The man who lost everything

Torck had safely transported his team to the Lower world.

He went to present his mission report to the Heart Crusher.

-The mission has failed, sir.

-What the hell does that mean Torck!? I've given you all the information you need. How come you can't take control of such a simple facility?

-A simple facility!? I've never seen such a complicated place in my entire life!

-Your men have paid for your failure.

Torck thought about killing the Heart Crusher because of what he said. Or at least try to kill him.

-As a punishment for this failure, your ranks are taken away. It was expected that you would suffer a few losses, but you could not even get hold of the curse, which was the mission's primary purpose. Like a scared dog, you stuck your tail between your legs and ran to me. I used to look at you and see a brave and respectful man, and now… I don't even need to talk. You incompetent bastard, get out of my sight!

Torck lost everything in a day: his friends, reputation, respect, and honor.

After leaving the presence of Heart Crusher, he boarded a griss, a flying tiger species. The entire warlock army used these mounts, at least the primary units. As Torck flew away, he thought of the friends he had killed with his own hands. He was about to go crazy. He passed for about 2 days, hungry and thirsty. Finally, a mountain appeared on the horizon, and it took him a few minutes to reach this mountain, where the entrance to a cave was visible at the top of the spire. After getting off the griss, Torck started moving towards the cave inside.

As Torck moved towards the darkness, he created a fireball in his hand because he did not know the light magic. He tried to continue lighting his way with simple fire magic in the giant corridors of the cave, but sometimes he tripped. He hasn't slept, eaten, or drank in three days. There was a growling sound in his ear, but he kept walking.

The fire in Torck's hand was almost out, and now it was lighting up a small area like candlelight. Torck slowly began to feel the pains in his body, and with the pests, his memories returned. Finally, unable to withstand the exhaustion caused by his thirst and hunger, he could not take another step and collapse to the ground.

Torck was disappointed to see that his wounds and thirst were not enough to kill him, and as he slowly tried to open his eyes, the gold plates and bright white light inside the room hit his eye.

-Where am I?

-Welcome to the main headquarters of the Order of the Last Light, old friend.

Torck slowly turned around. There were no clothes on him, he was just wrapped in a blanket, and he saw his body for the first time after the raid. His arms, in short, almost all of his body were covered with burns and bruises. In addition, his chest was hurting badly. Most likely, he had several broken bones.

-I see that you're still wearing my legendary stone armor.

-Yes, some of us need to do everything we can to survive. But how would you know that, right?

Looking around a little more, Torck saw Ari lying on the seat next to him.

-Is she okay?

-She will be fine. She had a big burn on her back; we took care of her, and her life is no longer in danger, but unfortunately, there will be a mark left.

-What will happen to her?

-From what she said, you left her to protect the ship, and she did as you said. They shot at the ship with cannons. Unfortunately, your other men on deck didn't survive the attack.

-I figured that much.

- By the way, we're keeping your ship in a safe place. You can have it back any time you want. Although I would advise you to wait for a little, it is currently in maintenance.

-I don't care about the ship Bor. Where did you take the curse? Is it safe?

-We'll talk about this later. Try not to die for now and rest. After I leave, the residents will equip the room. You can ask them for anything. You can ask for anything that will provide the room. If you need me, tell them. I'll try to get here as soon as possible.

-Wait! If you leave me alone for another second, I'll kill myself. Please wait.

Torck started crying, saying, "As soon as I close my eyes, I see how I killed my friends and brothers with my own hands." Bor was shocked. The man he had known for years, Torck, who had nerves of steel, was crying like a child in front of him. As Bor was about to leave, the servants were waiting in front of the door. He made a hand sign and told them to go. Then, he came up to Torck and sat down beside him. Torck begged Bor, "Please kill me now. You have nothing left to do with me. Please just kill me."

-What nonsense are you talking about!? Have you forgotten your family? Your little daughter, your son Corey, who's waiting for you at home? Have you forgotten your wife, who cared for them while you were gone and waited patiently for you?

-I can't do it. Please… please, just kill me.

Bor slowly put his hand on Torck's back and hugged him, pulling him hard. Unfortunately, Torck broke a few bones here too.

-Don't ever say that to me again, don't. You're my brother. I'll give my life for you, remember that.

Torck cried for a while longer. Bor never left his side. After a time, he was exhausted and fainted again. Meanwhile, Ari has woken up.

Ari asked where the survivors of the raid were. Bor talked about what happened in a slow and calm tone of voice. Ari had been unconscious for three days, unable to withstand the pain of his wounds any longer as he passed through the atmosphere of the upper world and fainted.

As for the others, they were not worthy to come here, "Only the best, the most ambitious come here, the ones like you." said Bor.

"Well, what is this place anyway?" asked Ari. "This is the main headquarters of the Order of the Last Light," said Bor. "You're our newest member." "What do you mean I'm your newest member? Who the hell are you?" said Ari, and she saw Torck lying unconscious on the floor and suddenly, "Is he okay?" she asked. "He'll be fine," said Bor. "As for your other question... I'm Bor, the advisor of the Ten Great Warlocks, also known as the STORM MASTER. Nice to meet you, young lady". Ari wanted to get in the ground out of shame because of how she had disrespected one of the most valuable men in the army and government, whose name she had heard dozens of times. She tried to make up for her mistake by apologizing again and again. Still, it was in vain because Bor didn't even care about the disrespect she had done. "I will say this once. Listen to me carefully," Bor told Ari. Ari stood up, saying, "Yes, sir," and almost collapsed because of her injuries. Bor said, "This sect has no military or political purpose. Our only goal is to correct our disordered world using our forces. For this reason, don't ever call me sir within the boundaries of the property of this sect. Everyone is equal here. You can sit down now". Ari was trying to make sense of what was going on, but no matter what she did, she couldn't understand it. She laid down on the bed, saying that it would be best to let it flow for now.

Bor recalled the past, looking at the hellish days ahead of them. But, he said, "If you were with me, we would have done it in a year."