Boarding school 11

From the tutoring sessions, even though we knew we were going to get good grades, Chad and I turned in our extra credit papers and Mr. Barstow said to come to his quarters that evening to find out the results of our grades on the papers. As before, he said to come casual.

He opened the door in his boxers again, barefoot. He had his phone in his hand.

'Come in, come, don't be afraid, your grades aren't that bad,' he joked.

There were cokes on the table as before but he didn't offer us one or even invite us to sit down.

'I have to make a quick call,' he said 'I left your papers on the nightstand in my bedroom where I graded them, if you would be so kind as to go get them.'

We went to the bedroom and stopped in our tracks.

'Welcome to tutoring 101.'

There lay Dan Kennedy, stretched out on the bed, wearing the tiniest pair of white boxers I'd ever seen.

'Dan!' Chad said, expressing his surprise in his tone.

I think I gasped, not from surprise, but from the sight of him. His darkly tanned body, contrasted against the white sheets, by was absolute perfection. Every muscle--and there were so many of them--stood out in sharp definition and seemed to ripple even when he breathed.

'Mr. Barstow said we might have company tonight,' Dan said with a killer smile.

'We, uh....c-came over to check on our grades,' I stammered. I felt like a fool, unable to take my eyes off of him, and they kept being drawn back to his manhood, sexily encased in the bulging pouch of tight, stretch boxers.

'I wouldn't worry about your grades if I were you,' Dan said.

Mention of grades drew my attention to the nightstand but there were no papers, but I quickly dismissed that and looked back at Dan. Godd, he was built! Not an ounce of fat to be seen, his chest and stomach bulged and rippled when he breathed. The bulge in his shorts was mouth watering; in fact his shorts were almost all bulge with a narrow waistband holding it in place. I wondered what his butt looked like in those shorts. He got up from the bed and hitched them up on one side then the other.

'Mr. Barstow may be on that call for a little bit, he said to get you something to drink when you arrived. What'll it be? There's beer if you want it.'

'I'll have a beer,' Chad said.

'Yes, me too,' I said.

Dan went over to a small refrigerator on a table in the corner of the room and got three beers. It was a chance for me to see what his butt looked like in those shorts. I nearly choked. He handed us each a beer and I guzzled it; my mouth was dry.

'Get comfortable, looks like it's going to be an interesting night,' Dan said as he sipped his beer.

I must have hesitated. Probably did because I was so taken by this guy that my head wasn't in gear. He smiled and set his beer down and came over to me.

'Do you need some help?' he asked as he tugged my shirt out of my cargo shorts.

'I....thanks,' I managed. I took another hard slug of beer and he took it from me and set on the nightstand so he could pull my shirt off over my head.

'Fuckin' nice headlights,' he said, tweaking my nipples.

I laughed. 'Look at you, fuckin' nice everything,' I said.

'How's your ass, from that class the other day?' he asked.

'Okay. Fine.'

I glanced past Dan and saw Chad taking off his shorts and I could see he was already hard. He shoved his shorts down and his cock was bobbing around like a stick in the wind. He smiled at me.

'How's your ass?' I asked Dan.

'Fine. Wanta see?' he asked with a cocky grin.

'More than anything,' I said. I couldn't believe this was going so smoothly. He had my cargos undone and they fell to my ankles. He started to shove his shorts down but I stopped him. 'No, let me do that,' I said.

He smiled, said 'Okay' and picked up his beer.

I scrambled out of my clothes and went to my knees as Chad was coming over to us. I put my hands on Dan's hips and turned him around so he was facing Chad and began squeezing his butt through his shorts. They barely covered the twin mounds of muscle, so solid that I could barely make a dent with my fingers.

'Fuck, this is awesome,' I said hoarsely.

'I guess I get the front,' Chad said as he went to his knees. I didn't care. This wasn't about Dan's cock, it was about his body, the most perfect and beautiful body I'd ever seen.

Chad was pulling his shorts down in front and when I tugged on the waistband at the sides he entwined his fingers with mine and we pulled them down off his butt together. Chad pulled them the rest of the way off while I wrapped my hands around Dan's butt. My eyes fixed on it and I had to swallow the excess spit that had built up. Each side shifted and flexed sexily as he lifted his feet for Chad to remove his shorts completely.

'Holy Shit!' I heard Chad say and I knew he was feasting his eyes on Dan's cock. 'This is the most perfect cock I've ever seen,' he said.

I smiled. 'Same for the back side,' I said. I leaned in and kissed each side then pressed my face against his butt. My nose was in the top of his crack and I licked the lower part. Dan moved but I thought it was from Chad taking his cock in his mouth. I knew it was when his butt muscles tightened with a forward thrust. I ran my hands up and down Dan's smooth thighs. They were like warm marble. I reached one hand between them and hefted his heavy balls and felt Chad's tongue where he was completely down on his cock. Then I reached further to feel his lower abs. Chad took my hands and guided them to Dan's slick cock and moved them up and down on it. It was hard as rock, and so thick, and so hot. Chad put his mouth back on it and I moved my hands to let him have it.

I returned my focus to Dan's butt, pulling it apart to lick deeper in the crevice.

'Relax your butt for me,' I told him.

' is relaxed. That's just the way it is,' he said.

Chad reached around and clasped his butt to pull Dan's cock deeper into his throat, and pulled the muscles apart. I licked deeper as Chad sucked-fucked him for a moment then released.

'Damn, your ass is like two bowling balls.' Then he said between slurps, 'Hey, I've got an idea. Let's get on the bed and have Dan sit on your face, that'll spread his butt wide open for you, and I can still suck him at the same time.'

I stretched out on the bed and Dan stepped up on the bed and stood astraddle me. He squatted down over my face with his muscular arms spread out across the headboard. His asshole found my protruding tongue and I went to work on his ass, my face a perfect fit between his spread butt. Chad straddled me on his hands and knees and began sucking him.

I was in heaven, so hot and excited that my cock ached from the erection I had. Chad told me later that it was like sucking a hot poker. Dan was moaning and working his butt back and forth over my mouth and fucking Chad's mouth at the same time. I could feel Chad's drool on my chest.

Suddenly I felt my cock engulfed in the wet warmth of a mouth. I'd almost forgotten about Mr. Barstow. He was good. Ohh, Godd, he was good! I almost wished he wasn't so good because I was already so hot and boned up over Dan that it was going to be harder to hold off and I didn't want to ever give up his delicious ass. I wondered how many other guys Mr. Barstow had invited or summoned to his private quarters.

With Chad sucking him, it was hard for Dan to hold still for me to tongue his ass. I was okay with the ride he was giving my face but I wanted to taste inside him. I clasped his butt to hold him still and used my thumbs to stretch his hole wide open. I could see up inside his ass, the velvety inner muscles moving and palpitating. I urged him down and drove my tongue through his hole.

'Awwwhhh!! Awww, fuck!' he groaned loudly as he bore down on my face so I could tongue fuck him. But it was still hard for him to hold still and he began swinging his butt to and fro to fuck Chad's mouth at the same time.

The four of us fairly hummed; four bodies moving and thrusting, moving in sexual unison. I was in a constant state of trying to hold back, knowing it was futile, and I whimpered from the sheer pleasure of the futility.

Mr. Barstow was able to swallow my cock in steady gulps and lick my balls on each downward stroke. He paused every few strokes, releasing my cock completely to take a breath. Once when he did that he guided my cock to Chad's ass. He must have been preparing him all along because after several repeats, Chad pushed back and my cock was suddenly inside him. I squealed and moaned as he started riding me. But as the pleasure mounted Mr. Barstow took my cock back and sucked me some more. He did that several times.

Then Mr. Barstow lifted my legs up, high. 'Take hold of his legs,' he told Chad.

Chad reached back and took my legs without missing a stroke on Dan's thrusting cock and Mr. Barstow began rimming me.

I would have been happy just to rim Dan's gorgeous ass; now I was getting rimmed, I was getting fucked and I was feasting on the most incredible ass in the world, and it was almost more than I could stand.

But Mr. Barstow, knowingly or not, seemed set on pushing me to my limits and beyond. There was a short pause then I felt his cock pushing into me.

'Ohh, God, this is more than I can take,' I murmured aloud as his very long cock slowly entered me without pause. He started fucking me with long, deep strokes and when Chad rose up and groaned I knew it was because Mr. Barstow was rimming him now.

I tried desperately to hold off. I prayed for it not to end but it was Dan who shattered my hopes for continual pleasure when he lost control. His sweet asshole seemed to take on a new life, squeezing with slow, hard palpitations around my tongue, then, 'ohh, fuck....ohh, Chad you're getting me off....I'm gonna cum!....Oh Godd, I'm cumming, Chad, suck me hard. I'm cumming!'

He rode my face like it was a bucking bronco and I thought he might break or dislocate my nose. It was like he was going to come out of his ass. I wrapped my arms around his upper thighs and held on for the ride. Dan was practically screaming and my own screams were muffled by his butt, and it was almost a shock to me to realize that I was cumming too.

There was a blackout--I didn't know how long--during which I was hurled off into an unknown place of extreme pleasure, but pleasure more tolerable, as if the sexual part of my brain had gone into overload and shorted out to protect my sanity. Then the blackness began to clear and I was transported through a moonlit haze into a beautiful place of sexual pleasure that I was able to stand. I was aware of the wet heat surrounding my cock and a glove like tightness squeezing all around it as I continued slurping Dan's delectable ass. Then Dan's ass was lifting up from my face and was replaced with Chad' handsome face over me. Then his lips locked over mine, his tongue forcing my lips apart and I tasted Dan's warm, sweet cum. I opened my mouth eagerly to receive it but Chad sucked more of it back into his own mouth. We exchanged the delicious male nectar several times in a passionate kiss as we swallowed it. I whispered 'thanks' as our mouths parted. He said, 'no problem.'

My own ass was empty and I was coming back to reality, but I couldn't move.

'Fuck, what just happened?' I asked as I tried to form the picture in my mind. I heard someone laugh then Dan was lying down close beside me to make room for Chad and Mr. Barstow beside us. They didn't need much room. Chad drew his legs up, Mr. Barstow pushed them against his chest and started fucking him.

'Fuck, that was awesome,' Dan said as he pressed against me in a tangle of muscle. 'I never had anybody do that to me before.'

'More awesome than you know,' I said. 'I hope awesome enough that you'll want to do it again.'

'Shit, put me spread eagle on a rack, pry my ass open and do me all day and all night long,' he said.

'Ohh, fuck, what a picture! God, I love your body. I love feeling your muscles.'

'Yours feel good against mine,' he said.

'I'm surprised you even noticed mine,' I said.

'Oh, I've noticed,' he said. 'But I wasn't sure till Mr. Barstow said he was pretty sure about you and Chad.'

'How long have you and Mr. Barstow...'

He laughed, interrupting me. 'I spent my first night at school here in his quarters,' he said.

'Aww fuck, all this time wasted,' I moaned.

'We can make up for some of that wasted time,' he said. 'Barstow was fucking you just now, wasn't he?'

'Yes, but I was barely aware of it. I was concentrating on your ass. You've got the most beautiful, incredible ass I've ever seen. It makes my mouth water.'

'Would you let me fuck you? I think I could make you notice,' Dan said.

'Any time, any fuckin' place,' I said.

'There is one condition,' he said.


'You gotta fuck me back.'

I must have showed my surprise.

'What, you don't want to?' he asked.

'I don't know if I could.'

'I know you're big but I'll handle it. I want to see how far you reach with that big hunk of meat, and what it feels like.'

'I meant I don't know if I could hold off even to get my cock in you. You don't know what your butt does to me. Just watching my cock slide into your ass would probably make me go off.'

'Then don't watch. I'll blindfold you,' he said.

'No! I wanta watch your muscles ripple when I fuck you, and see your face.'

'Okay, we'll work together. I'll show you what my ass can do for you, and then sometime I want to try rimming. I've never tried that.'

Dan fucked me till I nearly screamed. He was wonderful but it was more the sight of his magnificent body hovered over me, those beautiful muscles rippling and bulging as he moved. I couldn't keep my hands off of him, and that felt almost as good as his cock moving inside me.

We traded places and I fucked Dan. He was so tight--he had such powerful muscles in his ass--it was hard to penetrate through his sphincter and it hurt him, but he took it like a man. We started out with him on his stomach. In that position I was fucking his butt muscles as much his asshole. He was moaning and gasping and tossing his head back and forth and clawing the sheets, and I loved pounding the twin mounds of muscle but they prevented me from penetrating all the way.

'If you really want to feel how far I can reach, we need to change positions with you on your back. Your butt is a great fuck cushion and I love fucking you this way, but your muscles are so firm I can't get in deep enough to use all of my cock.'

'I want you to use all of it on me,' he said. We changed positions. The sight of him on his back, submitting his muscular body to me like that, was breath taking and I did have to concentrate to hold off, just entering him again but once I was in I was okay.

'Ohh, Godd!' he groaned as I penetrated past where I'd been before. 'Ohh, Geezuss....fuck, man, you do go in deeper this way with my ass spread open.'

'Is it okay?' I asked as I shoved his legs against his chset.

'Yeah, it's fine. Fuck me.' He spread his legs out wide, holding onto his ankles so he was bent in half. It was the most vulnerable position I'd ever seen.

So I showed Dan how deep I could go and he loved it, he said as much as him fucking me. He was amazed how long I could fuck and he said later that he was a little sore from the hard, incessant pounding I gave him, but he said it was a good soreness.

After we showered he rimmed me. He started doing it in the shower. I didn't have to show him anything, he just did it, doing what he felt me do to hm.

Chad and Mr. Barstow occupied each other but it was like we were, each couple, in separate worlds. Except when Dan and I were sixty-nining. Dan was on top and Chad came up behind him and began fucking him. That was pretty incredible too. I could feel it every time he made contact with Dan's prostate. It made his cock bolt harder in my mouth and it got him so primed, when he went off it was like a fire hose. Mr. Barstow made it even more pleasurable by fucking me at the same time.

I couldn't accurately say what all we did or many times or how many fiery loads we shot off. It was a virtual orgy with one long, continuous cum.

As I'd hoped, it wasn't the last time I had with Dan. If he hadn't transferred in....if I'd met him first....I might have fallen in love with him instead of Chad. Or as well as Chad, because falling in love with Chad was inevitable. I felt a little guilty that I was so smitten with Dan, but I couldn't keep my mind off the guy. He was in my thoughts as much as Chad.

Then one day Chad relieved my guilt.

'Look, I know you're all hot for Dan,' he started as we were walking on campus one evening.

'It's the hots, nothing deeper than that,' I lied.

'Whatever, it's okay. I wanted to ask how you feel about sharing the cabin....letting somebody else in on it.'

'Brock already knows about it. Who else do you want to take back there?'

'Not me, you.'

'What do you mean?

'Here's the deal. Eric wants me to fuck him; more actually, he wants me to dominate him. He wants to role play....he wants me to rape him. He's paying me.'

'Paying you? Why would he do that?'

'It's what he wants to do. He says it'll be like he owns me for the night if he pays me, like I'm bought and paid for. I wanted to ask you first.'

'You don't need my permission to have sex with someone else.' I said.

'Yeah, I do. I have to know you're okay with it.'

'Sure I'm okay with it. What has it got to do with me taking somebody back to the cabin?'

'Eric and I will be using Mr. Barstow's bedroom. I thought maybe you might want to take Dan back to the cabin for the night.'

My heart skipped a beat and I couldn't speak for a moment.

'I know you're wanting it from him again.'

'I do, but....'

'Then do it. Mr. Barstow said we can trust him.'

'Wait....Barstow knows about the cabin?'

'Yeah. I slipped up. But he's fine with it. Just like he's fine with Eric and me using his quarters. Eric wants him to film us but I don't know if I want to do that.'

'Don't. I don't trust Eric that much.'

'I probably won't.'

'No probably....just don't let him. And make sure there are no hidden cameras,' I said

'So do you want to?' he asked again.

'Hell, yeah. Thanks. Have fun with Eric.'

'Thanks, for what? You don't need my permission either.'

'Yeah, I do,' I lied. I didn't really; I was ashamed to admit that I would've been having sex with Dan anyway if there had been the chance.

Two days later I told Dan about the cabin. I was pleased that he was so excited. I was also pleased that he asked about Chad.

'Chad has other plans,' I told him.


'I'm not sure. Do you want to sneak out tonight?'

'Fuck, yeah.'

So while Chad was raping Eric for pay, I was steeped in sexual pleasure with Dan. It was another night to remember, equal to the orgy. I couldn't get enough of his body. I couldn't tear my eyes away from him or keep my hands or my mouth off of his muscles. I actually tried just to see how strong the attraction was.

Several times I looked away and drew my hands away from him, not touching him anywhere. I couldn't do it. My eyes and hands were drawn back to him, like his body was a magnet.

'Why do you keep doing that, looking away and pulling away from me?' he asked.

'To see if I can. I can't. You are so incredibly beautiful I can't keep my eyes and my hands off of you.'

He laughed and the ripple of his stomach muscles made me whimper with excitement.

'What?' Dan asked.

'This,' I said, flattening my hand over his abs. 'The way your abs ripple and dance when you laugh or move at all, it makes me shiver and get all weak inside.'

'If the light was better you would see you're embarrassing me, saying I'm beautiful. That's for girls.'

'Don't be embarrassed, just accept my adulation. You are the most beautiful male I've ever seen, more beautiful than any girl I've ever seen. It's almost impossible to keep my eyes and hands off of you and I thank the gods that I don't have to.'

'Come on,' he said with an embarrassed smile. Then he asked, 'What about Chad?'

'He told me to bring you here.'

'No shit!'

'No shit. So will you just indulge me my muscle worship?'

'Yeah, fuck yeah. It makes it worth all the work, building myself up to look like this, when someone appreciates it as much as you do.'

'Believe me, I more than appreciate all the work you've put into your body. I lust over you.'

'Well, just so you know, I sorta like your body too. Especially that awesome cock. Now there is a thing of beauty. So you can worship my muscles if I can worship your cock.'

Like I said before, it was a night to remember, and I can still almost feel Dan's smooth, solid muscles when I think of that night and look at his pictures. Yeah, nearly everyone was taking pictures of everyone else before the school year ended, outside on campus, in the weight room, in the dorm--some pretty raunchy ones there--and later when Dan and I sneaked off to the cabin just before the sun went down. It wasn't to have sex--there wasn't time--I wanted some candid pictures of him. I took them of him posed naked in the field right at the edge of the woods, doing all sorts of poses, even some of his cock hard. And I didn't forget some back views of his awesome ass. Dan Kennedy is one of my fondest memories of school.