The ringing telephones

"So..." Mel said following Brandon to class.

"wanna hang out sometime? maybe today I'll tell you now anyway it's 12th Johnny Westwood street ok?" 

Brandon didn't respond  and kept walking faster.

"ok .." 


ring ring.. ...


ring ring

"hello?" a deep voice picked up the phone rocking back and forth in his rocking chair watching the news on the police force.

"Is that so?" 

.. .

"New kid?"

"Micheal Joseph... ok." he hung up the phone.


I crouched near the body trying to find evidence, maybe a witness but no luck ..not unless that dog from earlier can talk.

I sighed 


we're gonna have to try a different approach. 

I peered closer at the body trying to figure something out but I just wasn't clicking.

"ah ha!" I  remembered something...well someone.

I pulled out my phone and started to dial in a number.

maybe he can help me.


riin- click

"Hello boss Damian here."

"hey ..Damian I know your off duty now an-"

"I'm never off duty sir."

"Ok ...right  I need your help. Can you reach where I am?" 

"Sure thing sir!"

Damian hung up the phone .

I stuffed mine in my pocket  and just sat there.

Now....we wait.


[12th johnny Westwood street]]

Brandon knocked on Melissa's door.

Feeling uncomfortable ' I'm not doing this for her .... I'm doing this to clear my conscience for ignoring her' he thought to himself waiting for the door to open.

When the door creaked open he saw Melissa's  father in front of him.

"Need something?" 

Brandon was already thinking about leaving.

 "I'm here to see Mel..." 

The father left the door open and just walked in.

The place seemed like an average home, nothing out of place, nothing too expensive.

"Brandon?" He heard a voice calling him.

He turned to see Mel just coming in from the backyard covered in dirt and mud

Brandon awkwardly waves before he was pulled first by Melissa.

"Wait, hold on a second, your hands are dirty!" he pulled away.

"Oops sorry- I forgot." 

"what were you even doing?"  

"Oh I was gardening and my mother told me to take care of it today."  She put her arms behind her back and kept fidgeting.

"so  .... sorry about earlier.." 


[police station[Damian's office]

"Got anything?" 

Damian was typing away at a keyboard. I have no idea what he was doing but with the look on his face I don't think he's making any progress.

"It's no use there's  no sign of anyone else touching this body.. except for all the dog drool."

Great... Another dead end.

Ring ring ... ring ..ring 

"hello??" I quickly answered  the phone

but there was no one  on the other side...

Nothing but silence.

"Damian please tell me yo-"  I was caught off guard when Damian tossed keys.

"you drive??" I asked in shock.

"Why is that so surprising?"


