Fall of the heavens

GIANT waves began to gush out of Bor's hands. These waves, flowing towards Gaiya, suddenly turned into sharp spears. Hundreds of ancient water magic spears were aimed at Gaiya. A few of the trees between the harpoons and Gaiya split in half without even a crack in the slightest due to the sharpness of the spears. Gaiya broke the spears coming towards her into drops with a single hand movement, which was impossible for a simple warlock to stop. The scattered drops began to fall on Gaiya like torrential rain.

-I know every soul in me, everything those souls know, every technique, the painful workouts they suffer, everything. I am the only person who understands and can apply all the magic techniques. No one, not even the Ten Great Warlocks, nor the Holy Twenty Sorcerers, has a chance in front of me. I'm offering you one last chance, my mortal servant. Kneel before me, and I will forgive Ozmar's soul with all my heart.

Bor smiled. The drops left from the water spear were running down his face. The air had become very hoarse and humid. "Don't worry, I'll set him and all the accompanying spirits free," said Bor.

-Arrogant brat. I have led dozens like you into chaos with my own hands. My wishes were orders for them, while some, like you again, tried to oppose me. As a price, I condemned them and the souls of their families to eternal torment in the most bottomless pits. It will be the same for you.

Busy throwing battle cries, Gaiya couldn't help but notice that Bor had been quietly gathering his energy in his eyes for some time. There was also the effect of Bor's eyes shining with lightning. But the real reason was that the feeling of immortality that came from being alive for centuries, and most importantly, the arrogance that came from knowing almost all the magic techniques in the world, had blinded her eyes. Bor concentrated a large part of his energy in his eyes and said the following words.

-It's over now.

-No, my child, everything is just beginning. You grew up far from the realities of the whole world. Yes, you had a good teacher, but...

Before Gaiya could finish her words, Bor sent a giant deer spirit to Gaiya. These spirits, shining between white and blue colors, are the most powerful weapons of the warlocks. Every warlock has its own Soul Warrior. Soul Warriors are the symbolic Soul Guard of a person. For Bor, it is a deer. The giant deer, running towards Gaiya with its imposing antlers, suddenly collapsed.

Bor's eyes opened like a fortune stone. He said it's impossible, it's impossible. It's impossible to stop.

-My naive child, you should have accepted my offer. Don't attack a spirit warlock with a Soul Guard because they have the strongest Soul Guard in the world. After a short wait, Gaiya shouted as if calling out to the entire forest.

- Come out, Serferus.

A three-headed snake of green and red colors suddenly appeared in front of Gaiya. She extended her index finger towards Bor and whispered softly, "Grab it, Serferus." Serferus opened its mouth in the middle and moved quickly towards Bor. Meanwhile, Bor activated the lightning defense technique. "This has gone too far" he raised his hands. Then the sky was divided in an unprecedented way. Serferus grabbed Bor with his huge mouth. He was trying to get his fangs into Bor, but Bor's lightning defense was not an obstacle that would be quickly eroded. But Serferus the giant Soul Guard's only ability was not that he was big and fast. He could pull out the soul of the person he bit. So being bitten by Serferus meant death in short. Bor gradually felt that his energy was being drained. By interrupting the giant spell he was about to cast, he formed a lightning spear. Then, with his spear, he cut off one of Serferus' three heads in one move. Freed from Serferus' fangs, Bor searched for Gaiya with his eyes. But she was nowhere in sight. Gaiya was sneaking around, hiding in the tree behind Bor. After seeing Bor's move on Serferus, she came out of the tree and attacked Bor with Ember Breath, one of the oldest fire spells. This attack created a giant burn mark on Bor's chest.

-You probably didn't think I didn't know the weak point of the lightning armor. It's over now, kid. You're mine now.

Preparing to make a final move, Gaiya said a few words in the ancient language to attract Bor's soul in one breath. At the same time, the people heard the sound of this terrible struggle, and together with a few guards, they began to move towards the forest to ensure everything was fine. Some of the guards had already been there once and had left them on Gaiya's strict orders. Despite this, they could not stop the people trying to go there and the accompanying guards. When they were about to come to the forest, Bor was about to become a disembodied spirit. Gaiya's Ember Breath attack had severely injured Bor, but as Gaiya prepared for her final attack, Bor also prepared to complete the spell that he had left unfinished. But Gaiya had already begun to attract Bor's soul. Before Bor could finish his magic again, he was caught in Gaiya's attack. Bor's soul was slowly coming out of his body, flowing into the air with an icy feeling. Gaiya told Bor, "You should have accepted my offer. You're mine now." Bor barely moved his mouth, whispering, "Aztor." Gaiya said, "What are you saying, sweetheart?" When Bor was about to lose the last piece of his soul, Aztor (Bor's soul defense) stabbed his sharp antlers into Gaiya's chest. Bor was collecting every part of his soul back into his body, and Gaiya was being dragged around with Aztor's sharp antlers that were stuck in her body. Aztor was smashing Gaiya into trees, rocks, and the ground.

Gaiya was losing more blood with each blow. Then, Bor decided to finish the spell he had been trying to do all along to solve the problem from the root. He raised his hands up and split the sky in two again. Unprecedented lightning flashed between the two parts, and the thunder suppressed Gaiya's squawking voice. Gaiya recovered as Aztor's attacks became infrequent. Finally, as Aztor maneuvered to hit Gaiya against a tree again, Gaiya cut off Aztor's head by creating purple, pointy gloves on her hands (these gloves consist of a special spell called Soul's Iron). Decapitated, Aztor returned to the land of spirits (Soul Guards do not die until their owner dies. No matter how severely injured they are, they heal in a maximum of a week). Gaiya stopped the blood gushing out of her body with the healing spell and began regenerating her body as fast as possible. After about a minute, Gaiya, fully recovered, approached Bor and said, "Second round?". Bor said, "No b*tch, this is the final, "and spreading his hands, which he had raised in the air, "FALL OF THE HEAVENS!" he cried out. When Gaiya raised her eyes, she realized Bor was right about the finale. No one could escape that.