Party Decisions

I wave my hands to get everyone's attention. "Now that that's settled, we need a plan." Everyone's expressions turn serious.

"What we need most is information. As such, I want people scouring the holonet for anything useful. I'll take two people with me into the nearby town to gather our own information. T3, I'll need you to remain on the ship to determine if anything is damaged. Hopefully Galactic Basic hasn't changed too much..." I mutter the last part to myself.

If we can't understand anyone, then going into town would be useless. Still though, contact will be paramount for, well, basically anything.

I shake my head free of those worries to finish up the meeting. "I'll choose who's going with me once I grab a few things, anything to add?"

I look around at everyone, and surprisingly Canderous speaks up. "I think that we should send two teams into town, just in case one runs into trouble. Or should I say, when one runs into trouble. Considering our usual record, you're definitely going to stick your nose in somebody else's business."

I stare at him in mock offense, but every one else nods in agreement!

I snort out a laugh, "Hah! Fair enough, especially since according to T3 we're on Tatooine..."

The others grimace, and I can tell they're all thinking about how much power Czerka could have accumulated over the millenia. "Given their usual attitude, we should expect problems if we run into them."

I sigh. "Anyways, I'll take some of the weapons from the cargo hold with us to sell just in case our credits aren't worth anything for the current time. While I do that I'll decide who will accompany me, and who will be in the second team. Dismissed."

I make my way to the cargo hold where I take in all the weapons the crew has claimed from our countless battles. Armor too. Stimpacks, mines, grenades. Wow, we have a LOT of stuff in here. Good thing the force likes me and made the containers in here basically have infinite space. We could probably outfit a small army if we wanted to.

Shaking my mind free of my musings, I grab a couple blaster pistols, some vibroblades, and two lightsabers containing a blue and green crystal respectively. No idea how common what weapons have become, so having a bit of variety isn't a bad idea.

Of course I carry my own lightsaber with me as well. Or perhaps I should say lightsabers. Both the one I constructed for myself on Dantooine after we escaped Taris, and the one I wielded before that fateful battle with Bastilla. She apparently held onto it after my capture, though she couldn't say why.

The first is a deep blue, which surprisingly didn't change after I found out my past. The second was red, but after I reclaimed it and channeled the Force through the crystal, it faded until a pure white remained. I never saw anything like it before and, according to Bastilla and Jolee, the council hadn't either.

I sigh. I seem to be getting lost in my thoughts quite often today. Focusing back on the matter at hand, I leave the cargo hold and stand at the ramp of the ship, considering who should go.

A few minutes later, those I've chosen have assembled.

With me are Bastilla and Mission. I know they don't always get along, but their conflicts are all in good fun. A grin splits my face as I recall how Mission managed to crack Bastilla's serious exterior back on Taris. Heh, she basically bothered her so much that she tripped her with the Force to get her to be quiet! Mission may have pouted about it at the time, but I could see the smile she tried to hide.

The second team that will be leaving the ship will be HK-47, Canderous, and Juhani.

With all the languages HK knows, they'll be bound to be able to talk to someone. Same with my team since they have me. In addition, while having a Jedi with them won't be much of a deterrence to anyone looking for a fight, it will help them if they meet any other Jedi.

And Canderous was chosen to lead them due to his previous experience as a leader. And let's face it, the guy is a badass.

That will leave Carth, Zalbaar, Jolee, and T3 to look after the ship. If anyone shows up, they have a good lineup to take care of them no matter their intentions. Carth and Jolee can talk things out, and all three of them can take on opponents in much larger numbers.

As we're about to depart, T3 comes up to us, beeping out some quick information.

"Sigh, thanks buddy, well see what we can find." The others give me a look and I explain. "Apparently the hyperdrive is fried. We'll need to find something to replace it with. Thankfully with how good T3 is, he'll be able to hook up just about any decent drive we find to the ship. Our team will handle that."

The others give me a nod and we exit the ship, blasted by the sands of Tatooine as we do.