.

???: 「Know what? Not even gonna question it... You're reincarnators? Evil ones? 」The girl looked at them with a deadpan expression.

The Garry's mod Health Vial sound rung out as Shirou stood back up,

Shirou:「indubitably! 」

The TF2 spy disguised kit was in her hands as she picked out a cigarette and lit it before putting it on her lips as she closed the kit, a black suit and trench coat on.

Chibiusa:「I'm a good Reincarnator, I survived an army of truck-kuns before dying to blood loss, Did you know god is a magical girl? He made me in his image 」

Shirou:「Look at her and tell me there's a god! 」

???: 「There are multiple, actually but anyway… I'm Neo. Not the original one but I got sucked over here from Soul Eater. You guys… where do I even begin? What kinda.. crack are you two on, exactly?」Neo looked at them and stroked Rias' hair like she was a pet. Though she herself didn't know she was treating Rias that way. Rias herself was looking at her desk, contemplating her life decisions.

Chibiusa:「 I'm Chibiusa! The magical girl of the Eclipse! I usually mix and match. Just this morning I dropped a gallon of LSD from a milk carton!」She cheerfully exclaimed.

Neo: 「Is that another TFS reference? I really hope that's just a joke and a CHILD isn't ODing on hard drugs. Anyway!! I'm here because there's a number of reincarnators being sent over for god knows why. Annnnnnd I'mma kill 'em. 」

Rias and Akeno raise their hands but Neo slowly lowers them.

Neo: 「Don't you worry your pretty little heads. I'll handle the edgelords and incels..」Neo finished and pat their heads.

Chibiusa: 「Please tell me no lolicons will show up... I already had to kill one of them. He was possessing Rizer's body.」

Just then, a wave of energy washes over them. Outside they can see portals opening up all over the surrounding areas. Neo, who was close by, looked out the window and saw the figures walk out. There were figures dressed all in black, figures impersonating anime characters and a few were dressed like Kirito.

- Play Disturbed - Indestructible -

Neo:「Oh my god, really..? We gotta murder these incels, fast..」 She said with a small shiver of disgust.

Shirou:「I think I see a couple of edgy male versions of me… Neo. 」Shirou turned to Neo, her eyes alight with a fire burning, ready to decimate the enemies.

Neo: 「Can't believe I'm saying this but "YOLO" 」She pulled out a golden spear from thin air Shirou recognized as Rhongomyniad and started to aim it.

Immediately, the ORC members moved back from its overbearing presence and stared at it.

Chibiusa changed into her magical girl form, taking off from the ground into the sky as the boosted gear appeared on her. Intercepting her in the sky was a Freeza rip-off in the Freeza pose

Both stopped in the sky Chibiusa looked at the Freeza clone in front of her, he was only level one.

Chibiusa:「Really? A level one? 」

FreezaRF:「I have no need to train, I AM FREEZA I ALREADY KILLED ALL THE MONKEYS! So why train when I have no reason to? 」

Chibiusa:「 You're an idiot that's for sure, welp I'm gonna show you why you goofed. 」

In all but a second Chibiusa appeared way too fast for the Freeza to register, the Boosted-Gear going off.

Ddraig:「PENETRATE! 」

FreezaRF:「NANI!? 」

Chibiusa smashed her fist into his back obliterating him before turning away from the dust of his corpse, turning back momentarily just to blast it with destruction magic, looking out into the field of battle.

Chibiusa:「Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru! 」

More Dragon Ball characters appeared in the sky and on the ground, as she blasted off the air toward the enemies in front of her.


- Play BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle OST: Neo's Theme(One Thing) -

Taking aim and further activating the lance. Neo felt a confirming hum from it. Unknown to her before, it apparently had a soul. Maybe it was when she went to the Soul Eater universe, or back to the beginning when she first got it. The aria to activate it wasn't needed anymore. The lance knew what she wanted to do.

Neo: 「Well alright then! DBZ fights... FATE fights. Know what? Fuck it. Rhongomyniad, fuck their lives up 」She said her new 'aria' before mixing the power with her lightning mana.

Terrifyingly enough, it became something of a Divine Railgun. The light released tore the sky in half and hit a group of charging edgy swordsmen and one who looked like an Edgy Male Ruby from RWBY. That one, was something she couldn't forgive. At the end of the attack, at least 26 had been essentially deleted from the universe entirely. The ORC looked on in horror as Neo rubbed the lance lovingly.

Neo: 「Oh it's a beautiful day to fuck shit up! Hehahahahaha!! 」

- POV CHANGE: Shirou -

- Play Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works - EMIYA [Intense Symphonic Metal Cover] -

Chibiusa and Neo had jumped right into the fray. I decided to walk slowly towards the battle, before me were multiple different versions of Characters from the Fate; Male Dark Sakura's, Male Rin's, Male Illiya's and all had lecherous grins on their face.

My slow walk started to speed up to fast walking, then light jogging, and then Full on sprinting, I reinforced my body to move faster, react quicker, to fight better.

Appearing before one of the Sakura's my hands were already outstretched Traced a Pair of blades one that is synonyms Archer Emiya, Kanshou and Bakuya the married blade, overedging them into longswords.

I spun on my toes like a Bey-Blade slicing through the bodies of my enemies some dodged others were minced meat, the moment I stopped I lead up into the air, tracing the classic black bow as an arrow was notched into place and launched directly into a Gilgamesh that wasn't paying attention to the battle but instead ogling Rias.

As I landed I was surrounded by the enemies, my magic circuits bursting with magical energy power into tracing another set of Kanshou and Bakuya, a different version of them wielded by an Alter. I jumped into the twisting as I dodged projectiles and swords alike the bayoneted handguns loaded with Excaliburs Altered into bullets, they decimated all the "evil's" as the strongest Holy sword Excalibur was.

The power of the bullets being shot from the Handguns pushed me further into spinning and acted like 3D maneuvering gear, I dodge further taking hits here and there but they were quickly healed by the Avalon inside of me.

Landing on the ground I released the mags as they dropped to the ground the guns still in my hand pointed to the sky as smoke wafted from the barrels spinning the guns on my fingers I loaded new magazines into them this time filled with Grams Altered into bullets, the strongest demonic sword would help make quick work of those considered "good".

Following my previous strategy did not give the same results as my enemies had wisened up to my ways. Land on the ground I started to chant my own unique Aria rather than one given to me by my powers, one that further enhanced them.

-3rd POV-

Chibiusa was panting and trying to hasten her recovery after the DBZ-styled battles. While they weren't absurd opponents, like Goku, they were a challenge in a group. Meditating in a field of corpses, she recovered and wiped the drop of sweat off her cheek. Getting up after nearly two minutes, she was back to 100 percent. Looking around, they'd notice all the reincarnators had been either nuked by Neo, shot and sliced by Shirou or beaten to death by Chibiusa.

Slowly flying up in the front of the school, all three meet up and look at each other.

Chibiusa: 「 Ha! I took the hardest fights!」

Neo: 「 Are you really bragging? Okay then! I killed the most in one hit. Boom. Mic drop」

Shirou:「They were nothing to the bone of my sword, the fire in my blood washed away their lives quickly and I GAINED SO MANY NEW WEAPONS! 」

Neo: 「The council has allotted you one singular 'yike' Shirou... Calm down」


Chibiusa: 「 I'm just glad none of them trained. 」

And that's when the last three giant portals opened. Out of one came someone who looked like Vegito but he was dripped out of his fucking mind. With a 'Supreme' jacket, ripped jeans and Black Air Forces. Then, there was someone who looked like Ruby, but with dragon features and an energy blade version of Crescent Rose. And lastly came through a man dressed in black Shoes, pants turtleneck shirt and a black dress shirt over and he was wearing a cross on his and a dark blue overcoat, in front of him was a cart that was filled with ingredients the end product being Spicy Mopo Tofu, as he stepped out of his portal all of the portals closed. He stared directly at Shirou.

Preist:「Yorokobe Shoujo. 」