"do it-"
Gabriel knocks on the door but there was silence.
"..coming." a soft voice called out.
Micheal and Gabriel looked at each other then back at the door.
When it was opened they saw a man who looked like a bodybuilder wearing nothing but jeans and a vest.
"can ..I help you?" the man looked at the two of them confused.
"oh uh.. yeah are you.. Hanz by any chance." Gabriel finally blurted out.
"Nope never heard of him." the man points to himself "I'm james."
"can we come in and ask further questions?" Micheal insisted.
"oh sure" james went inside leaving the door open so they can come in.
The house was pretty average the only expensive looking thing in his home was a weird looking vase.
"where did you find this?" Gabriel pointed at the vase.
"it was given to me by my father." james sat down on his couch getting himself comfortable.
"so I assume you guys are reporters." he looked at Micheal "you got questions for me?"
Micheal sat down and so did Gabriel.
"well.. first there was a conspiracy going around of a psychopath killing specifically targeted people.....the most resent being jin hana- do you know anything about that." Micheal picked up his pencil to start writing.
"no I mean I heard about the case from the news but I dont know any more than that."
James responded.
"ok so.. does the name Jeffery Brown mean anything to you."
James eyes widened to the name.
"so you do know the name?" Gabriel pounces on
that little detail.
"no I never said that." James started to get nervous.
"you didnt have to." Gabriel looked at Micheal telling him to start writing
"so.. you either explain to us what that name means to you or we spread information on that one detail alone which probably won't look good." Hearing this James started sweating his fingers tapping on his thigh over and over again.
"ok....fine." James got up and picked up the vase
"This vase... was given to me by my father as I told you." he then puts it back down "but the way he obtained it was hiring an assassin over the black market to kill my great grandmother to get her money faster from the inheritance...the name Jeffery Brown."
"He was caught and put on death row because the assassin went overboard and killed 27 other people in that nursing home including the other patients the only reason we got to keep the vase was because it also belonged to my great grandmother."
"do you know any other information on him age, where abouts?" Micheal questioned.
"no I only heard the name." James sat back down.
"ok that's all we got." Gabriel got up and Micheal followed.
"have a good one" Gabriel shouted as they go through the door.
"well we got more info for your story." Micheal looked through the notes "but mine just came to another dead end..."
"if I'm not mistaken I think hanz is connected to all this." Gabriel theorized
"where did you get that from?"
"just my intuition." he grinned
[12:30]] [crime scene]]
the body was stabbed repeatedly to the skull and elbows no sign of any other injuries which probably means this person was caught by surprise.
Looking around nothing seemed to be stolen but none of the knives seemed to be used anyway... did the killer brought his own?
and even if that was the case there's no trail of blood anywhere not even a drop.
This person must be a really skilled and careful individual.
"sir we found something!" jean called out from outside I walked outside to see what's going on and she pointed to a small camera in the door.
soon we'll find the killer and this whole case will closed.