C670 Avengers Upgrade!

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 7 chapters ahead!



The atmosphere in the Avengers tower was charged with anticipation. Various Avengers gathered, some with visible excitement, others with a hint of skepticism in their eyes. Donned in his spider suit, Peter couldn't help but feel a rush of adrenaline, curious about the potential enhancements they were about to experience.

As he didn't want Kang's presence to distract away from today's proceedings, Peter dropped the little rat off in his office, sealing him inside for the time being. 'I should set up a cage or something for him…' He thought, as he didn't want to carry around a rodent everywhere he went.

Tony led the way to the main lab, where Bruce Banner and Peter stood ready with the Compound V doses. Each vial, filled with blue liquid, glinted under the lab lights, promising untold possibilities.

Peter may have not been involved with the testing of Compound V, as he's been rather busy lately but that doesn't mean he can't help with the whole process. After all, he's the one who gave them the serum and he's already used it on two people.

Technically, he's the most experienced person in the room when it comes to Compound V. At least when it comes to human subjects.

"Alright, everyone," Tony began, his voice carrying through the room, "this is it. Compound V. We've ran all sorts of tests and trials, so you don't have anything to worry about besides a bit of pain during the transition. But other than that, everything has been accounted for. Are there any questions?"

"Are there any side effects we should be aware of?" Steve Rogers broke the silence, his voice steady yet carrying an undercurrent of concern. His question echoed the collective apprehension of the room.

Tony, with a reassuring smile, responded, "We've run every test imaginable. None have shown any side effects. It appears to be clean."

"And the powers? Any idea what we're looking at?" Natasha chimed in, her gaze fixed on the vials as if trying to decipher their contents.

"Ah, that's the million-dollar question," Tony said, his hands gesturing to the vials. "It seems to be completely random. Could be anything from enhanced strength to… well, who knows? We've run some animal trials and now we have a zoo of superpowered mice, pigs, monkeys, and all of them gained different powers at random."

A murmur of whispers swept through the room, each Avenger lost in thought about the possibilities—both thrilling and daunting.

After all of the questions were asked, the room fell into a contemplative silence, the weight of Tony's words settling over them.

Peter glanced around at his fellow Avengers, a mix of resolve and uncertainty in their eyes. Yet, beneath it all lay an unspoken bond, a commitment to face whatever the future held, together.

"Bruce, if you'd do the honors." Peter said as he laid down on the heavily reinforced bed in the center of the room, and Tony began strapping him down. "Since you all seem so worried, I'll be the one to go first."

Bruce nodded, stepping forward with a vial in one hand and a big syringe in the other. "Okay, just give me a moment…" He said as he carefully filled the syringe before setting the empty vial aside and asking. "Ready?"

"Yup, hit me with it…" Peter nodded, waiting for the pain.

The tension was palpable as Bruce, with a steady hand, injected the shimmering blue serum of Compound V into Peter's veins. The gathered Avengers watched in silence, each one holding their breath as the plunger descended, marking the beginning of an uncertain transformation.

Peter's body tensed, a sharp pain radiating through him like wildfire. Yet, his years as Spider-Man had taught him resilience in the face of agony. He grunted, his features contorting slightly, but no scream escaped his lips.

The moment stretched on, every second feeling like an eternity until finally, the ordeal was over. Bruce and Tony, with cautious movements, unstrapped Peter from the bed. Sitting up, Peter stretched his limbs, trying to shake off the lingering discomfort. The room was silent, every pair of eyes locked onto him with a mixture of concern and curiosity.

"What?" Peter finally broke the silence, his voice edged with a hint of humor to lighten the mood.

Natasha stepped forward, her voice betraying her usual calm composure. "Did it work?" she asked, echoing the question on everyone's minds.

Peter paused, inwardly probing for any sign of new abilities. At first, nothing seemed amiss, but as the seconds ticked by, an odd sensation began to ripple through him. "Huh?" Without warning, his arms elongated, stretching toward the floor with an eerie fluidity that took everyone, including Peter, by surprise.

A collective gasp filled the room as his arms reached an unnatural length, touching the floor. For a moment, panic flickered across the faces of the Avengers, a shared fear that something had gone terribly wrong.

Peter, however, was quicker to adapt. A spark of excitement replaced the initial shock, and he focused, willing his arms to retract. To everyone's amazement, they snapped back into place with a swift, elastic motion.

A wide smile spread across Peter's face, a mix of relief and exhilaration as he began to experiment, stretching various parts of his body with a childlike wonder, drawing some laughs and awed comments from the surrounding Avengers. "I guess I'm a rubber man like Luffy from One Piece," Peter seemed to enjoy his new powers. 'This might come in handy in the bedroom as well…'

Seeing the serum work with any issues, the room's atmosphere shifted from tension to relief. They had witnessed the birth of a new ability, and now they were excited to get one of their own, especially those who never had a power to begin with.

With Peter's turn over, it was time for someone else to strep up next. "Any volunteers?" Bruce asked.

Silence filled the room for a moment before Natasha stepped forward, a determined glint in her eye. "Let's get this over with…"

As Bruce administered the dose, all eyes were on Natasha as she went through the same process as Peter, waiting for any sign of change. Within moments of the pain disappearing, a subtle glow enveloped her, her eyes flashing with newfound intensity.

"How do you feel?" Peter asked as she was unbuckled from the bed.

"Sharper, stronger," she replied, flexing her hands as if feeling out the extent of her enhanced capabilities. "It's like everything's been turned up a notch."

As Natasha's words hung in the air, an unexpected transformation began. A radiant, white-colored energy enveloped her entire figure, casting a soft glow that illuminated the room. Her eyes, wide with astonishment, mirrored the shock of everyone present. For someone who wasn't used to having such an ability, the sudden manifestation was overwhelming.

"Uhh… Nat are you okay?" Hawkeye asked worriedly.

Peter, witnessing Natasha struggle with her new powers, realized the urgency of the situation. Her power, uncontrolled and escalating, posed a risk to herself and everyone in the vicinity.

With a quick decision, Peter acted. Walking over and tapping her in the shoulder, he reached out to the surging energy within Natasha, seeking to dampen it, to give her a moment of reprieve.

The effect was immediate. The white energy, which had been growing more intense by the second, receded at Peter's intervention, dimming until it finally dissipated, leaving Natasha gasping for breath but unharmed.

The room, once filled with the soft light of her power, returned to normalcy, the tension evaporating into a collective sigh of relief.

"How do you feel now?" Peter asked, his concern evident.

"Controlled… thank you," Natasha responded, a slow smile spreading across her face as she came to terms with her abilities. She flexed her hands, the air around her shimmering slightly as she tentatively explored the extent of her powers. "It's like I've been given a new set of tools. And now I need to learn how they work."

After some tests, they learned that Natasha seemed to have acquired the ability to manipulate energy, which seemed to also enhance her physical power as well, making her much stronger and more resilient than before.



One by one, the Avengers stepped up to receive their doses, each reacting differently to the enhancements.

Hawkeye was the next to volunteer. As Bruce administered the serum and he went through the same pain as Peter and Natasha, Hawkeye's eyes closed in concentration. When he opened them again, the change was instantaneous.

His eyes darted around the room, capturing every minute detail with newfound clarity. Getting up, he moved with a grace and speed that was astonishing, his reflexes, senses, and speed and enhanced.

Ant-Man was next. The serum took effect, and to everyone's surprise, he began to levitate off the ground, his feet kicking the air in disbelief. "I can fly!" he exclaimed, zooming around the room with a childlike glee, navigating the space with an ease that suggested he was meant for the skies.

Fury approached the process with a cautious expression. Yet, when his turn came and he got his dose, he vanished from the bed, only to reappear a short distance away.

Fury had gained the ability to teleport over short distances, a small, barely noticeable smirk playing on his lips as he tested his new skill, disappearing and reappearing a few times until he got used to it.

As the process continued, several refused the serum, each for their own reasons. The Ancient One, because she didn't think she needed it. T'Chaka, because he was old and retired from the hero game. And lastly, Magneto and Professor X remained spectators as well, choosing to stick to their meta-human abilities instead.

Next, Tony, with a mix of enthusiasm and a hint of bravado, took his turn, only to gain the disappointing ability to control his own saliva. The room burst into laughter, with Peter leading the chorus.

"Dude, that's the most useless power I've ever seen… Hahaha!" Peter laughed as he watched a small bit of Tony's saliva float in front of him.

Tony was heartbroken, his superpowered dreams crushed… "…"

Yet, once his laughter calmed down, Peter speculated that Tony's seemingly useless power might actually be a stepping stone to something greater—complete control over his body. This idea rekindled a small bit of hope in Tony's eyes, determined to study his newfound ability.

Finally, once everyone had finished up, it was Steve Rogers' turn. And the serum definitely worked its magic this time, bestowing upon him extreme super strength, durability, and the ability to fly, making him a sorting Superman or Homelander without the other powers.

"You lucky b*stard…" Tony complained, jealousy radiating from his entire being.

As the session drew to a close, the Avengers stood together, each with new abilities to master.

A/N: 1851 words :)