Chapter 6 - Regressor (part 2)

The masked man entered my house, he is basking in mystery, intimidation, superiority, godlikeness. I'm afraid I'm only bombarding him with compliments, I really have nothing to say that can degrade his likeness.

I'm afraid, so much so that I admire him instead of resenting him. Even though I suffered for 20 years in my previous life, I thought that was the worst suffering mankind must have but I was wrong... Very wrong, I felt this masked man was going to even a deeper hell than I've suffered.

I can't grasp the hell he was in, I don't even want to imagine it. Even so, that is no reason for me to falter in his presence, he might be godlike but I have a family to protect, my sister is the only family I have, I have no reason to give up just because he's strong.

"W-who are you?"

"Me? Ah, sorry, it was quite rude of me to come in to your house without invitations furthermore, I have come in without introducing myself."

I then took my mask off my face and revealed my face in front of this regressor.

"Now that I took my mask off, do you perhaps recognize me now?"

"Y-you're, Azon?! How...? It can't be... You've also come back?"

"What do you mean come back?"

"Y-you didn't regressed?"

"No, I did not regress but I do know that you regressed."

Crap! So he knows that I've regressed already but driving him out of my home won't be easy let alone landing a punch on him. If only I could have something like a sword or something similar to a sword.

That's right! Knives, although they're not sword, they can serve as one if I use my swordsman aura on it. If I coat the knife with aura, I am able to extend it and make it lethal enough.

I then run off to the knife drawer and grabbed a knife and then coated it on blue, flaming aura.

"Azon, you might be strong but I'm also a swordsman who've experienced and suffered more than you. That feeling I felt from you earlier must be a fluke."

"Dear regressor, I'm quite surprised you know my name however I do not know your name especially that aura of yours. Moreover, I need to kill you or else I'll never get that reward."

"I already know that someone with status as high as yours would never bat an eye on me even if you do bat an eye on me, it'll be bullying. Anyways, this world is running through laws, I know you're strong but what about nuclear weapons?"

"That's so nice of you to worry about me, I'll apologize for my behavior back then. Well then, Mr. Regressor, what do you think? Can a nuclear weapon really kill me? "

"To be honest, I'm also not sure, I have witness the power of nuclear weapons through my own very eyes and it was destructive, terrifyingly so. But that leaves me with a doubt if the firepower of a nuclear weapon can really kill you or at least damage you. "

"Well, I'm not sure myself but I do have one thing that I'm very sure of. It's that no one in this universe could oppose me. Anyways, calm your fear down otherwise you'll become old really really fast."

"How could I calm down?! Someone is eager to kill me that they even personally visited me in my house, how could I calm down?"

"I suppose you're right, then how about this, I will not kill you for now, I will decide later if you're worthy to be left alive or too annoying to be left alive. It depends on your sincerity."

"How can I believe you?"

"Really? Mr. Regressor, we've been standing here for a few minutes now and I really hate standing because I do not feel any comfort making my feet carry my own weight."

"...Alright, I'll trust you for now, I'm quite thankful you didn't decide to kill me right here, I wouldn't be able to resist with my power right now."

"Hehehehe, good thing you know, I really like you Mr. Regressor, I think my image about you is slowly changing."

"Cut the crap, wait at my bedroom upstairs, I'll see you after I've cooked dinner for my sister."

"Alright, as you say, Mr. Regressor."

As Azon is waiting in Wist's bedroom, the cube master showed up by Azon's side.

"Hello, hello, boy, do you miss me?"

"You're here and I didn't finish the task you gave me yet... There must be something you wanted right?"

"As expected of the one who surpasses 1 billion years. Anyways, did I tell you what kind of people did I sent into the cube?"

"What sort of mystery are you trying to stir up now?"

"It's very crucial for you."

"Alright then... I don't know what kind of people you've sent into the cube."

"You wanted to know?"

"Sure, if you reveal it to me but if not then forget about it, you always act mysterious."

"Alright, alright, the people I've sent to the cube are all villains."

"What do you mean?"

"Villains as in villains, I sent them to the cube because they have did so much misdeeds. Usually people sin only below or at least on the threshold but villains like you are way above the threshold."

"So you're referring to me as a villain?"

"What else could you be? You've bullied at least 100 kids during elementary, you've made a tons of men lose their girlfriend because of your kingly aura and extreme wealth and no one dare speaks ill of you since they know the consequences."

"I totally agree with the first and the last one but why must you include the girls that dumped their boyfriend just to pursue me? This isn't my voluntary action, it's their action, it's their will to dump their boyfriend, not mine."

"Sure, it's not yours but you're the cause of it. Think about it, if you were not there, those men could have kept their girlfriends to themselves. Yet here you are, just standing in front of them will make them fall to their knees, they will fear you, they will envy you. Aren't you happy?"

"I'm not happy, not even the slightest. If it were me back then, I might have been indulging myself in my own delusion of happiness."

"Anyways, back to the topic, boy. The villains I've sent on the cube are simply incompetent, they're not worthy. Their greed, belief and love for the cube has caused them their downfall, they have died because of that very reason."

"So what does it got to do to me?"

"You're special, really. You, who have resentment to the cube, the will to live and the determination to get out of the cube has what made the cube recognize you as worthy and has let you go back again in your world."

"The cube recognize me? How does that empty cubical space recognize me?"

"The cube is alive, it's very well alive. The cube was surprise actually that you managed to destroy almost 1,000,000 of cubes which is a first time experience since others are either coward, dumb or simply too lazy."

"How is that thing alive?"

"I can't tell you, yet but I can promise you that once you've gained the approval of the creator of that cube, you will become the dominator of this universe."

"That seems tempting. Oh yeah, you've told me that other galaxies are interested in this galaxy, how will they take action."

"I myself am not sure because I'm not from the weakest universe but I guess they will do any means necessary like summoning, portals, dimension cross and so on, there's infinite possibilities on how will they invade your galaxy but as the cube apprentice you need not to worry."

"Why I wonder?"

"Because the creator of that cube is someone that has created his own universe and lived in it."

"That seems terrifying."

"It really is. Well then, I shall go now, I'll give you a new task once you've done this task."


As the cube disappeared, Wist entered his bedroom while Azon is waiting, sitting on the chair beside Wist's bed.

"Now... Azon, tell me what's your purpose for visiting here? It's just not to kill me, right?"

"You're right, I do have other purposes but why should I tell someone that is not my subordinate?"