
As Canderous finishes his rousing speech, the ship lands on the planet. T3 quickly rushes to us, beeping faster than anyone can understand.

"Calm down there buddy, slow down and then tell us what's got you all riled up."

"Deee-dee-dee-dee-deeeet! Bwoo-bee-deet!"

Shock permeates the ship at what T3 just said. It shouldn't be possible. No matter how anyone can look at it, they can not understand it.

Juhani asks in a shaky voice, "It seems that I have misheard you, can you repeat that?"


The shock remains.

Finally, Bastilla looks at me, her eyes awash in emotion. Too many to decipher. Her voice is soft, but in the silence it rings louder than the roar of an engine.

"Four millenium? Four thousand years have passed since we destroyed the Star Forge?"

Not even I was expecting news like this. Suddenly, everyone bursts into noise.

"How-." (Mission)

"The Republic-." (Carth)

"The order-." (Bastilla)

"Taris-." (Juhani)

"My clan-." (Canderous)

"Rawr!" (Zalbaar)

"..." (Jolee)

Jolee is silent, still too shocked to say anything as the others shout over each other. Likewise, HK is silent, though perhaps for a different reason.

Unlike the others, he has no attachments to anything or anyone that isn't on the ship. If anything, he seems excited at the thought of how many years has passed. Although I'm not going to be asking him about it now.

I hold up my hand towards the ceiling and let out a wave of the Force, waiting for the others to quiet down before I speak.

"You will each bring up your concerns one at a time, and I will do my best to address it. But keep in mind that I am working off of the same information as you are. Carth, you're first."

He speaks quickly. "We need to find out what happened to the Republic!" His voice quiets as another thought hits him. "Dustil, what happened to you..."

I look at him in pity, choosing to let him figure out his feelings as I address the first part of his question. "According to the Force, the Republic is still around. I have no other information than that. Zalbaar?"

"Rawr. Rawr, grr, rawr!"

I nod. "Once we can, we will check on the situation with Kashyyyk. If Czerka tried anything, we will make sure your people are safe. Juhani?"

"What happened to Taris? Before the battle, there was talk of trying to rebuild. I NEED to know if they succeeded."

"The same as Zalbaar. As soon as we can we will check on the situation. Canderous."

"My clan. I need to know if they still live. Once I know the situation, I'll decide from there. I expect you'll support me."

"Of course, you've supported me this entire time, so it's only fair I return the favor. Bastilla."

I hold up a hand to forestall her words. "We can check on the order when we can, though judging by the flow of the force they are as prevalent as ever." She sits back, calming down slightly as she feels the force herself.


She shrugs, an uncertain look on her face. "I mean, I guess I'm just wondering how it happened? After how we dealt with Griff, the only family I have left is you guys. So I guess it doesn't really affect me that much?" She shakes her head. "Or maybe it just hasn't hit yet? I'll let you know if I feel anything different."

Under her breath, I hear Bastilla mutter 'Mother'. I hold back a wince. She had just started to reconnect with her mother after their reunion, and the doctors had said she would have one year to live. Now, Bastilla lost even that time to spend with her.

I look at Jolee, the oldest of us. Curious about how he would react. After a few moments of silence, he speaks.

"Well, it looks like I've outlived all those young ones who said that they were the future. Well, look at me now! I'm going to be seeing a future they never could! Haha!" He shows excitement, shocking everyone else.

They stare at him with wide eyes, a new gleam entering. Yes, they can see the galaxy like no other during their time! What kind of advancements have been made in four millenium? Could they even communicate with anyone? Would their language be the same? How strong are the fighters?

These thoughts and more run through their minds, and I can't help but smile.

Jolee Bindo. The oldest member of the crew. Became a hermit in the depths of Kashyyyk that abhorred visitors. He claims that he joined up with us to see new things.

But I know. Underneath that grumpy curmudgeonly exterior, he does all that he can to make sure we're taken care of.

Even if he's hurting inside himself.