The moon raised its head once again and the animals of the night woke up to start their routine.
The rain lightly hits the roof of Gabriel's place and Micheal was wide awake awaiting a response to his earlier message.
His phone notification went off.
Quickly he rushed to grab his phone and saw that the information he sent to Ariel was sent back to him.
He was overjoyed but had to contain his excitement. He doesn't want to be found out this early.
"Sir we have a situation!" Damian called out to me as we were in the office.
"What is it?" He gestured to me to come closer and when I did I almost hit the desk out of frustration.
The phone connection went off.
"You at least managed to get the information right? His address?" I asked him.
"Yea but i doubt he'd be in the same place considering that-"
"Let's go now!" shouted.
Damien sensing the urgency in my voice quickly got his things packed up and started his car but we needed to hurry to reach where we needed to go on time.
Jeffery looked up to the police officer beyond his cell. It was Jean who looked sorry for him.
"Time to go jeffery-" Her voice held back tears, tears for a boy who had no clue what he was doing, tears for the innocent.
Jeffery walked up to the cell and stretched out his arms to be cuffed and was escorted out.
They were silent no one dared to speak a word in a matter such as this.
"Gabriel…" Micheal called out to his friend who was playing video games in his room.
"Your Hanz…aren't you-"
Confusion and regret flooded Gabriel's face yet it wasn't at all easy to read.
"Of course not-"
"Quit lying, I saw your log in dates!" Micheal shouted holding up his new phone with all the information.
"You hardly clock in! Not to mention that your hunches are always correct!"
Gabriel goes to say something but Micheal intervenes.
"Oh and remember that dude we questioned the one who was too willing to let us in??"
"Guess what happened to him when he mentioned Jeffery's name! Yup dead!"
Micheal finally lowers his tone after all that shouting his heart was racing. He was definitely mad..mad at his friend who is going to spend a lifetime in prison mad at a friend who possibly ruined other people's lives.
"So..I'm going to ask you one more time-"
"Are you Hanz?"
There was a briefness of silence as the two stood in this room.
No one uttered a word until Micheal lifted his phone.
To dial 911 ..that's where Gabriel snapped.
Tackling Micheal to the ground trying to strangle him with all of his strength but to no avail Micheal managed to kick him off getting some distance between the two of them-
"Is this the place?" I asked as we drove past the countless buildings on this street.
"Yes sir." Damien stopped the car and we both got out of it.
I took a deep breath before stepping inside the building.
The faint smell of blood filled the air along with the quiet sound of sobbing, Chills went down my spine as I walked through the building.
The floor creaked with every step I made and as I got closer and closer to the crying I saw a man crying over someone's dead body in the living room by the stairs.
The body seemed to have a phone that's calling 911.
"Right on it sir!"
The man was put into cuffs and escorted outside. I couched near the body to have a closer look at who it was and I remembered his was the kid from that one night the one that called in the murder.
"Well..Michael if that's your name." I got up and dust myself off.
My chest tightened and my eyes began to water as the feeling of guilt washed over me again.
"I didn't want to …i didn't-"
"Tell that to the judge,murderer." Damian said, pushing him into the cop car.
"Always wanted to say that!"
I walked out of the building leaving the body behind and got into the car.
"What about the victim?" Damian asked curiously.
"The other's will take care of it."
Jeffery was put on the chair and strapped down.
Everyone watching cheered in joy as he was put to justice.
Jean put the hat on his head and whispered to him.
"Any last words?"
The boy held back his tears, his voice broken with every word.
"Thanks for trying.."
The members of the audience started to get mad that his execution was being delayed.
"Hurry up! Kill him!"
Jean, having to abide by his sentence, stepped aside and put her hand on the lever…
And with one strong pull.
Electricity was sent into Jeffery's body, shocking him with dangerous amounts of electricity.
Jean lifted up the lever to reveal that Jeffery Brown…..
Was dead.