C516 Imprisoned

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Once the civil war was put to an end, Peter, Tony, Batman, and Superman took a moment to assess the battlefield. Many heroes lay injured, and some were unconscious, but not a single one was killed. Of course, Peter wouldn't let them suffer for long.

"Give me a minute…" Peter told them as he waved his hands, drawing a large spell circle in the air.

"?!" Eyes widening in alarm, Batman reaches for his belt, ready to stop Peter from whatever magic he was about to cast, but thankfully, Tony was there rest a hand on his shoulder.

"Relax," Tony says as he gestures to the runes on the spell. "I've studied a bit of magic, and although it's nowhere near as in-depth as Peter, I know that's a healing spell he's cooking up."

And before Batman's skeptical and paranoid eyes, Peter's spell was finished before shooting off to every injured League member.

One by one, the spell tended to their wounds, stabilizing their conditions on a matter of seconds. But not only that, Peter managed to speed up the healing process significantly. Injuries that woods have taken weeks or months to heal would be gone by the end of the day.

"Thanks again, Peter." Superman felt even more grateful than he already was as he watched Peter heal his fallen comrades.

Peter paused briefly from his work to meet Superman's gaze. "It's no problem. After all, I can't just leave them suffering, can I?"

"…" Batman scowled in annoyance. Although he felt thankful as well, he would never admit it.

As Peter continued healing, the rest of the group joined him in assisting the injured League members. The four of them worked together to mend their wounds and ensure everyone was stable.

Once the injured were taken care of, Peter turned his attention to those that started this whole altercation.

"?" Batman raised suddenly got a bad feeling as Peter surveyed the area before his gaze landed directly in him. "What are you…?!"

Without a word, Peter quickly webbed and Batman as well as his immobilized followers, ready to lock them up in the League's prison.

Batman, who was too exhausted to fight back at the moment, couldn't help but protest. "What do you think you're doing?!"

Superman, conflicted, stepped in. "Yeah… what's this all about?"

"They started all of this, so they need to be locked up. Otherwise who knows when they'll come back and start another fight, spouting nonsense about right and wrong." Peter answered.

Batman glared in anger, his body tightly wrapped in web. "You can't do this! We aren't criminals!"

Superman frowned in contemplation. "… I don't know, Peter. Maybe we should just let them go?"

Peter shook his head before explaining. "I'm not saying this is permanent, but it's necessary for now. We need to figure out what to do next, how to address this situation."

"Address the situation?" Superman asked in confusion.

"Yes," Peter nodded. "Like, what is the League now? Are you two splitting up? Can there be a compromise? If not, then who gets to keep being the Justice League and who has to go? And most of all, will there be more conflicts like this afterwards?"

Batman tried to argue his way out, "And we can talk about that without locking half the League up like common criminals!"

Peter sighed, looking at Batman with a hint of sadness. "Look, Bruce, I know you have good intentions, but you're a hardheaded man. I've seen it, and so has Clark. Giving you freedom now will only create more problems in the future."

Superman, still uncertain, considered Batman's plea but eventually nodded in agreement with Peter. "We'll lock them up for now, but it won't be for long, and we need to come up with a plan moving forward."

"Clark!" Batman exclaimed, betrayal written all over his face.

"I'm sorry, Bruce. But it's only temporary, I promise." Superman looked away as Peter webbed Batman's mouth shut before opening a portal below him, depositing him safely into a prison cell.

After Batman and his followers were placed in their own prison cells, which were then enchanted to thwart any escapes, Peter found Superman sitting in an empty meeting room, contemplating the events that have occurred with a serious look in his face. "Where's Tony?"

Superman looks up, noticing Peter's arrival. "He said he was getting some food… Are they all locked up?"

Peter nods as he takes a seat. "Yeah, how's the rest of the League?"

"Still unconscious. But they'll be fine thanks to that spell of yours." He says as he leans forward, resting his elbows on the table.

"…" Instantly, the room fell into silence as neither side said another word.

Soon enough, Superman couldn't contain the turmoil within him any longer. He stared at the table, his voice laced with frustration as he finally broke the silence. "Is this the end, Peter? Is the League supposed to just split up now, with Batman and his side going their way and us going ours?"

Peter remained silent, allowing Superman to vent his feelings and thoughts. It was clear that the Man of Steel was carrying a heavy burden, and he needed to express it.

Superman continued, his voice tinged with a sense of defeat. "I never thought it would come to this, to a point where we're divided like this. I wanted to make a difference, to change the League for the better, to stop heinous, irredeemable criminals. But now... I'm responsible for this splintering, and I can't help but feel like maybe we should have taken things slower…"

Superman's words were a torrent of frustration and self-doubt. He had been torn between his ideals and the grim reality of the situation they were in. They just had a civil war in the front lawn of the Justice League headquarters, and now half the League was imprisoned. What was he supposed to do now?

Peter finally spoke, his voice calm and reassuring. "Clark, you had good intentions, and in my opinion, you did the right thing. You want to make the world a better place, and I still believe that's possible. Maybe this division is a necessary step in the process of change. It's not the end, but a new beginning. Who knows, maybe you guys can learn from this, find common ground, and build a better League."

Superman looked up, meeting Peter's gaze. There was a glimmer of hope in his eyes as he considered Peter's words. "But how? There wont be any common ground with Batman. You said it yourself, he's a hardheaded man. He wont listen. And if he wont listen, then neither will the rest of them."

Suddenly, as Superman finished speaking, a red blur zipped by them before taking a seat at the table. "I'll listen."

"Flash?" Superman muttered in confusion. "How?"

Peter smiled. "He ran away after I beat his a*s." Peter explained why he wasn't in a cell like the rest of Batman's followers. "Did you change your mind, Speedy?"

Flash scoffed at Peter's taunting. "First of all, you didn't kick my a*s-"

Peter cut in. "Yes, I did."

"- and second, yeah, I did change my mind." Flash said, shocking Superman as he turned to look Peter in the eyes. "You were right. I'm a hypocrite. I was relieved and happy when you guys killed Joker and the rest of them, but I couldn't admit it. We've been playing this game of catch and release for so long that I just couldn't see anything else working."

"What changed your mind?" Superman asked.

"I…" Flash sighed as he leaned back in his chair. "After I ran off-"

Peter cut in again. "This is after I kicked your a*s, right?"

Flash did his best to ignore Peter. "After I ran off, I just kept running out of frustration…"

-Flashback- (A/N: Lol… Flash…back. . . God, I'm so cringe…)

After getting his a*s kicked earlier, Flash, ran off, scared of Peter as well as the logic and reason that came along with his beating. As he ran away, he found himself just sprinting around the planet into he was forced to stop and take a breath, exhausted. Looking around, he find himself in the heart of Gotham City, outside a small pre-school.

As he stood out of sight, Flash noticed a group of parents gathered outside, engaged in animated conversations while waiting for their children to emerge from the school. Barry couldn't help but overhear their discussions, a simple eavesdropping that would change his perspective forever.

The parents were engrossed in a topic that left Barry utterly stunned. They were openly discussing the recent demise of the Joker at the hands of Superman. The conversation flowed with an unexpected candor.

"I can't believe it," one mother said, her voice filled with relief. "Ever since Superman dealt with the Joker, I feel like we can finally breathe easy in this city. I was actually considering moving away, but now I'm not so sure. Moving is expensive, you know?"

Her words struck Barry like a bolt of lightning. It was a startling revelation. These people, ordinary citizens of Gotham, were expressing gratitude for the Joker's death, a sentiment that he'd never expected to hear.

A father chimed in, his tone equally candid. "Yeah, I mean, it's about time someone did it. I don't know why Batman didn't do this years ago. We've been living in fear for too long."

Barry listened as the parents shared their stories of living in constant dread, afraid of ever catching the Jokers attention. It was a situation he had never truly comprehended before, the daily anxiety that the ordinary citizens of Gotham faced.

The realization washed over him like a tidal wave. It was undeniable that the Joker had brought unfathomable pain and fear to this city, and even though Barry had initially been hesitant to endorse killing, the conversations of these parents highlighted the very real impact that a decisive action had on their lives.

The transformation in Barry's perspective was profound. He now understood that there were situations where drastic measures might be necessary to protect innocent lives.

With this newfound perspective, Barry Allen, The Flash, made a decision. He needed to acknowledge that sometimes, the world wasn't just black and white, and that his unwavering stance against killing might not always be the right path either.

-Flashback End-

"So, you finally pulled your head out of your a*s?" Peter joked as Flash finished his story.

Flash rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I guess so."

Superman seemed happy, though it didn't last long. "This still doesn't solve our problem. Flash may have changed his mind, but that doesn't mean the rest will. And, especially, not Batman."

"No, but it's a start." Peter smirked as he leaned back into his chair. "And I think I have just the idea to help hurry along the rest of the League as well…"

A/N: 1827 words :)