Ch 2 Anywhere (1)

The world returned slowly, and I wasn't sure I wanted it to return at all. Everything hurt. I couldn't remember ever being in this much pain. "Looks like she is waking up, 2-bit. Have you found anything on her yet?"

I was tied down with my arms spread over my head and my legs pulled out as far as my hips would allow. It took me a couple of moments to realize that I was completely naked. I tried to pull my hands down but the angle of the restrain didn't let them move much. The same was true of my legs I couldn't close them.

I let out a cry of pain as the cuffs shocked me for pulling on them. Falling still I just listened to my own breathing. I could hear someone typing, it brought back memories of my father. He was the only person I had met who had typed. All I could see was a grey ceiling and the edge of a humming old style light. At least they had been kind enough not to tie me directly under it. "Come on, why are you even bothering Goliath? She is a tuber, turn her over to Ravid. Unless you want her as your slave."

"Watch your mouth, Red."

"Wrong Nat." The voice sounded like it belonged to a kid.

"What? She was at that polished school, of course she is a tuber."

"Not according to her school records. Here read this. 2-bit has already disconnected, so take your time, I know you need it."

I almost snorted, the first guy had just called Red dumb. If I wasn't in such an exposed position with apparently three men standing around me it would have been funny. After a moment there was a snort. "So what, not a tuber, still dangerous."

"All humans are dangerous, Red."

My heart sped up at the sound of a door opening and closing. The new voice didn't help, it was evil sounding. "Does she have nanites then, 2-bit?"

The voice that I thought was Red's answered, "Yes, she has the full interface models, she wasn't tubed but she had powerful family members. Only there is no transmitting nanites they are all passive. They won't even help with her wounds in this state, Ravid."

I had tried to stop it but I inhaled sharply as it felt like something was stabbing my side. "But you could get them to tell you her injuries?"

"Bruised ribs, other minor cuts and bruising."

"Well then, list her for sale. Virgin like her should get a good price."

"No, wait. We don't know enough."

"You used her to escape, it worked. Lucky her, she is now product instead of dead. We got what we went to the school for, so no more need for her."

"Yes it worked but why? Do you really think the system would prioritize any human life over protecting what we took? We have to be missing something here Ravid."

"If you want to fuck her yourself, she is already tied up. I can just add the price to your debt to me, Goliath. We cannot waste computer time looking up some 16 year old school kid. 2-bit you did make sure her phone was offline right."

"Yes, Ravid."

Damn, I couldn't believe they were talking about selling me in front of me. Of course there wasn't currently anything I could do about it. 16 and never been kissed, well that might not be true much longer.

I wanted to scream and try to pull free but that would have just gotten me shocked again. "Add her whole price to my debt, Ravid. I will let you know if I change my mind about selling, I am the one that kidnapped her after all."

"Every well, but you will have to keep her under control. She gets under my foot and I will squash her. Who knew our little Goliath was ready to become a man?" Ravid's voice had changed and I knew he was teasing Goliath. "Well, boys, there is food in the mess. Let's leave Goliath to his new found prize."

Red snickered, "You sure you don't want me to teach her what to do first, Goliath. I could show her how to be good and submissive."

"Get out, Red." Goliath stepped to where my head rested as the others left. Only my wrists and ankles were restrained but I figured tossing my head wouldn't do me any good right now. "What are you doing to me?"

I didn't realize the question had been directed at me until Goliath's hand slammed down onto the table within inches of my ear. I turned away from it in response and gasped in pain as it pulled my side which caused me to pull on the cuff on my wrist and I got shocked again. "N-nothing. Please just let me go. I won't tell anyone, anything, I swear, just let me go." Was that my voice? I could have sworn it was crying but that wasn't right.

"Tell anyone about what? You don't know anything, and yet I feel compelled to protect you." The big man walked over to the door and did something. I had a feeling that he locked it but I wasn't sure. "I should have shot you when you ran into me but I couldn't. Taking you might have let us escape but I am not so sure, that is why I did it. And now I should just gag you, fuck you and turn you over to Ravid. Yet I cannot. So what are you doing to me?"

I swallowed as I listened to him walk back towards my head. When I heard him stop I was sure he wanted an answer "N-nothing." It was very hard to keep my arms still, I wanted to pull away.

He reached over me and rubbed what had to be a bruise on my side. I gasped when I tried to flinch from the touch but I kept my eyes closed. He removed his hand after just the briefest of brushes. "Hum."

I froze, the cuffs sprang away from me. What was he thinking? "The door is locked, you won't be able to leave without me. Unlike the other men here I find I am not into helpless women."