Hunger for power

Ozmar turned around, and as soon as he took his first step...

- "I'll do it. The most beloved person in my life is my mom... if I must sacrifice her, I will. I'll do whatever it takes. Please teach me." said Bor.

-Your reckless hunger for this power is terrifying. I told you that you must give up the life of the most precious person in your life, and you didn't even think about it. I don't know if giving the power to someone who wants it so much is correct. Unless you have a good reason.

-My father was a leader who rebelled against a disgusting order, he was a revolutionary, but he could not withstand the food embargo against his people and ended the revolution. Seeing that this excellent resistance ended of their own accord, the democrats launched mass executions instead of going to compromise. My father had the strength to resist it but consented to execute a group of men for his people. Unfortunately, he was part of this group himself. Since then, I have been ready to sacrifice my life, every breath I take, for a purpose. If I get this opportunity and get strong enough to live above the system, I can sacrifice my mother, my little sister, and even my limbs, everything that gives meaning to life. If I can live my father's dream and hold the democrats who laugh at the pain that my people have suffered for many years responsible, nothing else will matter.

-You want to oppose the system, live on top of it, but you talk like a slave. You scream like a person living at the very bottom of the system. This has no value. You say that your goal is to make your people and your father's dream come true, but even if I give you this power, you lack the common sense of a leader. You can only save yourself with what you're saying. You can live above the system. Maybe you can make three or five families live a good life. Perhaps you can resist the democrats or even kill them. But just because you can do it doesn't mean you've made a change. Those you threaten will continue scheming behind your back, and those you kill will be replaced by new ones. You just become a stone that falls into running water. You can't change the flow of that water. But, of course, where and how it falls and makes a surge is a separate mystery.

-I'll set it up in front of that water. I'll be the strongest, and I'll work harder. I'll send what I want. I'll put what I want in the place of the one who left. I will take the lives of those who continue scheming behind my back, and I will establish a new order. I will ensure that my people live in peace and create a fair but harsh order.

-Fair? An order in which people are only subjects to you, those who oppose you die... Some tried it. Many considered themselves the savior of the people. But after a while, the water they were setting began to turn cloudy. It tasted sour and held seaweed. Then the robust set they pulled out could not carry the water. History has seen a lot of dictators, boy. None of them said," I am a dictator, "and they all said," I am the hero of these people. They have no choice but me". They were all born as a reaction to the system, but they all became part of it. No matter how hard you try, as time goes on, your little effects on the water will decrease, and the system will make you a part of it. Think about it, kid. I'm giving you one last chance. Think carefully.

-I accept it. What do I have to do to sacrifice?

-I understand. I won't insist. Ultimately, it benefits me. You don't need to do anything. Gaiya from the Ten Great Warlocks will take care of everything.

-Gaiya is the spirit warlock, right?

-Yes. Don't worry, I assure you won't suffer at all.

-Can I see my mother one last time?

-I advise you not to, and I can't let you do that. This will have a traumatic effect on you. It's inevitable, so it's too late now.

-I understand. After she dies, will you give me forty days to grieve in this dimension?

-I'm sorry, but with her death, the ritual will be completed, your agreement with the magic will be sealed in your chest, and for a month, we will perform some rituals to bind your soul with the magic.

-Wait, what?

-Go and take a walk. I entirely created this dimension, so try to enjoy it.

-Are you saying that I give you everything, and you can't give me a few days to grieve? Is this a fucking joke? I'm talking to one of the greatest warlocks the world has ever had, and he says he can't give me time to grieve.

The charm of the green grass, even the sound of the cool running water, could not calm Bor. On the contrary, everything was getting worse and worse.

This world beyond time, consisting of pure magic, has become unable to convey the feelings of the two people in it.

Ozmar, who had been imprisoned in this world by the spirit warlock for years, was not angry about the deterioration of the spirit on humans by not being able to go to the realm of spirits. Instead, he was mad at the despicable betrayal of his lover, Gaiya, who was his closest friend for many years. He thought of the sadness, the anger of betrayal. Over time, sadness turned into rage. Whether the things he felt were anger or sadness, Ozmar didn't have the patience to wait for another person. So far, Bor has objected precisely 10 times to the fact that he sacrificed his mother. Ozmar was aware that there was no ordinary person who would accept this easily.

For this reason, every time Bor reached a dead end, he brainwashed him and erased his memory. Everyone knows that the willpower of a person whose memory has been erased weakens for several years. The more you do this, the greater the effect. Despite this, even though Ozmar erased Bor's memory precisely 10 times, he encountered a seemingly insignificant roughness every time, and then that roughness grew and caused Bor to give up.

But not this time. He told Bor that he could mourn now if he wanted to. "Since there is no concept of time here, you can mourn as much as you like, but you can't object from the moment the ritual begins."