C515 Ending the War

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(🚨A/N: Yo 👋 Clocks went back an hour for daylight savings, so chapters will be out an hour earlier from now on.)

The battlefield was a chaotic maelstrom of power, and Peter launched right into it without an ounce of fear or hesitance. He moved with unparalleled grace, a fusion of spider-like agility and skills honed through years of practice. Heroes clashed, but in the midst of the turmoil, they were unaware of one crucial detail…

Peter was coming to put an end to this, and they wouldn't stand a chance.

The first to notice his arrival, Aquaman, who raced towards him at lightning speed, trident aimed to deliver a devastating blow. Peter's senses, sharpened by his spider-powers, allowed him to track every millisecond of the sea kings movement. In a seamless dance of combat, Peter countered with a web-line, entangling Aquaman's weapon and halting his momentum.

"You're far too slow, Fish man." Peter taunted as he sent an electric pulse through the webbing, electrocuting and temporarily disorienting the fish king. Before he could react, Peter unleashed a barrage of webs that immobilized him completely before pulling him closer and delivered a punch to the back of his head.

"Oh, that looked like it hurt…" Peter muttered as he watched Aquaman impact the ground, falling unconscious immediately. "Have a nice nap, okay?"

Next, Peter turned his attention to Wonder Woman, who was currently fighting off five separate opponents. Black Canary, Robin, Batgirl, etc. Appearing behind the five weaker League members and associates, Peter made quick work of them before eying his real opponent.

"What are you doing?" She asks, confused by the way Peter was looking at her. After all, they were on the same side. At least, she thought they were.

Peter shrugged, his lips quirking into a bloodthirsty smirk. "I decided to put an end to the fighting, but I thought it would be more fun if I beat everyone, don't you agree?"

Raising an eyebrow, Diana stepped forward with her lasso in hand. "This really isn't the time for this, but I doubt you'll change your mind…"

"Nah, I won't, sorry." Peter spoke uncaringly.

"I see…" Wonder Woman dashed forward, her movements fluid, and her sword gleaming in the chaos. She lashed out, aiming to ensnare Peter with her truth-compelling weapon.

Peter reacted with an acrobatic flip, narrowly avoiding the lasso's reach. He used a burst of webbing to disarm her, sending the sword spiraling through the air before he swiftly webbed her arms together, creating the perfect opening.

"I'm in a bit of a rush, so I'll end this quickly," Peter excused himself as he appeared beside her, knocking her out with a spiraling kick, a smirk on his lips. "Maybe we can have a longer spar later?" He offered as she collapsed to the ground, falling unconscious.

Just as Peter was about to go looking for his next victim, a green glowing figure shot towards him, a hateful look in his eyes. "Oh, hello there, Mr. Lantern." Peter greeted as he took a step to the side, narrowly dodging the green torpedo.

Green Lantern, undeterred by his near miss, summoned a colossal, glowing construct of a giant fist, aiming to crush Peter. The construct descended with immense force, but Peter's senses alerted him to the imminent threat. With a flick of his wrist, he cast a binding spell that immobilized the construct.

"Nice try," Peter said, casually avoiding the incoming construct and charging forward. He punched through the emerald energy, his fist making contact with his opponents jaw, sending the Green Lantern sprawling backward, falling to the ground below.

Without wasting anymore time, Peter opened a small fist sized portal and stock his hand through, plucking the ring from the Lanterns finger.

"?!" Green Lanterns eyes widen in shock as his powers disappear, realizing that his ring is gone.

"Night night." Peter says as he walks over and kicks Green Lantern in the head, sending him straight to bed.

Meanwhile, Superman and Batman stood side by side, their eyes locked on the unfolding battle before them. Their allies, members of the Justice League were being beaten like children, laying bound or incapacitated, all thanks to Peter, the man who had suddenly and unexpectedly entered their lives, turning their world upside down.

Superman, his body still weak from the effects of Kryptonite, watched in amazement as Peter moved with astonishing grace and power. The casual way he dispatched their allies sent shockwaves of realization through the Man of Steel. For the first time in a long time, he felt vulnerable and outmatched.

"I never realized he had this much power," Superman muttered, his voice tinged with amazement and relief. "If he were an enemy, we'd all be in trouble."

Batman, his armored suit in tatters, his body battered and broken, shared the sentiment but couldn't help but feel a twinge of fear. "He is a threat, Clark. Look at what he's doing. He's taken down the League like they're nothing."

Superman's eyes returned to the ongoing battle, where Peter had now turned his attention to Beast Boy, who had transformed into a massive dinosaur, attempting to overpower Peter with his shapeshifting abilities.

Superman turned his gaze toward Batman, his eyes filled with a mix of doubt and understanding. "Bruce, he hasn't killed any of them. He's incapacitating them, ending the fight, not their lives. There's a difference."

Batman's expression grew more severe. "He's a wildcard. We don't know his true intentions or what he's capable of. We can't afford to underestimate him. After all, he's already managed to corrupt your ideals and split the League into what it is now."

"He hasn't corrupted anything, nor has he split the League." Superman insisted, his tone firm. "All he did was help open my eyes to the truth. We weren't doing things the right way. It may have felt right because we never bloodied our hands, but it wasn't. People continued to die and lives were constantly being ruined for senseless reasons."

Batman's scowl deepened, he wanted to refute Superman's logic, but it was growing harder and harder to find the right words to get his point across. Not to mention the fact that a small part of him agreed with Superman, though he would never admit it.

As the battle raged on, Peter subduing Beast Boy with a combination of portals and pure strength, Batman and Superman couldn't help but be awestruck by the man's abilities. They had fought countless battles and faced formidable foes, but Peter was something else entirely.

The realization that Peter was far more than they had initially assumed had dawned upon them. He wasn't just a man with spider-like powers… he had many other bewildering abilities up his sleeve as well, and his combat skills were unparalleled. He was a force to be reckoned with, and he had the potential to reshape the dynamics of their world.

Peter moved through the battlefield, he noticed that most of the League has been dealt with already. But as he went to clean up the few remaining stragglers, a green skinned man phased through the floor and appeared in his path.

Martian Manhunter, one of the most formidable members of the Justice League. "I don't know what your plans are, but it stops now." He stated as he glared at Peter.

Instantly, a hint of caution crept into Peter's mind. J'onn J'onzz, a powerful shapeshifting telepath, possessed an arsenal of abilities that made him a genuine threat.

'If I had to rank the League by power, Martian Manhunter would stand at the top of that list…' Peter surmised as he returned the Martians stare, shrugging his shoulders. "I don't have any plans. Right now, I'm just having a bit of fun."

J'onn didn't seem to believe a word out of Peter's mouth. Their gazes locked, a silent acknowledgment that this battle wouldn't be avoidable.

Peter didn't give J'onn a moment to initiate and launched himself forward, winding back his fist. As J'onn attempted to turn himself intangible to dodge the strike, Peter's hand was instantly coated with swirling Eldritch energy. With a swift and fluid motion, Peter struck at J'onn's phasing form, utterly surprising and confusing his opponent.

The Martian's phase was met with resistance, his body unable to pass through Peter's charged hand. It was a split-second miscalculation, and Peter's fist landed squarely on J'onn's chest, a shockwave of energy bursting from the point of impact. The Martian Manhunter was sent hurtling backward, crashing into a nearby building, creating a shower of rubble and dust.

Peter didn't let up, leaping after his foe. "Nice try, J'onn, but your intangibility won't work on me." he taunted, webbing launching from his wrists to restrain J'onn's form. Peter then unleashed an electrified pulse that coursed through the webbing, shocking J'onn's system.

In a last ditch effort, J'onn did his best to resist the electricity running through his body as he stared at Peter and tried to attack him using telepathy, hoping to put his enemy to sleep.

"?!" Peter's eyes widen in surprise as he feels a sudden poke at his mental shields, but thankfully it wasn't nearly strong enough to break through. "That's rude, you know?" He says as he delivered a swift kick to the Martians head.

As J'onn slumped to the ground, barely conscious, Peter leaned in, a smirk on his lips. "Guess this is the end of the line for you, J'onn. But don't worry, you'll wake up eventually."

Blood trickled from a gash on J'onn's forehead as Peter left him bound and unconscious. With a quick flick of his wrist, he stealthily collected a bit of the Martians blood, stashing it away for later use. 'This whole trip has been either helping the League see reason and logic, or collecting new superpowers for myself. Maybe I should take some more trips like this in the future?'

Now, with J'onn out of the way, Peter turned his attention to the remaining stragglers. He quickly put down the remaining League members, leaving only him, Tony, Batman, and Superman.

Batman and Superman, though battered and bruised, watched in awe as Peter subdued the last of their comrades.

Peter's gaze swept the battlefield, which was now serene and calm without a single conflict, his eyes shifting to Batman and Superman.

"I think it's time we all come to an understanding…"

A/N: 1714 words :)