The Keeper of the Night - 1

(Author's Note: If you have already read the previous chapter before the date 2-27-22, then you should reread the previous chapter as I have made some changes to the beginning, explaining the world better.)

"Ugggggghhhhh" I groaned clutching my head.

"Where am I?"

I felt like I was floating in a strange place that was completely dark. Then, a blue translucent screen appeared in front of me.

[Congratulations to human Fukui Shinobu for being chosen by the gods. They have decided unanimously to use your game to test the people of this world.]

After a while, a second message appeared.

[Congratulations on being chosen by the gods to become a "Player" in the game called "The Tower of Trials". The player will first enter the tutorial tower.]

The scene around me changed into that of a pure white room with walls on all sides.

[Welcome to the "Tutorial" of the Tower, please enter a nickname for the player. Warning! The player will carry this nickname for the remainder of their stay in the tower.]

"What.... the.... FUCK!"

'Am I in a dream?'

'Was I too excited for the release that I passed out?'

'No, that's impossible, this is way too realistic.'

These thoughts went to war in my mind, and it took a few seconds for me to regain my composure.

'Well, this is better for me anyways, I'm sick of the world, let's just play along.'

'Wait a second, because I'm the only one that knows anything about the game, doesn't that mean I have a huge advantage.' But after that thought came into my mind, I realized that there were still outside variables in my game, especially the beings that were called "gods". Also, the first message from the system that I got was definitely not in the game that I had made, but the second and third messages were still the same from what I had made the game to be.

'I guess that the system isn't the same as the one that I created either.'

I knew that I had to keep a cool mind in this situation anyways because I had read enough manga and web novels to know that the cold-blooded characters and the MC's with plot armor were the only ones that survived in these situations, especially since I already knew how gruesome the trials of just the tutorial tower were.

I entered in the name "Shin".

[Sorry, but another player has already taken this nickname.]

How about "Shadow".

[Sorry, but another player has already taken this nickname.]

How about "Shade".

[Sorry, but another player has already taken this nickname.]


'I guess all of the cool sounding nicknames have already been taken, goddamnit!"

After thinking about my past for a while, I decided on the name "Shinubwa" which was the closest spelling to what my younger sister called me when we were little, before she learned the word "Onii-chan".

[Nickname accepted, please choose your race and position.]

This was one of the most important decisions that a player had to make in my game. The races that could choose were human, beastman, elf, fairy, or demon, with each having certain advantages and disadvantages. The positions that you could choose, which were essential when forming a party, were vanguard, sniper, support, assassin, and berserker, with each race having a different set of options for the support positions due to the limitations on each race.

Humans were the all-rounders, being equally weak and strong and given the option to choose between all positions. They were also able to use all elemental magic, but most people were only compatible with one or two types of magic, and a smaller amount of people could use holy magic, which was crucial when fighting players from the demon race.

Beastman had better strength, perception, and stamina stats, specializing in close quarters combat, but were prone to becoming to unreliable from their instinctual desires. They were given the option to be either vanguard or berserker. Beastmen were most compatible with earth magic.

Elves had better agility, perception, and mana stats, specializing in ranged attacks, but they were weak when participating in close quarters combat. They were given the option to be a sniper, support, or assassin. Elves were most compatible with earth, wind, and water magic.

Fairies had better mana and agility stats because they could fly for a set period of time, but they had really low Hp stats to balance this overpowered ability out causing them to be easily killed. They were given the option to be either support or sniper. They were compatible with all four elemental magic types, but couldn't use holy magic like some humans.

Demons had better strength, agility, and Hp stats, but had little mana as they mostly used something called demonic energy, but that just induced fear into their opponents, causing hallucinations and such. They were given the option to be a vanguard, assassin, berserker, or support. They were only compatible with fire magic.

Looking at my options, I immediately disregarded the beastmen race as they could only be vanguards or berserkers, meaning I would have to a swordsman, axe wielder, or some other close combat job in prolonged fights, which I didn't like.

I also disregarded fairies, as although they could fly, the low Hp stat was just unappealing to me because I just didn't want to be one-shotted in a battle.

That left me with the human, elf, and demon races, whilst either choosing the sniper or assassin classes, because I knew that my slim, lanky body was most adept at surprise attacks were I finished my opponent quickly.

As I was contemplating my options, another message from the system popped up in front of me.

[The gods have shown interest in you, as you are the creator. They have gifted you 100 tower coins and the option to combine two races and two classes. The gods wonder what you will do with this power regarding your deep knowledge.]

Honestly, I had totally forgotten that these gods were in control of my game, but when that message was shown, I was brought back to reality, knowing that I was now stuck in a game of life and death and that this wasn't a dream, or so I desperately hoped. Also, I wasn't going to throw away this opportunity due to my pride so I decided to accept their offer.

"I choose to combine the human and demon races and choose to combine the sniper and assassin positions."

[Request approved, creating a unique race and position for player "Shinubwa".]




[Request completed, player "Shinubwa" is part of the unique race ghosts.]

[Request completed, player "Shinubwa" has gained the unique position spy.]

"Holy shit!" I cursed for the third time today which was really weird as I had grown up in a household with strict rules against cursing, this was really against my nature and just showed how many surprises I had experienced today.

I pulled up my status window and looked at the description for the unique race and position.

[Ghosts: one of the oldest races in the game "The Tower of Trials" but was only a race of NPCs. Ghosts have unusually high mana, agility, perception, and stamina stats. They are able to use both demonic energy and regular elemental magic.

Race Skill - Incorporeal: The player is able to turn completely incorporeal for 30 minutes. (3 hour cooldown.)]

[Spy: A new position that was created when a coward that doesn't like directly fighting was given the choice to combine two classes.

Passive Skill - Ambush: When the player attacks someone who doesn't expect it, their damage increases by 200%

Passive Skill - Stealth: Player is mostly unnoticeable unless someone is directly looking for them and they are able to blend into their environment and shadows seamlessly.

Active Skill - Precision: Player is able to enter a 3 minute time window where all of their shots will hit the target and where all of their stabs will hit vital points. (30 minute cooldown)]

I was about to curse again, but then stopped myself. 'Again, how is my luck this high! First the game that was the only hope in my life becomes real, then the gods that made the game real are giving op powers? Am I the main character of a novel or something?'

I looked over the skills again and analyzed them. First off, my race skill was really good. A race skill was a skill that only a particular race could use, but that everyone had.

Humans had the race skill "Morality", where they weren't forced to become good or evil like some other races.

Beastmen were given the race skill "Feral" which partially changed their bodies to that of their contracted beast.

Elves had the race skill "Sense Enhancement" which elevated their already high senses due to their increased perception stat even higher, for a set amount of time.

Fairies had the face skill "Flight" which let them fly for a set amount of time.

Finally, demons had the race skill "Devour" which could kill one person instantly, as long as their level was lower than the user, and for one in every 100 devours, they would be given the chance to steal a skill from the devoured person although the cooldown time for the race skill was one week, so it really wasn't worth it.

Each position also had passive and active skills that were given to those that chose that position, but they were often tailored to the player. For example, a berserker that had a lot of muscles might get the "Berserk" skill which buffed them for 3 minutes but left them weaker, while another berserker that had big lungs could have been given the skill "War Cry" which made them look bigger and struck fear into their opponents.

The ghost race skill was probably the best one among the other race skills, and it perfectly complimented my spy position which had an upgraded "Precision" skill that was normally found with people from the sniper class, the rare assassin skill "Stealth", and the new skill that I had never seen before, "Ambush".

After I spent 10 minutes organizing my thought and processing, I spent another 30 minutes readying my mindset for the tutorial tower, as I knew what lay in it.

When I opened my eyes after I had finished meditating to clear my mind, I found a message displayed in front of me.

[The player is now ready to enter the tutorial tower, press the "Ok" button to be transported to the first floor of the tutorial tower.]

I took a deep breath

"Ssssoooooooo.... Ahhhhhhhh"

and then clicked the "Ok" button.