are we back on?

"ever since the separation from being conjoined may has been getting worse and worse. I dont...I dont know what to do- the medications aren't working and i- I dont know if I can afford another surgery."

my sisters words of grief echoed in my mind on repeat I'll do anything I can to help her but..what if I cant ...what if nothing ever works I cant imagine how amy would feel if-

"Sir….sir SIR!" I was snapped out of my daze in the back of Jean's office car. Jean was staring back at me looking a bit concerned.

"Are you ok sir?" ..

I just nod and look outside the window 

"Aren't you gonna go out sir?" 

I looked at her confused 

"You're at your destination. "

'Oh right' I thought to myself as I reluctantly got out of the car.

When I got outside of the car I smelt a faint scent of blood, I followed the smell to find an alleyway.

'I know I'm off duty but….' I thought to myself as I walked closer and closer to the alley way. When I got around the corner I saw the dead body of a female being dragged by a dog. I chased him away and took a closer look at the body.

Upon inspection I realized that there were stab wounds on the skull and a few deep wounds on the elbows as if the person tried to stab there but couldn't.

Crouching next to the body still concerned how the person was strong enough to do this.

I quickly ran outside the alleyway  to get Jean but she was already gone.


[After school[4:30pm]

Brandon was shoved into a wall by one of the bullies at  school.

"Can you stop, I need to get to class." Brandon tries to get up from the ground but is immediately pushed back down.

"Oi!" Someone called out from behind them.

Everyone turned around to see a girl with cyan eyes and green hair with a brown fade in the middle of her head.

"Get lost!" 

The bullies walked up to her.

"Or what?" 

"I'll have you know I'm president of the school news club. It would be a shame if your business were leaked around the school." 

The bullies grumbled and walked away from them.

"You ok?" The girl walks up to Brandon making sure he's ok.

He nodded and got up.

"I'm Melissa, nice to meet you." She stretched out her arm hoping for a handshake which Brandon hesitantly took.


The bell for the next class started and Brandon picked up his bag from the floor

"Why were you letting those kids bully you?" 

Melissa asked  when he got back up.

"They weren't bullying  me.." Brandon muttered.

"It's just normal  for boys to play like that."

Melissa was confused by this.

"Imma go-" Brandon started walking but then stopped.

"Also…I don't suggest getting close to me."