C669 Home Again

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 7 chapters ahead!



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🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): BenBagMan!🏆 (A/N: 👑)

After imbuing the soul of Kang the Conqueror into the unsuspecting body of a rat, Peter wasn't about to leave anything to chance. He knew all too well the intellect and ambition that thrived within just about every Kang, especially this one. So, Peter set to work, weaving an intricate web of spells around the rat.

These enchantments were designed not to harm but to safeguard—restricting Kang's ability to manipulate his new form in any way that might lead to a power-armored rodent uprising, or some other unknown catastrophe.

As the first light of dawn began to paint the New York skyline, Peter and his peculiar new companion made their way back to the apartment where the Morales family, unaware of the night's events, still slept.

In the quiet of the early morning, Peter took to the kitchen, moving with the silent grace of someone who knows their way around both a battlefield and a stovetop. As bacon sizzled and eggs cooked, the room filled with the comforting aroma of breakfast as Peter conversed with the rat, whom he forced to help him cook, ratatouille style, because he thought it was hilarious.

Of course, he made sure that Kang's new body was clean and disease free before hand with a few spells. After all, he's still a rat from New York City.

As they cooked, Peter questioned Kang on the intricacies of the Council of Kangs. Despite the surreal situation, his focus was sharp. The information Kang possessed could prove invaluable in Peter's upcoming crusade against Centurion and the council.

Kang, begrudgingly and with a rodent-like squeak, complied as his hate for his fellow Kang's far outweighed everything else.

Each question Peter posed was met with a high-pitched, albeit reluctant, flood of insights and secrets. The rat's body might have been constrained by Peter's spells, but his mind remained as sharp and cunning as ever.

As the rest of the household began to stir, drawn to the kitchen by the enticing smell of breakfast, Peter couldn't help but chuckle in anticipation, awaiting their reactions to his new Rat companion.

"Mornin', Peter! Breakfast smells amazing," Rio greeted him, her voice warm with gratitude, though that quickly disappeared as she noticed the rat sat on Peter's shoulder, her eyes going wide.

"What are you looking at?!" Kang responded aggressively in his high pitched voice, clearly annoyed with this entire situation.

"What the hell is that?!" Rio exclaimed, her voice trembling as she backed away, her eyes wide with disbelief and fear. It wasn't just the shock of hearing a rat speak but also her deep-seated fear of rodents, which she had painstakingly ensured never found a place in her home. "Get it out! Get it out!"

The commotion quickly awoke Mateo and Miles, who rushed into the kitchen, prepared for an emergency. What they found, however, was a scene that left them both bewildered. Rio was cowering behind a wall, while Peter stood across the room, an amused smile playing on his lips despite the tension, and an unmistakably angry rat on his shoulder.

"Guys, meet our new… uh, guest," Peter finally broke the silence, struggling to keep a straight face.

"F*ck you…" The rat, meanwhile, glowered at everyone, clearly hating every moment of this.

"Peter, why is there a talking rat in the kitchen?" Miles asked, his tone a mix of confusion and curiosity.

Peter cleared his throat, readying himself for the explanation. "Well, this isn't just any rat. This is Kang the Conqueror…" Peter quickly explained, watching their reactions carefully.

"And you thought this was funny?" Rio managed to find her voice, still incredulous.

"Yes." Peter chuckled, nodding. "I mean, come on, it's kind of hilarious." He said as he gesture towards all of the food, "I even had him make all of this with me, like ratatouille…"

"Ugh… I think I'm going to be sick…" Rio very nearly puked, just the thought of food touched by a dirty rat turning her stomach.

Kang, seizing the moment, let out a high-pitched tirade. "You think this is funny?! This is demeaning! You can't just play with people's lives!"

"Did a Kang just lecture me about playing with people's lives?" Peter raised a questioning eyebrow, his words sealing Kang's mouth almost instantly.

The room fell into an awkward silence, the gravity of Peter's actions hanging in the air. Seconds later, Rio made a declaration. "I don't care what or who it is, I want that dirty rat out of my house!"


In the week that followed, with Rio's adamant refusal to house a rat, especially one with a malicious Kang's soul attached to it, Peter had no choice but to check into a nearby hotel, which he was planning to do anyway.

After all, sleeping on a couch isn't the most comfortable situation.

Miles, however, remained at Mateo and Rio's apartment, his sense of duty anchoring him there until he was certain Rio was doing okay. She may have money now, which would make life much easier, but he was still worried.

While Miles was busy with this universes version of his mother, Peter found himself splitting his time between helping Mateo train his electromagnetic abilities and extracting invaluable knowledge from Kang.

Kang, for all his cunning and ambition, found himself in a predicament that would have seemed laughable had it not been so humiliating. Reduced to a rodent, his every attempt at escape or retaliation was thwarted by Peter's meticulously crafted spells.

Each effort to flee or craft any form of weaponry ended in either a painful zap that left him writhing on the floor or the disintegration of his makeshift tools before they could be put to use.

The once-mighty Kang the Conqueror could not fathom a more disgraceful situation. The very idea of being seen as a pet, subject to the whims of Spider-Man, would make him the laughingstock of all Kang's.

Yet, despite his pride and the burning desire for revenge that fueled his every waking moment, Kang found himself at an impasse. After all, he may hate Peter, but he hates the Council of Kang's far more.

'If I stick with Peter and help him, then maybe, just maybe I'll get to see them all burn…' He thought, a malicious look in his beady little rat eyes.


The dawn of their last day in this universe broke with a bittersweet glow, marking the end of Peter and Miles time here.

Peter and Kang the rat found Miles on the rooftop, gazing out over the city that mirrored yet diverged so starkly from his own. The air was filled with a heavy silence, the kind that spoke volumes.

"You okay?" Peter finally broke the stillness, his voice tinged with empathy.

Miles sighed, a mix of resignation and resolve in his gaze. "Yeah. It's just… hard, you know? Leaving her," he admitted, his thoughts lingering on the universe's version of his mother.

Peter placed a comforting hand on Miles's shoulder. "She's got Mateo. He'll look after her. Besides, you have your own mother back home…"

Nodding, Miles allowed himself a small smile, reassured by the truth in Peter's words.

Before they could dwell further, Mateo, Aaron, and Rio joined them, their arrival signaling that it was time. But Peter had one more task before their departure.

"Mateo, I've got something to ask you," Peter began, his tone serious. "How would you like to join the Watchmen?"

Mateo's seemed confused. "What's that?"

"It's a group I put together. Think of us as… guardians and explorers of the multiverse. I want to offer you a place with us," Peter explained, his offer hanging in the air like a promise of purpose.

The idea seemed to resonate with Mateo, a spark of excitement lighting up his eyes. "I'm in," he said without hesitation, the decision made in the span of a heartbeat.

"But," he added, glancing over at his mother and uncle. "Can it wait for a while? I kind of just want to spend some time with my family for a while. I've been fighting for so long that I haven't had the chance to stop…"

"Of course, take as much time as you need…" Peter agreed easily, a smile on his face. Stood beside him, Miles let out a relieved sigh, his worries melting away.

Their preparations were swift, the farewell brief yet heartfelt. As Peter and Miles stepped through a Star-shaped portal, Peter, Kang the rat on his shoulder, couldn't help but glance back, offering a final nod to Mateo and his family.

The portal closed behind them, leaving Mateo and his family standing in silence, a sad feeling in the air. They had just gotten used having Miles and Peter around, so seeing them leave was certainly an emotional experience, especially for Rio, who had grown attached to Miles over the past week, seeing him as her second son.


After ensuring Miles was safely back in his own universe, Peter Parker and his new rat companion returned to the familiar landscape of his New York. As he walked out of his portal and into his house, the silence greeted him oddly, a stark contrast to the lively atmosphere he'd become accustomed to when he returned home.

Glancing at his phone, a message from MJ caught his attention. 'Out with the kids for dinner,' it read, 'Be back late. Love you.' A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth, warmed by the message. He was about to type a reply when his phone abruptly rang, cutting through the quiet of the house. The caller ID flashed Tony Stark's name, instantly piquing Peter's curiosity.

"Yo, Tony, what's up?" Peter answered, his tone light, yet curious.

"Good, you answered. If you're interested in seeing that Compound V of yours in action, then get here as fast as you can. We're about to start administering as planned," Tony's voice came through, laced with excitement and a hint of challenge.

Interest piqued and eager to witness the effects of the Compound V firsthand, especially on his fellow Avengers, Peter wasted no time. A portal opened with a gesture, and he stepped through from his apartment directly into the heart of the Avengers Tower.

A/N: 1743 words :)