
After 300 years in the other dimension…

-Bor, the last thing I will teach you is to listen to the sound of magic.

-Are you finally going to teach me the ancient language of magic, master?

-The warlocks and sorcerers, no one can fully understand and explain the meaning of this language. I will show you how to listen to the voices of magic. The rest has to do with your connection to it. Some interpret the dreams that magic shows him. Some really incarnate magic and have a real conversation. Others, on the contrary, feel it as an instinct. It's all about the person's connection with magic. Do you understand?

-I understand, master. So, what kind of method are you going to use?

-I have no idea what kind of method we're going to use.

-Then how are you going to teach me?

-To tell you the truth, there's nothing I can teach you about this. The only advice I can give is don't be surprised by the sound of magic. It will always show you the right path. I know you'll find it one day. With this wild power in you, don't be surprised by the guidance of 300 years of training and experience… I've never been very good at farewells, Bor…

- Wh-what? What farewell? What are you talking about?

-This isn't actually the last lesson or teaching. This is the final advice from a man who has loved you like a son over the years.

-What are you talking about? What are you doing? Wait, I have a lot more to learn from you. Please…

-To tell you the truth, now you're a wiser man than I am. So goodbye... see you in the spirit world. I'm going to rest now.

Bor burst into tears. Ozmar was trembling like candlelight that was about to slowly go out.

-Finally... let's send you back where you belong.

Bor did not want to leave his master, with whom he spent years replacing his father. But knowing there was no other way out of it, he said his last words to Ozmar.

-Farewell, master,… farewell father. I'll see you in the spirit world.

After Bor's last words, Ozmar cast his finale spell, sending him to the real world, and disappeared. That day, Bor had once again lost his father. The other dimension he had spent centuries in had not caused a change in his body, but it had caused a significant imbalance in his soul. He was hardly afraid anymore. He barely felt most of his emotions. Most of these were the result of Ozmar's spells for Bor. Ozmar had said that the effects of these spells could only be felt in the other dimension and that all impact on his emotions would disappear when he returned to the real world.

A few seconds before Bor returned to the real world, he thought about all that had been said. All he wanted was to change the system, and to do it callously was the last thing he wanted. He had not forgotten how callous politicians had dragged his world to destruction. While navigating between these thoughts, his transition to the other dimension was completed. It was a process of a few seconds. As soon as he arrived in the real world, the first thing he did was activate the lightning defense. Ozmar had warned him against Gaiya. He mentioned that she might want to take advantage of the weakness of moving to the real world. Bor swore he would not forget even the slightest advice that Ozmar, whom he considered like his father, had said. It wasn't as if Bor hadn't been in the real world for 300 years at that moment. It was as if he had a long dream.

After a few seconds, Gaiya broke the silence, "So it's complete. Excellent. I'm sure it's been tough for you, sweetheart," Bor maintained his silence. There was a strange pain in his body. After a few seconds, he remembered that this pain was the pain of the rite. He said to himself, "That's right. Nothing has changed in this world. Even the pain in my body is still there." With this awareness, with the technique of complete body control, perhaps one of the best aspects of being a master of lightning magic, he first genetically transformed his body into that of his twenties. Then he removed the residual ritual spells on his body by muttering a few ancient spells. Seeing this, Gaiya seemed to be unable to stand still from happiness. With her mouth open, she said to Bor, "That stupid geezer has trained you better than I expected." Suddenly the sky darkened. Lightning bolts were coming from Bor's eyes, hands, chest, and ears.

Bor said, "Not much time has passed for you. You remember that you witnessed a similar power of my master Ozmar. If you don't want to incur my immense wrath, never insult my master again. Don't even mention his name, or I'll release you and the thousands of souls trapped inside you with the sharpness of my lightning blade." (Gaiya has to die for the souls to be freed). After these words, he realized that a familiar spell, similar to Bor's flow of pure magic, was flowing inside Gaiya. Seconds later, Bor told Gaiya in a voice mixed with thunder that made the whole city groan, "You dirty bitch, you told him you were going to release him. By what right do you continue to torture the suffering soul of my master for centuries? Who do you think you are?"

Gaiya smiled.

-So this is how keen your feelings have become, whereas Ozmar's soul is almost extinguished. I didn't think you could feel him.

-Today is the day of your death, Gaiya, the keeper of souls.

-Ah, so it'll be like that. I will have to add your helpless soul to my collection and take another stupid kid on my ropes, just like I made Ozmar do.