Ch 2 Anywhere (2)

I sat up quickly pulling my limbs in to protect my core. It wouldn't have done me much good if he wanted to hurt me but it made me feel a bit better. Yet, I was still naked.

I got my first look at the man when I moved but the pain in my side and limbs made me close my eyes before it really registered. After I was tightly circled and the pain receded a bit I opened my eyes again.

The man was built like a mountain. A tall broad mountain. He was currently standing facing me with one hand behind his head like he was having a hard time deciding what to do. He was looking at the wall to my left not me, I guess my state of undress embarrassed him some. He didn't seem to be blushing though.

He wasn't In full gear any more, his neck and hands were exposed. His sleeves were even partially rolled up exposing his forearms. I could just see the one behind his head but his other hand wasn't hidden at all. "Green."

Except his face it seemed like all his skin was covered in jade green scales. His expression changed and his eyes flashed to mine and I flinched at the anger in them. "Are you a child or something, you look too old-"

He cut off as our eyes met completely this time. Time stopped in this world and it felt like our souls were pulled to another. It felt like I got dragged along but I hadn't been the intended target.

I floated in nothing watching as the man appeared before a giant green serpent. "Youngest son of Shu, you have a choice to make. Accept this power and you become a knight to defend your king. Be warned there is a price to pay. Your children will have varying amounts of my power and should the king need it they will be my link to him. Should your children turn me down, it will kill them. Are you ok with that?"

"Yes, just help me save the purple dragon."

"As you wish." The green dragon seemed to eat the man.

It had only been a memory that the green dragon was showing the heir to his power. The seen reset but this time it really was the man that had saved me standing before the green dragon. "The soul of your king cried out to you, child of mine. Would you like the full range of your power to protect them?"

"Wait, what? I didn't see a king."

"It does not matter what from the purple dragon takes, it is still your king."

"Girls cannot be king."

"You will choose not to serve then!?" The green dragon raised up higher, "If you refuse me I will have to take my power from you."

"Wait, no. You are moving too quick. What is the purple dragon? What are you? What is going on? Where are we?"

"I am afraid I don't have time to waste answering your pointless questions, human. Will you serve your creator, king, lord, master, lady, queen, whatever you wish to call the purple dragon in whatever form it chooses to take? This is the last time I am asking, human. Would you like your full power?"

"I don't understand the choice you are giving me!"

"Does that matter? Your ancestor certainly didn't try and ask this many questions."

I could only watch at first this was crazy, I didn't understand what was going on myself. The green dragon dropped to face the big man that looked like a tiny snack to the dragon when I figured out how to make my voice work. "Green! I need help!"

The green turned to face the source of the voice. "I know that is what your hairless monkey is for right, brother?"

"No, well yes but I need more help than that."

The green dragon turned his head like he was listening, "What is wrong?"

"Black is attacking my creations!"


"Yes, please get the others, I cannot change forms just yet."

"But it will take time and we promised not to land on your rock anymore."

"My creations haven't stayed on my rock, brother."

"They haven't? Now this I must see. I will be there as soon as I can with our brothers. But first." The green dragon looked back at the human who couldn't see what the green dragon had been talking to. "Your king needs you, human. Your answer? If you don't take the power I will have to kill you."

"I-" the man looked around like he was trying to find an escape. Finding none he then sighed, "I will serve, give me the power."

The green dragon blew flames around the man who cried out in surprise. The world that was not the world spun and I found myself back in my body facing the man that had just agreed to serve the purple dragon.

Maybe it wasn't a myth? What was that? The man's green scales now shone and glittered in the light. He fell to one knee as I watched him, his head bowed. "The life you gave is yours to use, my king."

It did not seem right at all, I am a 16 year old girl, not a legendary leader or something. Aren't I? Why did it seem like I remembered things that were impossible? "Thanks, but live as you wish. Sorry for hurting you."

The man blinked at me like I must have a screw loose. "I threaten to rape you and you apologize to me." The man shook his head again but stood up. "So, you could see the curse because you are cursed as well."

"It wasn't meant as a curse, and lots of people used your gift to rule, and help people. Children have eyes that can see the divine but brains that lack acceptance. I am lucky, it is my soul that is a dragon, so there is nothing to see even for kids. Well, nothing that couldn't be explained with contacts and hair dye." I stayed curled up watching the man over my arms.

He could hurt me easily without using the power of the green dragon. I wasn't even sure if I believed I am the purple dragon reborn. That seems too much like a fairy tale. He shook his head and sighed, "This is my room, we didn't really have any place else to put you. We aren't in the habit of taking slaves. You are safe as long as you stay here, your majesty."

I felt myself smile at the silliness of that statement, "I am hardly going anywhere without clothes."