a second chance


It's the day after the murder and so far other than the camera we got no other possible leads.

no finger prints no blood splatter of the killer on the ground.

How can someone keep their guard so low-

It's like they wernt expecting a total stranger to attack them.

"hey boss" I heard jean calling me from outside my office.

"you can come in." I responded

Jean came into the room and looks at me

"Damian's here."


"The new tech guy."

Oh right the cameras were supposed to be checked today almost forgot all about it.

"I'll be right there." hearing this jean left me

alone to my thoughts.

If this is really the tech guy we can solve this whole ordeal right then and there right?

I got up from my seat and went straight to the tech room.

"wassup boss." a young man looking to be around 19-20 with black hair and blue accents on the tip of each strand in a wheelchair.

"hello your Damian?" I wasn't sure this was even the guy I was looking for he seemed way to young to work here doesnt this type if stuff takes years?

"I know what your thinking-" Damian said almost as if he was reading my mind.

"but trust me I'm a prodigy."

A bit on the cocky side but I dkmt have any other choice

"can you hack the password on this-" I gave him the files to the camera.

"sure thing buddy" Damian takes it from me and rolls to the computer's.

When he did he inserted the files and got straight to work I didnt take long for him to finish the process and the files were free to research.

"Amazed right so do I get a raise now or something." I could tell he was joking but I still ignored him and scrolled through the files.

I watched every video one by one and what I saw shocked me.

""hello? who is this- *the sound of the door opening* where are your parents? h-hey wait you cant just walk in here! >>fast forward>>""

A kid... killed her? that explains alot but... I was speechless I kept looking through 17 years worth of files to see if she had any other business with anyone in particular no way this could be random a kid doesnt know how to control his/her emotions but doesnt just kill people blindly...

Or that's what I want to believe.

"sir!" I heard someone calling me from the door I turned to them, it was a police officer holding holding up a newspaper.

"you might want to see this" he brought it to me so I can have a closer look.

the headlines "police officers making their own secret execution kid murdered in jail cell."

the picture below it was a picture of toby's dead body behind bars

"wait officer.. what time is it." if this situation really is as bad as I think it is-

"8:30pm sir" the officer responded almost immediately.

I quickly go to my office and locked the door turning on a tv in my office

I sat down and stared intensly at the screen as the tv turns on and the first thing I saw.

the attorney general head of the department of justice speaking about the incident on the microphone.

"I assure you that my officers wouldn't do something this law breaking." Though it's great that the attorney general is standing up for us the press is already jumping on this statement.

"so are you saying that your police officers cant do any wrong and infact we are in the wrong for believing photo evidence?"

[N/A we would blame it on photoshop but that doesnt exist yet]

"yes- wait I mean no." the press already got the general confused, though I cant blame him you normally cant win an arguement with these people even if they are in the wrong.

"we demand justice for this act that poor boy didnt deserve to die." someone from the crowd shouted.

"will this be the norm for criminals about to be arrested by our local police?"

the attorney general was escorted out of the area away from the people when they began to ask more questions which is the best option but really more of a double edged sword-.

for the next few days we had riots and protesters chanting "criminals deserve a second chance" and the lives of most of the police force are now in danger the only ones who actually believes we were framed were people who had a police member in the family.

a total around 25 police officers were attacked on the street when doing their patrols this week and a total of 17 died from their injuries.

The general was forced to stay away from the public only angering them more and we were put out of action for a while.