Ch 2 Anywhere (3)

"Right, I will find you something to wear soon, your majesty."

"Call me, She-u. Majesty doesn't feel right, and you don't have to be afraid of me. I cannot do anything to you, please relax a bit."

"As you wish, She-u." The man looked around the room for something.

"Thank you for not shooting me, by the way."

Goliath snorted without looking at me, "First you apologize and now you are thanking me. I am not sure you understand how being kidnapped and made a slave works."

"Nope, I was born in the highly sheltered life of an upper class person after all. I understand losing family in bombs halfway around the world, but being a slave is new." His laugh had made me feel more comfortable so I looked around a bit.

The room had the bed I was on that had just one fitted sheet, an end stand to the right and a footlocker at the end. That was it. It was dark with grey walls being lit only by the one light. I didn't see how there had been enough room for five people earlier. I looked a bit more to the side. Oh there was one desk and chair. I wondered why my head had been at the foot of the bed. "Sorry, I don't own much."

"I am alive to see it. Is there another sheet at least?"

"Oh, guess that would work." Goliath walked over to a place beside the desk and touched the wall. It slid open revealing weapons, the battle armor he had on earlier and shelves with folded towels, sheets, washcloths and other everyday things.

He pulled a white sheet down and tossed it to me. "Why don't you keep sheets on the bed if this is your room?"

I picked the sheet up off the bed and wrapped it around myself. It seemed strange that even so little fabric could make me feel safer. It's not like he hadn't seen everything already. But with the sheet around me I relaxed from my ball into sitting cross legged on the bed. "I leave the room ready for the next person when I leave on a mission."

"That sounds sad."

"It's life." The man shrugged and closed the closet door.

"Most people wish to leave something behind them. Yet you won't even leave a mess for the person that replaces you. That is sad."

The man turned around to look at me. "Well, there seems to be one problem I am going to leave behind if I die on a mission now."

"My presence is endangering your position isn't it?"

"Yes and no, Ravid is in command of the ship. I am his second. I brought you back so I certainly can choose to keep you, as long as Ravid doesn't order otherwise. He can read me better than most and I don't think he wants a confrontation with me right now, so he let me keep you."

"Yet, he is probably monitoring the video feed to find out why you wanted to keep me. I am guessing there are no mics in here."

"Yes, probably. 2-bit could read my lips, but I doubt Ravine will want to involve him."

Well then I still have a few choices. What should I play out? Man I was tired. I laid down on the bed again this time putting my head on the pillow. A slave, stuck in this room for now but safe only so long as my master kept his position. I am going to have to work on becoming the master, but for now. Living was the goal. I didn't move the sheet to cover my legs better when they slipped out as I stretched.

The man blushed and looked down. I made up my mind, he was my guard after all. "I am still tired. This is the only bed, it will look strange if you don't join me."

"You want me to…"

"For now it is your position not just your physical power that is keeping me safe. If you die I am guessing I will too. I will need clothes, and then a way to get on the net. For that you need your position with the rebels, master."

The man frowned, "Don't call me that."

"Oh, so you will give me orders. What do you want me to call you then? Green? It would be about as true as Goliath."

"None of us use our true names."

"I got that, and you didn't answer me."

"You should stick with Goliath, it will prevent slip ups when others are around."

"If you have so little faith in me. Not that I blame you, we only just met after all. Are you going to join me or not?"

He did something and the light dimmed changing from white to red and then he climbed in behind me. "I am sure the infrared can tell you aren't touching me." Goliath put an arm lightly over my waist. It was cute, like he was afraid I would break. "Better," I rolled to face him and he tensed. "Just hold me until I fall asleep. Keep the door locked when you leave. I will need net time as soon as you can let me, and probably food sometime before then."

"Now who is giving orders? I will see what I can do."

"If you cannot get me net time soon, at least find out what the status of the stations are."

"You got family floating or something, She-u."

"Nope, as my record should have told you I am an emancipated minor after my grandparents died. I have been living off of life insurance for over a year. As long as I am alive I have a job set up for me. My life is planned all I have to do is survive." Goliath's hand rose up my back pulling me a bit closer to him. I leaned my head back some but I didn't fight him.

"Aren't you worried you won't Survive?" The movement wrapped the sheet around me. I could feel the warmth of his body through his thick cotton outfit and the thin sheet. He wasn't naked but my heart sped up anyway.

"Not as much as I am afraid of just surviving."