Trial 1 "Agility" - 2

The scene around me changed again. This time, I was surrounded by people on all sides, and a giant hallway appeared in front of us.

I looked closely at the people and saw that they were all humans.

'At least that's still the same as in-game.'

Basically, everybody starts off looking like a human, and then they evolve into their race.

Players that chose beastman could only evolve once they made a contract with an animal, integrating half of the animal into themselves.

Players that chose elf would slowly evolve into an elf by spending more and more time in nature.

Players that chose Fairy would slowly evolve into a fairy the more they used magic.

And finally, players that chose demon had to kill 100 other players and make a contract with the devil before being able to turn into a demon.

I had put all of these restrictions in place just so that no one person or race could just overpower all of the other races in the tutorial towers and so that everybody could grow equally and have equal footing in battles, although I now regretted making the requirement to become a demon as more people would die by my hands, but at least that didn't affect me.

Turning to look back at the hall, I could tell that it was definitely the agility test.

'Of course, this has to be the first trial.'

In my game, the tutorial tower randomly selected what each floor's trial was going to be from a list of 10 trials. The tests of the tutorial tower were designed to get the players used to the VR equipment, the precisions, and controllability of my game. Due to this, the trials had a really high death rate, because I really liked the idea of only people that had mastered the controls could get into the main game.

Each of the first 7 floors were ones that were supposed to train one of the player's individual stats, but now, I guess that one had to already proficient in all of the stats, if they wanted to come out of this alive that is. The last floor tested all of your skills, and was another brutal trial.

The agility trial was actually pretty simple, all you had to do was cross to the other side of the hall and open the door at the end, but there were plenty, and I mean plenty, of traps along the way.

Of course, as I had beta tested my game a bunch of times, I was familiar with all the paths that you could take to the other side, the muscle memory ingrained into me a long time ago.

[Trial: Agility

Objective: Get to the end of the hallway

Difficulty: Medium

Rewards: +5 agility

Punishment for Failure: Death]

While everyone else was still confused at what was happening to them, as they couldn't accept it, I immediately dashed forward and proceeded in following the fastest route.

This route that I had chosen to use was basically just a mad dash down the hallway, while avoiding all of the traps.

I sidestepped swinging axes, leapt over arrows, narrowly escaped falling spikes, and leapt over empty pits of death.

After a few minutes, I reached the other side.

[Congratulations on finishing the trial!]

[You have completed the trial in record time!]

[You have gained 10,000 TC*]

[You are ranked 1st on the leaderboard, would you like to reveal your name?]


[World Wide Announcement: Player, "Unknown", is the first player to clear a trial in the Tower of Trials, he is now ranked first on the Tower Leaderboard]

[You have gained 5 agility points.]

[Many gods have taken an interest in you.]

[Not all gods know that you are the creator of this game.]

[Your fame has increased!]

[Many gods have come together and sponsored you 1,000 TC.]

[A number of gods have revealed their nicknames to you.]

[The One Who Carried the Sky has taken an interest in you.]

[The Heavenly Demon has taken an interest in you.]

[The Abyssal King has taken an interest in you.]

[The Blood Bathing Devil has taken an interest in you.]

and finally...

[The Creator smiles down at you.]

[Your fame has increased!]

[You will now receive an award for being the first to clear a trial.]

[You have gained 15 extra stat points.]

[You can see your stats by saying status window, and you can use the status window to add you extra stat points to any stat you want.]

I spent some time reading through all of these messages and then collected my thoughts on them. First, there was something new called the leaderboard which apparently ranked players based on what floor they were on, their level, and how many tower coins they had.

Second, there was the messages from the gods. I didn't know if this attention and increase in fame was a good thing, and decided to think about that later. I then pondered on the nicknames of the gods that had revealed themselves to me.

The only real name that I could figure out was The One Who Carried the Sky, who was probably the titan Atlas while I had no clue about the other 3 gods. And then there was also The Creator, who I assumed was the one that made all of this happen, at least that was what I thought, judging from the name.

"Thank you for making my dream into a reality, and even though I never asked for it, I am extremely grateful."

[Several gods ask you to reveal the meaning of your words.]

[The Creator looks happily down on you.]

I had said these words out loud to first, confirm that it was The Creator that had made my game into a reality, and secondly, to curry favor with him, as he was obviously the most powerful god here.

Finally, I checked my status window.

"Status Window"

In front of me appeared a blue screen that was similar to the ones shown in many mangas, manhwas, and animes.

[Player Shinubwa Lv. 1:

Strength: 10

Stamina: 10

Agility: 15

Mana: 10

Hp: 10

Perception: 10

Intelligence: 10

Extra Stat Points: 15


Job: None

Titles: None

Skills: None]

'So you start off with the basic 10 points for all stats like in my original game, that's good to know.'

I decided to put 5 extra stat points into agility and 10 extra stat points into perception, as they were they were the most useful stats to invest in based off of my class.

After I finished doing all of this, I turned and observed the other players attempting to reach the end of the hall.

Some players died immediately, stepping into traps on their first step. Some players proceeded slowly and cautiously. There were also some players that tried to follow the route that I made, but most of them weren't able to and died because they didn't know what and when the traps would appear.

I decided to not waste another second and opened the door to my second trial.