The real Hammer team

Olen said, "Now, close the dome." Dozens of sorcerers closed the dome with a single chord and sealed the warlocks inside. Olen said, "Let them eat each other now." The soldiers were taking precautions no matter what. The Hammer team was under that pile of stones, and the situation should not be underestimated. Olen took a deep breath. He felt like he had swallowed a large rock. His stomach ached, and he slowly started to feel the effects of stress. Inform the professor that he will want to see how a handful of warlocks struggle.

Torck knew that it would take time for the poison to spread through his body and took that opportunity to order Abreim to cast a resistance spell. It wasn't because he didn't trust Abreim. On the contrary, if Abreim could control himself first, he could help others.

Olen thought, "Those who are resistant are trying to control themselves even though we threw 5 Salvor poisons inside. I think this is a worthy end for the Hammer team. The Hammer team would rather die at the hands of a warlock than at the hands of the enemy, and being killed by their friends would have been nothing but an honor."

Torck looked at Abreim and asked if it was done. Abreim applied his first resistance spell on himself. A few bright blue letters began to swirl around Abreim.

Abreim said that'll be fine for now, but Torck didn't answer. I guess the poison was starting to inject into Torck's body. Then, as Abreim was getting ready to put the second rune on Torck, someone from the team shouted to Torck that they needed to get out of here. Torck knew he had to get the situation under control, so he went up to this talking man and stabbed his spear into the man's chest.

Everyone suddenly drew their weapons, and the whole team was under the influence of the poison. Torck gave a final order, "protect the child, Abreim!" One warlock formed a wooden stake and started running towards Torck. Before he could get close, Torck stabbed his spear in his throat, and he collapsed to the ground like a statue with the stab. Now everyone was attacking each other. One of them turned himself into a minotaur by using dark magic, and while he was breathing hot air from his giant nose, he suddenly started running. He thrust his horns at the two people passing by, then flicked his head to one side to get the bodies of his horns.

There was an unprecedented carnage inside the dome, and a little boy was witnessing this carnage with his own eyes. A few minutes after escaping from the capsule he had lived in for years, he found himself in the middle of this carnage. The Hammer team is attacking each other with the deadliest spells. Abreim was casting a rune spell to protect the boy from the poison. Since he was younger, it was effortless to complete the spell. But as soon as the spell was completed, Koresh, a helpless man who couldn't even get up from the ground, sent an elite-level ice spell. His attack almost killed Abreim. At the last moment, Abreim created a light shield and directed the incoming attack to the wall. The ice that exploded on the wall passed through the wall that dozens of sorcerers were trying to hold together, crushing a 5 square meter piece of wall, causing a mighty explosion. They turned their callous aggression to the enemy. Olen ordered to close that wall immediately, but they would now see the Hammer team's real face.

10 warlocks came out of the broken dome, all wearing elemental armor and staring at their enemies with a vengeance. At the front, Torck was looking into Olen's eyes. All the other warlocks were dead. Some were smashed, some were burned, and some were crushed. The remaining ten warlocks were slowly removing the mind-bending effects of the poison.

Immediately after Abreim recovered from the attack, he offered his soul to the ancient spirit for a purification spell. Once upon a time, a healer woman offered her soul to an ancient spirit, and this woman's family (whose name is now taboo) died in a shipwreck. Knowing the stories of the woman who gained terrifying powers in return for this sacrifice, Abreim uttered the incantations. As a result of the gift of his magic energy, he managed to purify a part of the team's mind from poison. Even though it cost him his life, he left the Hammer team as the most honorable.

Torck snarled, raising his spear at Olen, "You killed my friends, with my spear and my men and my hand!" He was drooling and screaming, never taking his eyes off Olen for even a moment. The all-seeing Olen couldn't help but take a step back at the wild shouts. This would be the biggest mistake Olen had ever made in his life. Dozens of soldiers under his command feared these heated glances and thought of running away. Olen's taking a step back would almost make all the sorcerers scream. Torn between escaping and fighting, the sorcerers were looking left and right as a massive explosion occurred on one of the outer walls of the building. A raging sand warlock appeared on the ragged ship's old stout deck, Ari. Torck turned his head slightly towards the boat, and Ari felt the rage burning in Torck's heart as she met him in the eyes. Then she shouted with all his might, "I am your doom."

Olen couldn't understand how things had turned around like that. The warlocks were fewer in number. They stood in such a way that it was as if they had come out of the grave for revenge. There was a minotaur among them. This was one of the things that surprised Olen the most.

-My soldiers, we outnumber them. They are exhausted and are a clear target. Attack!

No sound came from the soldiers; they wanted to escape but could not. Instead, 9 men and a minotaur, covered in blood, were raising their weapons in rage. He shouted furiously at his soldiers, who stood motionless against Olen's command, "GET A HOLD OF YOURSELVES, ARE YOU AFRAID OF A HANDFUL OF MEN!" stretching his bow and aiming directly at Torck. Torck shook his head as if saying to attack, then started running towards Olen. At that moment, Olen unleashed his arrow, and the fire arrow rushing towards Torck shattered the shield Torck had quickly formed. If Torck hadn't used a shield, his thin but solid stone armor wouldn't have stood a chance. Olen stood in awe as he saw this imposing commander stop one of his mightiest arrows. The soldiers next to him and on the right and left of the dome rained sorcery on the man running towards their commander, but they could not pass the immensely durable armor, which required more focused sorcery to pierce such armor. At the same time, Torck's men had already begun to attack the scattered sorcerers. On the other hand, Ari plunged the ship, which she held in the air, into the room, and suddenly jumped from the ship, suffocating the first few sorcerers in the room with her sand. Ari brought a lot of sand with her.

Olen was shooting arrows at Torck, who was running at him like a wild beast, many of them falling apart on the armor that he could not grasp.

Perhaps the most crucial reason for the Hammer team to survive in the wars up to this time was neither their powerful spells nor their sudden attacks. Instead, the Hammer Team excelled at the ability to uniquely transform elements such as stone, water, air, wood, light, and fire into armor using magnificent armor enchantments. It is even said that one of the most substantial armor magic users in the Lower world is Torck. Unfortunately, though, he had once found his own armor to be ridiculously weak after witnessing the unique armor of his former lightning warlock friend.

When Olen realized he couldn't take him down with fast and weak arrows, he prepared for a slow and powerful arrow but got distracted by a spear that pierced his right-hand man's chest. Just before Torck reached Olen, he took a spear in his other hand and threw it at Olen. Unfortunately, his aiming abilities were worse than a child's. The blood of one of Olen's soldiers was now dripping from his face to the ground. His other men had already begun to be smashed by the Hammer team, and the orderly, disciplined unit was falling apart. Torck leaped up to the ridge Olen was standing on and swung his spear. Olen made a move to leap backward, but his foot slipped. The blood of his soldiers had made the ground slippery. Fortunately, the other soldier had given his staff the form of a light spear, throwing it in front of Olen to stop Torck's attack. Torck stopped the spear almost perfectly, only slightly grazing his shoulder. The soldier slumped to the ground. Olen was shocked, "What, how? He successfully stopped the attack." Torck looked at what had happened with a laugh, and now the positions had changed.

-I guess you didn't hear the name of my spear.


-Heh, and they say that you see everything, the bearer of the Divine Eye.

-I see everything warlock, just as I see your end.

Olen reached for his bow, but Torck was faster than him, thrusting his spear into his outstretched hand.

Olen couldn't move as if trapped inside his own body. In two seconds, he was on the verge of losing his mind. It could be the worst torture in the universe: he could not control his own body; he could not count on anything but the mercy of his enemy. He felt as if he had lost all his life. Finally, Olen realized that he wanted to die.

- I will leave you like this. You will not die so quickly. You will lose your glory and name. The eye you carry won't be able to choose another until you die. Everyone, including your family, will see you as a useless failure, like a cockroach."

Olen was looking so pathetic with perhaps the strongest eyes of both worlds that even Torck could not be angry with his enemy any longer, he was no more than a miserable cockroach, and when the time came, everyone would be glad that he died. Turning to his team, who had almost cleared his mind of Savor's poison, he said, "Get ready. We're going to take the curse and get out of here." They had already taken care of all the sorcerers with the arrival of Ari, but only 6 warlocks and Arthur's nephew remained. Torck ordered Ari, "get that goddamn brat on board." Ari grabbed the boy by the arm and threw him onto the ship.

Meanwhile, several of his men had taken the curse with a capsule. Torck had sternly instructed them not to touch the necklace. Otherwise, they would either be badly injured or faint. After Torck ensured everyone was on board, he carried Abreim's body aboard. He had only taken Abreim's body. He thought he was the most honorable of them all. Besides, he couldn't let it stay in the hands of the enemy. No one said a word that day, and Ari lifted the ship into the air again with sand magic and took it out of the building. Then all the warlocks began to soar gently towards the sky, rowing with their last strength.