Melissa Mavery

[Tuesday ..march 13.2022]

Brandon  enjoying his time with his new friend Mel.

They were laughing and before you knew it all the awkwardness left him. It's like they've been friends for years.

"You're really funny when you don't keep to yourself." Mel laughed 

Making Brandon rub the back of his head red as a tomato.

"heh- Thanks." 

Though he felt like he was being watched by someone and the awkward feeling came back.

"Though  it's getting late my mom would hate it If i don't come home now-" Brandon tried to get out of the situation. 

"aww really? ok bye Brandon." 

He got up and left.

and the minute he left the door he started running as fast as he  could.


This case has been going on for a while now, one of the longest cases I've ever been on but if I'm right and I mean if I'm really right....

"we're here." Damian said, pointing at a building right next to us.

It took us two minutes to get here but somehow I feel like we were already too late.

Parking the car nearby I took a deep breath and exited the car helping  Damian   get out with me.

The house wasn't anything worth mentioning, just a standard  two story house for someone with a medium wage.

I walked up to the door and knocked on it a few times ...waiting for a response..


I tried again.

"hello.. this is the police I'm gonna need you to open up." 

Still no response.

I walked to the side of the house to get a good look at the living room. Through the window there was a body on the floor.

The glass was foggy. I couldn't see much but I imagine the place was freezing inside so as to not let the body smell.

Though putting it in a fridge would be less trouble though...I guess I can't complain.

Makes my job somewhat easier.

I kept looking through the window and I saw the front door open and Damian rolling his wheelchair through the living room.

Turning to me he gave me a wave "hey boss."

"You can pick locks?.."  

"I do more than decoding computer passwords."

I walked into the house and started to examine the body.

The woman looked to be around the age of 60-70  she seems to live alone not having any pictures of family members in her home and bedroom.

She had a knife with blood on it loosely placed in her hand and her leg was torn off so it was safe to assume  she bled out.

"Meralin grandison age 69 

occupation: none (retired)

lives alone, no family in the country." 

Damian called out her information from his laptop.

"how did you get that so fast?" 

it's mandatory for us to have info on them but it normally takes us days to file through all of the information.

"I have my ways." Damian reassured before looking at her documents again. 

" By the looks of her hospital papers she's disabled paralyzed and numb from the waist down. Hey, she's like me!" 

"if this was suicide it would make sense why she cut her leg off ..the most painless way to go for her." I rationalized  the situation.

"But we got here in under 2 minutes before we were called." 

Damian continued scrolling through her files.

"She couldn't have torn her leg off  in 2 minutes, especially  with just a knife at her age."

That could be true...

I look around downstairs.

It had one bedroom and the rest was just the living room,bathroom and the kitchen.  


I walked upstairs to look  at the other rooms... 


"There are only guest rooms here." 

The rooms had nothing inside except for one which had a telephone.

The only telephone in the entire house.


I tried to make a call and I was sent to voicemail.

"it's not suicide..." 

"Boss, have you found anything?" I heard Damian shout from downstairs. 

"We were tricked!" I ran downstairs to get outside.

Damian tried to follow me as fast as he could.

"what's going on??" 

I tried to start the car as quickly as possible.

"The phone sent me a voicemail saying she didn't pay her phone bill and it's in the middle of the month...

which means. 

we got the wrong house."


[the next day 9:00]

Brandon sat at the back of the class but something was off the seat that was next to him , the one where Mel sat  was empty

[next week 9:00]

'Weird Mel hasn't come all week. He was starting to get worried. No one knew where she was, not even her parents but when she sat in class today the teacher walked up in front of everyone with a sad look on her face.

"Everyone.  I'm sorry to announce  that Melissa Mavery ....has been found dead under the local park bridge."
