Chapter 7 - Difference between a villain and a hero

As I finished preparing dinner with my sister, I told her that I need to find something on my room as an excuse and quickly entered my room.

What awaits me there was Azon... He was different from the Azon I knew. Instead of a savage, cunning, betrayer like I knew he was. He was a learned man, a sense of gentle and calm radiates around him affecting the very atmosphere I'm relying on.

I then mustered up the courage to speak to him on a raging voice that encourages him to get the hell out of my house but this does not seem to affect him. He only sat there, smiling on my terrified face... Because I am afraid that I'll make my sister suffer the same fate in my past life, I need to play it cool and carefully choose my words as to not provoke Azon.

"Now... Azon, tell me what's your purpose for visiting here? It's just not to kill me, right?"

"You're right, I do have other purposes but why should I tell someone that is not my subordinate?"

"Azon... You don't know anything about me... You don't know how many years I've suffered to live and to keep my sister alive... You don't know how many misdeeds I have ignored in order for me to keep moving on and walk on a smooth road."

"Indeed... I don't know anything about what you did but don't you dare tell me that I don't know how to suffer and to keep myself alive."


I got angry on his speech. After all, he dares to say that I did not have an ounce of suffering in me? That's a gigantic joke, I have suffered throughout the 5 billion years I'm trapped in that sh**y cube. Although I became strong because of that, I'll never forget the feeling of loneliness and insanity just by staying there for a very long time.

I then released a strong presence that makes Wist struggle to stand.

"Hey, Mr. Regressor? Should I call you Wist? If you thought that you're the only one who have suffered enough to be pitied by the Gods and gave you second chance, you are wrong. If you thought you are the only one struggling hard enough to keep you and your family alive, you're wrong. I, myself have exactly done that... Way harder than you did."

Wist got angry that he pulls up a sword out of nowhere and strikes at Azon.

Azon blocked the sword using the wind surrounding him and knocked Wist away.

"Aren't you quite active? Attacking me even though you yourself knew that you stand no chance against my strength?"

"I know... I know that I'm not going to win, I know that I'm going to lose miserably or maybe die in a dog's death but I will never ever give up on fighting until my body falls down or until my spirit breaks down. I have to keep my sister safe especially when our scumbag parents left us a long time ago."

"I pity you."

"I don't need one."

"But I insist."

"Then so be it."

I sighed and grabbed Wist's collar and left his house through the window.

I jumped from houses to buildings, dragging Wist alongside me until we arrived at an empty site. I then put him down.

"Wist... Do you want to know why I wanted a subordinate so bad?"

"Is it because you lack manpower?"

"Didn't I told you that I'm already beyond this Universe's level."

"What a fluke."

"Is it a fluke? Well, I wanted a subordinate because I want that subordinate to do all the small work for me, I don't want to exert myself on something unnecessary and trivial."

"An excuse for being weak?"

"...You're really hard to convince, huh? Well then, see for yourself."

I released a little bit of my power in my index finger and pierced my index finger to the ground. After I pierced it, a large small hole that travels to the other side of the Earth.

"That amount of strength will do... So, Mr. Regressor, what do you think?"

Wist is shocked as expected. Of course, it's the first time he meet someone so strong that he can crush those Gods that gave them power in a finger.

"A-are you really Azon?"

"Really? Should you be asking that? If I'm not Azon, then who should I be?"

"T-that destructive power of yours, that is impossible... That's really impossible."

"Oh it's not, this amount of power is not even compared to the one who made me like this."

"S-someone is even stronger than you?"

"Someone is... But I will surpass him soon. Anyways, do you plan to become my subordinate?"

Wist hesitated for a while but agreed.

"Alright... I'll agree to become your subordinate as long as I become strong enough to fend off the monsters that will come next year."

"That's nice. By the way, you don't have to worry about next year."

"What do you mean?"

"The so called monsters that appeared in your past life will not attack you in the upcoming disaster that will befall on Earth."


"Well, it's because you're my subordinate and those self proclaimed evil Gods do not dare offend someone stronger than them. They are but a coward after all."

"T-then what's the purpose of me becoming stronger and completing your so called insignificant tasks?"

"You're going to kill humans."

Wist is shocked by Azon's words.

"W-what do you mean by that?"

"Hm? Isn't that clear? You're going to kill humans."

"I know, what does that mean?"

"Oh, it means nothing, you're now the guardian of portals and monsters will be your ally. You will become the final boss if you wish to be called so. You're not on the side of humans anymore, you're now on the monster's side."

"W-wait, wait... I never wanted to be one, my job is to flourish humanity."

"That's why I'm giving you this task."

"How's that going to help flourish humanity?"

"Wist... A hero helps humanity by becoming their light, their hope, and their image. A hero is the one that is praised by all, one blessed by the Gods and one destined to become a king. A villain on the other hand eliminates the root of evil but never ever becomes humanity's hope, he is instead hated upon, ridiculed and smeared. A villain is the one that does the hero's job that causes a long term effect on humanity."


"The villain believes in the greater good for humanity, no matter the price is. Think of it as an income and expenses. An average human always have an income usually in form of labor and then they get their income. An average human will always have an expense be it in form of appliances, entertainment and needs but a human can never control their expenses without the term of budget."

"H-hey, can you listen-"

"A villain gets an income in form of their wickedness, cleverness and their own sense of justice with the expense of the prosperity of humanity. A villain budgets his income and spends wisely on his expense. A hero on the other hand will do the same thing the villain did but without the term of budget. They save humanity selflessly that leads to humanity thinking that the hero is someone they can manipulate."

"So what does that mean in short?"

"In short it means, you're the villain who will take on the hero's job to prosper humanity in the way that they will never be arrogant, ignorant and selfish. They will learn how to save themselves, escape and survive under your dominion."

"So that means I will play as the villain next year?"

"Think of it as that."

"That's really a long explanation you got there."

"That's nothing, it's merely the difference between a villain and a hero."