
"Finally," Olen boasted proudly.

Abreim shouted with fear: "The walls… the walls have fallen!"

Torck gathered all his strength and gave the order: "Come on, with me!"

Hammer Team coordinated the huge pieces of rock into two parts, giving them a dome shape again. Torck took a deep breath, and as he took it, he fell to his knees. Anwir was lying on the floor, cut into two pieces. The sorcerers took advantage of this tiny opportunity and killed one of their best warlocks, and several people from the team were seriously injured. Torck said, "I'm going to get out of here, even if it's the last thing I'm going to do." He stood up and grasped the spear he was holding tightly.

-Now, you will advance the dome on my signal. Hasn't Koresh woken up yet? Damn it, bring him here now.

Koresh was staring at Torck, half unconscious, and all that came out of his mouth was "Com…der…"

-Abreim, wake him up, hurry.

Abreim sobered Koresh with a powerful spell. Koresh, whining with pain, was cursing and trying to give meaning to the surrounding corpses.

-Now listen to me carefully, son. I have one last order for you. Find me that object, be quick. We're all about to die.

Meanwhile, sorcery continued to rain down on the dome, but the stone warlocks were more cautious. They were even transferring all their powers to the wall. Even Olen's magic arrows were bouncing off the wall in a controlled way. They were magically removing it from the stone immediately after the arrow hit. But some of his arrows were so powerful that they opened slits, and the sorcerers who had the opportunity to do so tried to penetrate through these small gaps. Fortunately, the Hammer Team was repairing the wall with all their might, and if anyone managed to get in from the sorcerers, they were finishing them off inside the dome. Torck called out one last time:

-Koresh, where is this item? Abreim, calm him down.

Abreim gave Koresh a big slap, and even Torck was stunned by the slap for a few seconds.

-I meant that you use magic.

Koresh tried to focus, comprehended the order, and approved it. Now it was time to sense the place of sorcery. It was not at all difficult to perceive the heavy, painful sorcery. On the contrary, it was so strong that he immediately understood where it was.

"I found it, Sir" he looked delightedly into Torck's eyes.

-Why didn't you faint this time?

- No matter what kind of magic or sorcery it is, I just need to sense it once. Then, I save it in my memory and configure it. As you can see, I'm immune.

-Which way do we have to go now?

-We'll get out of here, he said, pointing north with his hand.

At that time, Abreim joined the conversation

-Are you out of your mind? How do we get out of here? They'll tear us all apart before we even take a step forward.

-Everybody, get ready. We're gonna turn this half-dome into a giant ball. We're getting out of here. We won't even see the sorcerers' faces.

Hammer Team was starting to connect to their tasks again. Then, just when they thought the enemy had dispersed, they reunited again, agreeing to face death together.

Olen looked at the reassembled sphere and pitifully said, "To be honest, I pity them. Such a magnificent team is cornered this way. It's just helpless." It was difficult to describe the damage left by Olen's destructive arrows from the thrown spells. The soldiers had cracked this giant sphere many times, but they had closed the wall before he could shoot the insiders or infiltrate it. "Listen to me, we have two options right now, either we keep attacking until they get tired and the wall falls down, or we fill the inside of that dome with Savor sorcery." One of the soldiers next to Olen said, "Sir, why don't we use explosives, a few explosive potions, this will be done, or we can heat it up outside and cook them there." Olen shouted angrily, "Do you think I'm an idiot because I don't see two other obvious options? First, the facility has already been damaged too much to break up from the ground where they are currently standing. This building cannot handle any more explosions. The second thing is that the idea of heating will do nothing but waste time. I'm sure several ice warlocks among them easily solve the heat problem. Now is there another genius who wants to tell me their ideas, or let's see if we can do our job?" Olen decided under the gaze of silence and nervous soldiers, "We'll use Savor sorcery. The Savor sorcery was found by one of the genius healers of ancient times. He set out for auspicious sorcery with a painful death by putting soldiers who were injured and had no chance of survival to sleep. Still, he found a powerful manipulated sorcery that showed painful nightmares. Breathing this sorcery, the person's perception of reality deteriorates. He perceives everything around him as if it were a threat. As a result, they turn into people who attack everything they see. Over time, warlocks took measures against this threat. For example, they developed gas masks and discovered immune spells. In any case, they could not take full measures of this sorcery. On Olen's orders, 5 soldiers specializing in Savor sorcery were drafted. Preparing the Savor sorcery is like playing with a green ball in his hand. The sorcerer feeds it with his hand holding the wand while maintaining the green ball with one hand. After a few minutes of preparation, the green ball is ready to be thrown. The Savor sorcery, exploding where it falls, forms a dark green gas cloud. Olen said, "Throw the Savor sorcery with my signal," to the soldiers next to him. While the crossfire continued, the sorcerers tried smashing the wall with their ranged attacks, but they couldn't go beyond a few cracks. Olen stretched his bow well to form a giant arrow. The arrow was like a big spear. Olen said a few sorcery words, then shouted "Starfire!" and shot the arrow. The arrow pierced the dome and crossed a small slit that had formed. After that, those who prepared the Salvor sorcery thought they should take action, but one of Olen's deputies ordered them to wait. The arrow that Olen shot suddenly directed towards the wall. Olen gave a sign with his hand, and the arrow moved like it had gained consciousness. It surpassed the first wall of the giant dome, and it exploded. The hammer team was surprised. Olen signaled that the soldiers should approach the dome thoroughly and enter through those tiny gaps. First, the exploding ball of light blinded the Hammer team, and then they poisoned the whole team with the Savor sorcery.

Torck was stunned by the effect of the exploding light ball but recovered quickly. As soon as he saw that the Savor sorcery was thrown in, he tried to cast a resistance spell on himself, but halfway through, he had already inhaled the gas. So the entire Hammer team is breathing poison gas, and with the anxiety and stress of knowing that they will soon become, some of them kill themselves because they don't want to kill their own friends, and Torck understands that their end is coming; this was going to be the end of Hammer team.