The Chosen One

Every year a festival is held for the martyrs of the revolution (kind of a memorial program for those martyrs). So, I took my place at the table with my mother at one of these festivals, away from the surrogates and warlocks in remote corners, so as not to leave my mother alone. While we were eating our dinner in silence, a spokesman appeared on the stage and started talking about the revolutionaries.

The revolutionaries were a group of men who opposed the laws of magic in their time. They fought for their own purposes for precisely 3 years. Still, eventually, they had to stop the resistance due to hunger and the homesickness of the families, but these resistances also had sanctions. For example, the leader of the revolutionaries, who had been opposing the state and the Warlock government for many years, was executed.

My father was the man the revolutionaries called "The Compass." He was their leader.

He was a leading man with an outstanding personality, with stories that everyone respected, which those who ate at the same table told for many years.

He was killed in one night…

Painless, emotionless, maybe even forgotten about us…

We had to accept this. But unfortunately, it was not easy for us to accept the dozens of people who died.

But we were forced to. Everyone is enjoying the festival, and I, on the other hand, think about how pointless these provocative dances are. I was surrounded by drunk men, laughing at jokes that weren't even funny... The atmosphere was very stifling. I went out into the courtyard to escape this overwhelming environment. It did me a lot of good to get away from the deafening sound of the festival. I opened my arms and absorbed that sweet breeze. This charming atmosphere was drawing me in. To feel this wonderful atmosphere better, I closed my eyes and started listening to the sound of the forest. As soon as I said "peace, at last," a huge lightning bolt from the sky fell in the middle of the woods. Seconds later, a light sprouted from the ground where the lightning had dropped. I thought it was weird, and I started thinking about it immediately." Lightning does not fall in this weather. According to my estimates based on the positions of the stars, today the weather can only be partly cloudy ""I wonder if we are being attacked?" "Should I warn the people at the festival? "

But only one of the Ten Great Warlocks can control such a powerful lightning bolt.

If we are faced with such a situation, as I predicted, it means we are already dead. Let the people enjoy their last moments. Another possibility is that the falling lightning was triggered by a powerful object.

In this case, the possibilities are also divided into three:

-The fact that this is an ancient rune

-The fact that this is the storm armor of an ancient rain tribe

-This is a curse

In any case, it was a precious thing, and it should have been mine. Although my desire told me that I wanted this thing, I didn't really know what I was facing. It was still able to attract me to itself. While thinking about all this, my body had already left the courtyard and started dragging me deep into the forest. As I approached the glowing spot deep in the woods, my body began to contract, and I had goosebumps and even became unable to take a step. But this was not fear. Definitely wasn't me. Because all this that happened to me could not be explained so easily. What I felt was terrifying. Yes, yes, it was absolutely terrifying…

What I was looking at was a tree. A tree surrounded by lightning, shining brightly and flowing with might. When I started to think that it was an ancient tree, it excited me even more. I was burning with the desire to touch it, and then I took one step, and another one, and one more, until the tree started grasping me with its lightning bolts like a hand. It's painful, like a potato boiled in the cooker... excruciating. The damn tree is tearing my skin apart. Finally, the burning smell of my own body came to my nose, and the appetizing state of this smell was the last straw.

I'm saying enough is enough. I'm going to smash this damn tree. I'm trying to focus on a simple elemental spell I just learned. I should point out that while your skin is being skinned with a lightning knife (this is not a simple thing, but my anger is also unbridled), I caught a glimpse of the soil at the bottom of the tree. With my last strength, I cast a transformation spell and threw a solid rock at the tree. This spell, which is basically earth magic, stunned the tree and an opportunity arose for me to get out of it. Just when I'm running away from the razor-sharp lighting of the tree, I realize that I'm 5 meters above the ground... I hit the ground with the hard hum of the wind, and a bloody taste comes to my mouth. The air I'm inhaling is burning my lungs. It's a good thing I just softened this soil for rock magic. Otherwise, I'd already be in a state of immobility. I stand up and light my horns with a fire spell. I run at full speed with my horns, which are on fire, and I hit the tree and…

"Where am I, where was this place…."

I don't feel anger anymore. I don't feel the pain...the pain. I saw a guy and thought," I'm probably dead but... what the fuck is that?" The guy was transparent.

-What are you?

-I'm a regular person like you. I'm just a little dead. Yes, I am sure I am dead now.

-Am I dead?

-No, no, you got it wrong. I am a spirit. Usually, I should leave this world and complete my journey, but for some reason, I can't help it. So, I have been tied to this tree.

"What's the reason?" I asked.

-There's no point in prolonging it. I am Ozmar, the first lightning warlock. The Lightning Ruler is the reason I'm attached to this tree. I'm connected to this tree because I have the right person to pass on this invaluable information.

-I-i-it can't be me.

-It doesn't matter anymore. I chose you.

-But I must go, my family will worry about me.

-There's no such thing as time here. Your family is where you left them. No one is in danger or in fear. You'll pick up where you left off when you're done here. Have no doubt about it, you will not miss anything.

-I don't understand, why me?

-I'm bored. I've been waiting for centuries. The only quality I need is for you to be quiet. We will take care of everything else in the next century, don't worry …


I must be under a spell. While I am thinking that this series of hallucinations does not make sense and has become more and more complicated...

-How good are you with magic?

-I'm taking classes on the science and history of the magic at my school. At my father's insistence, I have been studying the arts of light magic defense since I was 10 years old, but I don't like to fight.

-You can't fight with a simple spell like that anyway.

-Don't underestimate me, you piece of glass. I've seen things you can't imag...

Ozmar closed my arrogant mouth in seconds using a stun spell.

I was in a forest when I woke up. The piece of glass (Ozmar) was sitting next to a tree, eating apples.

-I knew it. You're a mean soul who's been haunting me. Did you knock me out? You want me to get you out of the lamp you're trapped in, right? Leave me alone. I know this is not real.

Ozmar waited for my sentences to end, and without breaking his stack from where he was sitting, he threw the apple to my head.

-Don't you understand? Are you really that stupid? You told me you were taking a history of magic class, and you don't know about one of the twenty destruction spells, the Fall of the Heavens? I'm his creator.

-What twenty, you idiot?

As soon as I called him an" idiot," he gently waved his hand towards the tree I was standing under. A second later, the tree broke away from its roots, crackling as if caught in the middle of a hose and disappearing at the horizon line. That's when I realized this whole thing wasn't just a dream. Nevertheless, I finished my speech trembling. -There are ten destruction spells, sir. The Fall of the Heavens you are talking about is a myth. That's how we were taught. No one can control lightning at that level. At least not anymore.

I felt like my body was boiling from the inside out.

It was Ozmar's doing.

-It's a fact that lightning magic is the most difficult to control among magic. Most warlocks lose limbs, sometimes their lives, trying to control the lightning.

But me and my ancestors, the Great people who gave me this information, understood that magic cannot show its full potential by being controlled. So, they began investigating whether it was possible to make a deal with magic and found a solution. They found a solution for the magic to which you are devoted by giving the life of the person you love most in life. After this sacrificial solution, you will be whole with magic and eliminate the hassle of controlling it. You will enjoy the full use of your vast power without any manipulation on your part, unlimited freedom, and hundreds of years of youth.

-Who's the person you love the most, kid? I know it is a difficult decision for you, but our world is still at war.

-How do you know that?

-Thanks to the spirit warlock among the Ten Great Warlocks. That spirit warlock convinced me to find a new proxy and prevented me from going to the spirit world. He is waiting for you impatiently in the world whose time has stopped right now. If you accept my education, respect me, and maintain your sanity, you will live like a king when you return to your world. I'll give him the sign myself. Dozens of warlock troops will be at your disposal. I'm giving you time to think. Think about it as much as you want, for days, if you want, for years. And let me know when you've made up your mind.