Commencing the Mission

I look out of the window of the cockpit of the Ebon Hawk, watching the blockade of ships orbiting the planet of Naboo. Beside me the Queen stares with sorrow filled eyes at the state of her world. Carth, meanwhile, can't hold back a snort of derision.

"They call this a blockade? This is nothing compared to Taris. We could run circles around them easily without them ever knowing!"

At Padme's incredulous look I can't help but nod. "Compared to what we've come across before, this is practically an open door. At most a locked door with the key left on the mat."

Honestly. At a glance I can see at least half a dozen ways to get on the planet without them noticing. That's not even counting all the attack runs we could make on their ships on the way. But enough of that.

"So, my Queen, where do you think their leader is? The capital ship or the capital city?"

She holds her chin in thought for a moment, thinking of all she knows regarding Nute Gunray. "Most likely he'll be at Theed Palace. It would be easier to control the populace from on a planet than on a ship." Her tone is laced with bitterness. I rest a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry about it. Soon enough not only will they know that Naboo is not to be touched, but you'll also have some shiny new toys for yourself." At my confident tone, she relaxes. I've been telling her and the Padawan of some of my exploits, and to say they were impressed is an understatement.

Sure, they didn't believe half of them. But still! Considering how outrageous they are, believing even half of my achievements is an achievement of itself!

I open comms towards T3 and HK. "You two ready? Made sure your aim is going to be accurate? Don't forget that it'll take us a while to find you if you miss, even with your jets helping you correct yourselves."


"Sardonic reply: We do not suffer the same difficulties the processors you meatbags call a brain do. Suffice to say that we will land on target."

I chuckle at their replies. Gotta love them.

Padme, meanwhile, gives me a disapproving look. "Should you really let your droid talk to people like that? It seems to me like it should have gotten a memory wipe long ago."

"He actually does get memory wiped semi-frequently. But the core of his programming means that it never takes all that well. No matter how much he's wiped, the memories will still be in his processors. But simply repressed until certain triggers draw them out. Besides, I like his snark."

She chooses to say nothing more on the matter. Not that it matters, since the two droids have launched themselves out of the airlock on a direct course to the Federation's capital ship.

A wide grin splits my face as I watch them go. The Federation is certainly going to be in for a surprise.

Meanwhile we descend onto the planet under stealth, plotting a course under the Queen's directions towards Theed city. As Carth lands us just outside the city, I'm in the Cargo Hold, staring at my mask.

I haven't worn it since my memories were erased. Even after Bastilla returned it to me. At the time it was a symbol of my war against the Jedi, so it felt sacrilegious to wear it while I saved them.

Now though, that war is long over, its symbol having long lost its meaning. But that doesn't erase its history.

Even now it's steeped in the energy of the Dark Side, practically exuding it itself. But at the core, at the heart of the mask, is the original wish. The desire that made me take up the mask in the first place. The desire to save those who can't save themselves.

It's time for this mask to become a new symbol, the symbol it was originally meant to be.

I put on the mask, allowing the raging emotion it exudes to flow over me, encompass me. Then flow off of me and dissipate.

I will not be defined by the mask again. I will not allow it to send me back to my days as a warlord. I will not let it consume me.

Now, it becomes a symbol of hope instead of fear.

I exit the Cargo Hold and make my way to the Main Hold where everyone is gathered.

Juhani takes in my mask with the joy of someone who's idol has shown up.

Jolee simply gives me a nod of acknowledgement, his expression inscrutable.

Zalbaar doesn't react to it at all. No surprise given how little influence it had on his life.

Canderous grins in savage glee, excited at my proclamation.

Carth though, flinches at the sight. To him my mask represents everything he's fought against his entire life. It represents his wife's death.

I won't ask that he forgive me, I can't. I can only hope that he accepts that I am no longer who I was, just as he is.

Meanwhile the three locals of the time simply look at me with confusion. Padme is the first to speak up.

"Is that a Mandalorian mask?" She asks tentatively.

"Yes." I reply simply, not saying anything else on the matter. She swallows her next question, sensing my mood. Padawan Secura is the next to speak.

"I'll be accompanying you so that I can make an accurate report to the council." She's softened towards me after her cry in the Cargo Hold, but she knows her mission and so has been keeping her distance. I nod to her as Shmi raises her hand and voices her question.

"Um, what will I be doing? I'm not really suited to any kind of fighting." She sounds almost apologetic about it, and I can't help but smile behind my mask.

"There's no worries about that. I intend to leave you with the ship. Carth, can I trust you to keep her and the ship safe?" At his firm nod I continue. "We aren't expecting anyone to come out here, but better safe than sorry. Maybe show her how the turrets work just in case."


"Juhani, Jolee, and Zalbaar. I want the three of you making your way through the city helping those you can. Try to stay hidden as long as you can, but if you're discovered be as loud as you can. We can use that as a distraction to enter the Palace."

"Meanwhile, the Queen, the Padawan, and Canderous will be with me as we target their leader, Nute Gunray. He's bound to have the codes to control the droid army. We get those and the war is over. Even if he doesn't, we have their leader so there's nothing they can do."

I give a hard stare to each of them. "Remember, even if our goal is liberation, what's most important are your lives. I don't want anyone dying on me here. Is that understood!?"

"""YES COMMANDER!""" A chorus of screams is my reply and I nod in satisfaction.

"Then I'll see you all in a few hours. Let's go."