Boarding school 10

Our next anatomy class, and what would be our final class before exams, was way beyond mind boggling. We had been told to come to class in our gym clothes and that we could go commando if we wanted to. Everyone was curious about that. But not as curious as being handed, each of us, a small package containing a male douche kit. Even Chad and I were curious and we knew what they were for. Nobody else did. I also wondered who had paid for them. Mr. Barstow, I presumed, as it would be hard to explain why the school's purchasing records showing such a purchase. We were told to use the thing when we showered the morning of anatomy class.

Showers that morning were interesting, if not fun, but there were no unfortunate or embarrassing incidents. Chad and I joined in the 'merriment' so as not to reveal our knowledge of the things.

We arrived at class in our gym clothes, feeling fresh and clean....a lot of guys said they liked the feeling of being clean inside as well as out....and all were very curious. I could tell that a lot of the guys were commando, including myself and Chad.

Dan Kennedy was off to the side talking to Mr. Barstow and when we walked in he waved us over.

'I purposely wanted to spring this on you at the last minute so you wouldn't have time to think about it,' Mr. Barstow said.

'Spring what on us?' I asked.

'Well, you two and Dan, here--and Eric, of course, but he had a dental appointment this morning-- so you are the only ones who might have a clue what this all about.'

'A clue maybe, but what is it all about?' Chad asked.

'He's going to teach these guys a little more about their prostates,' Dan said.

'I think it's a crime that boys grow up not knowing anything about one of the most important organs in their bodies until their doctor springs it on them that they need to start having prostate exams. It's even more criminal how many guys put it off for years because they are scared of the idea, or it is simply too foreign to their macho psyche.'

'I agree,' Chad said. 'A girl's got a clit, a guy's got a prostate; he oughta know about it.'

'So, you haven't told us what this is about as it concerns the three of us,' I said.

'I want you to be my guinea pigs.'

I guess we both scowled.

Dan laughed. 'He wants you to bend over and let guys explore your ass and find your prostate,' he said bluntly.

'Something like that,' Mr. Barstow said.

'Exactly like that. Don't sugar coat it,' Dan said, laughing. 'He talked to me about it and I told him I was sure you guys would do it.'

'Once they've done that, then I will pair them up or team up and everyone will have a chance to discover his own prostate, with the help of a friend.'

'Is this going to involve sex?' Chad asked under his breath.

'No,' Mr. Barstow said.

'What if I cum? Or what if others do? That makes it sex, doesn't it?' I asked.

'No, that is simply a physical reaction. I will make that understood so one is embarrassed.'

Dan looked at us. 'So, are you going to do it?'

'I guess we will, if you are,' I said.

As class was called to order the sense of curiosity and tension in the room was almost electric.

'Class! Class!' Mr. Barstow said loudly, clapping his hands to quiet the loud buzz of excitement and conversation. 'This may well be the first anatomy class of its kind in the country. We will never know, of course. But it should not be. I must preface by saying that it is not something you can write home about or share with anyone outside this class, and I will ask your solemn promise that you will not do so. You do not have to participate in this project but I do ask that you remain in the classroom to at least observe. I remind you that part of your final grade is dependent on this particular class.'

'Now, we have briefly studied the prostate. But to stop with the brief paragraphs in your health textbook would be as if you had not even read it. It does not emphasize that your prostate is one of the most important organs in your body as a male. And your textbooks are is derelict in not even explaining the full function and purpose of the prostate. You all have one. But I daresay you are ignorant of it. I want to erase that ignorance. The best way to do that, to understand your prostate, is through physical exploration, which is why this is a hands-on lesson. What we will be doing here this morning is no different than what a doctor will be doing, or should be doing when you are in your thirties. Chad and Justin and Dan have bravely agreed to be our guinea pigs.'

He nodded to us and we took up our stations as he continued....Dan at one end of the desk, me at the other end, and Chad at the front with his back to the class.

'What I want three of you to come up and, using the lubricant provided, carefully explore with your finger, or fingers, till you find his prostate. When you have done that, you will trade places and become the guinea pigs. After that, six more of you will come up, and take their places, and so forth.'

I was surprised at the reactions. There were no expressions of 'gross' and no one was refusing to take part.

'How will I know if I've found it, by his reaction? What's it feel like?' one boy asked.

'It's about the size a walnut, somewhat spongy, although in a state of excitement it can become firmer and you might feel it palpitating,' Mr. Barstow said. 'And do go easy, you can cause discomfort if you are too rough.'

He nodded to us and together, we shoved our gym shorts down. We had all come commando.

'Now that is one fine looking ass,' someone said quietly, causing an outburst of laughter.

Mr. Barstow laughed by lightly reprimanded the boy. 'This is not to be viewed as anything sexual,' he said as sternly as he could, and I thought, what a hypocrite. 'Although this would be a good time to point out that since the prostate is somewhat a sexual organ, depending on an individual's sensitivity and the manner of contact, it could cause an ejaculation. Don't be embarrassed. It is your body's natural reaction to stimulation. I've been told it even happens in the doctor's office. So, do we have a first volunteer?'

Several hands went up and Mr. Barstow called on James Dillman, Allan Bates and Josh Meyers.

I guess I wasn't surprised when Josh seemed to rush to get to Dan before the others did. Dan had the kind of ass that would naturally attract anyone, straight or otherwise.

'Damn, this is what you call a butt buffet,' Dillman joked as he moved up behind me. Bates got behind Chad.

I was glad Dillman had chosen me. He had big basketball player's hands with long, almost muscular fingers. Josh finished lubing up his fingers and squeezed some out onto Dillman's fingers, then on Allan's. Then they all went to work.

Dillman's laid one hand flat on the small of my back and began to probe my asshole.

'He's pretty tight, do I just shove through?' he asked Mr. Barstow.

I almost told him yes but I didn't want to appear too eager.

'You should ask him,' Mr. Barstow replied.

'How about it, do I shove right in or what?' he asked me.

'Yeah, go ahead, I'll handle it,' I said bravely. I almost said 'I want it'. I couldn't appear so anxious in front of the class and I quickly did a mindset adjustment before he found my prostate.

Dillman's fingers didn't disappoint me. He was gentle but he wasn't timid. He shoved his middle finger inside me and immediately began searching. I cringed inside. Fuck, it felt good!

'Are you going to let me know when I find it?'

I started to say yes--the word was on the tip of my tongue--but instead I let out a gasp. 'Aww! Right there; you found it!'

'Yeah, I can feel it!' He sounded so excited and I wondered if this was what it was like in medical school. 'I never felt a live walnut before, but you're right, that's what it feels like. I can feel it moving, palpitating,' he said as he explored all around my love nut.

Godd, don't! I closed my eyes tightly. He was going to make me cum if he didn't stop. I was bent over the desk on my elbows and I had my hands clasped. I opened my eyes to see my knuckles were white. Then he pulled his finger out.

'Good job, you took that okay,' he told me, patting my butt. 'Hey, your eyes are watering. Did I hurt you? Man, I tried to be easy.'

'No, I'm okay,' I said, shaking my head.

'Well, I guess you get to do it to me,' he said.

I straightened and stepped back and he took my place, bent over the desk. I lubed up my finger and went for his asshole. I rubbed the tiny aperture for a moment. It felt good and I liked doing it; I guess I did it a little too long.

'It's okay, you can go in,' he said over his shoulder. There was a little tremor in his voice that told me he might be already enjoying it too much. I decided I wanted to capitalize on that. I entered him slowly, one knuckle at a time, wriggling my finger around as if I were searching for his prostate. The tremor was worse when he said, 'It's okay, man, you don't have to treat me like a baby, it don't hurt.' He wanted me to get it over with.

With my finger all the way in him I went on a wider search. He was bent over like I was, hands clasped tightly together.

'Oh!....wait! I think you....f-found it....there! Yeah, there, man....I f-feel something.....don't you feel it?' he stammered.

I felt it but I didn't let on. I kept probing moving my finger around, actually rubbing all over his love nut. It was quivering.

'That's it, man, that's gotta be it!' he gasped. Then, very softly, under his breath, 'Oh, fuck!

The next instant his prostate went ballistic, almost like it was dancing and jumping around inside him. It was evil of me but I didn't stop. I think it would have been too late anyway. His asshole tightened around my finger, and loosened, then sort of fluttered and I knew he was cumming.

His head dropped into his hands and I heard soft splattering thuds against the side of the desk. He was really cumming.

I heard, 'Oh, shit! Look! Do you see that?' from somewhere in the classroom.

I kept my hand on his butt and my finger inside him till he finished shooting his load. His legs were shaking a little and he kept his head buried in his hands.

'Okay, I think I found it,' I said, patting him on the butt.

He remained bent over for a few more seconds then tossed his head back and straightened. His face was red, but he handled it like a trooper.

'I don't know if that was supposed to happen, Mr. Barstow, but I couldn't help it. I made a huge mess all over the side of your desk.'

Mr. Barstow handled it well too. 'I told you all that might happen. Don't worry about it, James, we'll take care of that later. There might be more,' he added, laughing.

James went back to his desk, shaking his head. As I returned to my desk I noticed most eyes were on James's cock swinging out in front of him.

Surprisingly, there was only one other explosion, although there were little puddles where precum had dripped on the floor, and streaks of cock drool on the sides of the desk.

When they were all finished, Mr. Barstow told us we could get dressed as he came in front of his desk, stepping gingerly over the little pools of precum. Then he moved to the side of the room.

'I think it might be safer over here,' he said, laughing.

'With that, gentlemen, you may well be the only high school students, or college, who have learned about your prostate in a classroom environment. I caution you again not to discuss this outside the classroom. Were you all okay with it? What did you think? Do you have any questions?'

'I have a question,' said Randy Blake. 'Is it supposed to feel good? Or, that good? James shot his load and he was embarrassed by that, but if Joe hadn't stopped when he did, doing me, I would've white washed the entire classroom.'

Everybody laughed.

'It's not a matter of supposed to or not,' Mr. Barstow said. 'If it felt good, then I think it should be something to be celebrated, not ashamed of.'

Another boy spoke up. 'I think the prostate is a guy's answer to a clit. It's just that nobody knows about it. And I wanta thank you, Mr. Barstow, for being brave enough to have this class and show us.'

'Oh, I'm, not the brave one. I wasn't one bent over the desk,' he said, laughing. 'What I am most impressed with is, not one boy left the room.'

'Well, I for one, won't be afraid to have the exam when the time comes,' a boy said.

Another hand went up. 'Having made this discovery, I'm wondering if that--the prostate--is what makes gay men like to have anal sex.'

'I don't know, but it must have some great bearing on it. If it was painful, it wouldn't be so popular,' Mr. Barstow said.

'Yeah, otherwise, they would stick to blowjobs,' the boy said. 'Just like the feelings in your dick make sex with a girl feel so great, the feelings in your prostate could make that kind of sex just as great. James sure got off on it, and there's a lot of ball juice all over the floor all around your desk.'

'Yeah, James, do you want to meet me after class?' someone said in a stage whisper.

The class erupted in laughter.

'I have a couple of questions for all of you, then I'll let you go,' Mr. Barstow said. 'Is there anyone who experienced pain that would make you still dread the 'bend over' exam?'

No hands went up.

'That's wonderful. Is there anyone who did not experience some bit of pleasure from it.'

Still no hands went up.

'I'm very glad to know that. We all know that every one of you masturbates from time to time. It's a perfectly natural and healthy thing to do. I would like to know, having made the discoveries that we have, if any of you think you might add ass play, if you will, to your private activities.'

There was dead silence and no hands went up.

Finally, Roger Brown spoke up. 'I'm gonna answer for all of us, Mr. Barstow, because we all know everybody's sitting here lying by keeping quiet. I think I might try it if the circumstances are right, I mean, if it's so I could be by myself and experiment around so I'd know what I'm doing.'

Mr. Barstow nodded thoughtfully. 'That is a very brave answer, Roger, and I'm sure you did speak for most everyone here.'

'I know I did. Hell, everybody here knows we all jack off.'

'I have just one more question,' Mr. Barstow said. He hesitated, then shook his head. 'No, I don't think I should ask that.'

'Go ahead and ask.'

'Don't be shy now, Mr. Barstow, what'd you wanta ask?'

Roger spoke up again. 'Since I'm the only one with any balls, I think I know what you want to ask, Mr. Barstow.'

'What? All right, you ask it and I'll tell you if you're right.'

'You wanta know if any of us are thinking or might consider teaming up for a jackoff-assplay session together; you know, help each other out, cause I don't know if you can reach your prostate with your own fingers.'

Mr. Barstow smiled broadly, shaking his head.

'You're a mind reader, Roger. You're absolutely right, that's what I was going to ask. Thank you for being so brave.' But he didn't pursue it.

Again, Roger was the brave one. 'Well?' he said, looking all around the room. 'You heard the question. Is anybody gonna answer it, or am I the only one in the room with any balls?'

Another boy spoke up. 'You didn't answer it either, Brown, you just asked the question.'

'Okay, yeah, I'd be up to experimenting around with somebody with some balls,' he said cockily.

Suddenly Mr. Barstow stepped in. 'The question has been asked and answered, at least in everyone's mind, but I think we are moving well beyond the subject at hand. So if there are no more questions, class is dismissed.'

As was his way, he wasn't asking if there were any more questions, he was dismissing us.

'Can I ask one more question, Mr. Barstow,' one boy called out anxiously. 'It has nothing to do with this, except I would like to know how you're going to grade this class. I know Roger blasted a huge A-plus all over your desk, but what kind of grade might I expect?'

When the laughter died down, 'There is still a written exam, but for this part--and it does count for fifty percent of your grade--you will all receive an A.'

If he'd held us a bit longer there would've likely been more questions, because there was an eruption of chatter as we left the building. I could almost feel a shroud lifted and a new feeling of excited freedom among the boys.