Making Our Way Downtown

We make our way through the streets, making sure to avoid any patrolling battle droids. Honesty, they seem kind of low tech. Sure there's an argument for taking a minimalist approach for their design to cut costs, but still.

As another patrol passes our current hiding place I examine the material they're made out of. I can tell that it's not strong enough to take even the weakest of blaster bolts, and it's clear that basically any damage to the torso would put it out of commission. I suppose that it's a bit more compact than the droids from my time, but its armor is even worse than some protocol droids I've encountered.

We move further through the city, this time hiding behind some pillars under a bridge as a team of these 'B1s' troop pass. Seeing how badly they're designed, I can't help but question the Queen.

"How exactly did they conquer your planet with these? So long as they get the first shot, even a civilian could defeat one of these droids!"

She's silent for a moment as we move on. After a few minutes she speaks with clear regret in her voice. "Naboo is-was, a pacifistic planet. Other than the Royal Security Forces who primarily guarded me and the space around the planet, the only ones who had anything resembling weapons were security officers and guards."

I can feel my eye twitching under my mask. Canderous speaks up before I can. "So you're telling me that your main fighting force would barely make up half a city, if that, and you had the gall to be surprised when you were invaded? I'm surprised your civilization has lasted long enough to even have a queen."

Her face turns red in indignation, but at that moment we have to hide from another patrol, this time they have a vehicle with a cannon on top with them. Small wings jut out of the upper portion with much smaller guns hanging off the ends. At the very front are barrels, another set of guns that seem to be a middle ground in regards to speed and power when compared to the other ones. Apparently this thing is called an 'AAT', which stands for Armored Assault Tank.

This thing is much more impressive than the droids it's accompanying. Back in my time, people didn't really use vehicles in combat other than ships. The closest thing we had was massive droids with plate and weapons basically comprising eighty percent of the thing, with the last twenty percent consisting of its CPU.

Once the patrol is past and we're on the move again the Queen hisses at Canderous. "We've thrived on the idea that peace is the way. War is something that brings only suffering. Though I don't expect a Mandalorian to understand."

Padawan Secura is nodding along to her words while Canderous has a look of derision. I decide that now is a good time to intercede before they start fighting with each other. For a Queen of a supposedly pacifistic world this girl sure is feisty.

"Peace is a lie, conflict is eternal." The three look at me, Padawan Secura looking horribly scandalized. Which I understand, since I basically said that the first tenet of the Jedi Code is garbage.

"No matter what you do, conflict will occur. The current situation is proof of that." I point at the rubble of a destroyed building. I can't tell what it was. It might have been a store, or it might have been a home. But now it is nothing but cover for us to duck behind at the sound of more droids. We're getting close to our destination now.

"Even the Jedi, for all their talk, are constantly in conflict with themselves. They fight to keep their emotions in check. They fight for their ideals. They fight for what they believe the Force desires. To believe in a peace where there is no conflict is to believe in overcoming a person's own will and desires. It would mean reducing everyone to becoming a slave in mind and body. I've seen it before, and it is something I will fight against at every point. My will is my own and no others."

Canderous nods his head in agreement while Padawan Secura looks like she bit into a lemon. The Queen, meanwhile, has an expression I've come to call being thoughtfully constipated.

It's when someone is forced to think about something that shakes up their world view and forces them to reconsider their life choices.

"If you desire peace, you must be prepared for war. For without a defense, you'll simply be conquered, as has happened here. The sign of a good ruler is learning from their mistakes and making sure not to repeat them." Canderous makes eye contact with the Queen. "It's up to you to decide if you're a good queen or a bad queen."

The rest of our journey is made in silence as the two girls consider all that's been said. Meanwhile I keep an eye on our surroundings, as well as the way the Force is swirling around them.

Judging by its turbulence, it appears that what's been said here will have a profound impact on the two of them. I'm excited to see what it might be.

We cut across a carefully maintained lawn with statues lining the edge of the grass. In front of us is the palace, as well as several hundred droids and a half dozen tanks.

"What now?" whispers the Queen.

"Now we wait. Should be any moment now." I take a seat, waiting for what I know should be coming any moment now.

Any moment now.

After ten minutes it still hasn't happened and the girls are starting to become restless. Honestly I'm becoming a bit concerned. Don't tell me that they're actually going to manage to keep a low profile this whole time…

Just as I finish that thought the sound of an explosion reaches our ears and I see a distant tower collapse and raise a huge dust cloud. Me and Canderous smirk while the girls have their jaws hanging open. It's not long until half of the gathered force leaves to deal with the crisis, leaving only fifty droids and three tanks.

Much more reasonable, though I was hoping the entire force would leave to deal with it. But I suppose the enemy commander isn't as foolish as I hoped. But they clearly are underestimating us, and for that they will pay the price.

"You ready?"

"Of course." Canderous hoists his signature gatling rifle up, the barrels already rotating. I look at the Padawan.

"You and Canderous deal with the droids while I handle the tanks. I'd like to see your skills first hand."

She looks shocked, but before she can protest I'm already standing. I'm noticed fairly soon and a squad of six droids approach me, guns leveled.

"This is a restricted area. Leave now or be summarily executed."

I nod along. "Uh-huh. Sure. But what about the third option?"

"There is no third option. Leave now or be fired upon. This is your final warning."

"There's always a third option!" I raise my arms, hands facing them. Behind me stands Canderous. "The third option," I grin, "is your destruction."

Canderous opens fire and mows down the six droids before they can respond. "Make sure you save some for the padawan." I berate him, noticing that his shots took down a few droids farther out.

He snorts. "Not my fault if the little girl can't keep up. If she can't then she probably should have trained more at her temple before coming out here.

With an indignant squeak Padawan Secura stands. "Don't call me a little girl! I'm a full adult! I was simply waiting to see if we had a plan or if the two of you were crazy enough to fight against overwhelming numbers."

I snort, arms still raised. Then I clap my hands and the three tanks fly to a single point where they quickly compress into a large metal ball. It makes a deep *THUD* as it hits the ground.

"Overwhelming numbers for a Jedi means half an army. A mere fifty droids should be as easy as training for you." I ignore her shocked look while gesturing her forward.

Her face screws up in determination as she ignites her lightsaber and launches herself forward. Time to see how a modern Jedi compares myself.