Ch 4 Anyway (4)

"I am inclined to agree with you, yet I saw the green dragon when I saw you. It could have been a hallucination brought on by stress, maybe, but I am stronger now. Granted I am not sure I am strong enough to protect you, if you get the whole world after you, princess."

I rolled my eyes and headed out the door. Goliath was right behind me as I opened the closet door. I froze as he rubbed his cheek against the side of my neck, "Better, princess."

His cheek was soft and smooth, so I lifted my other hand to rub his cheek as his arm went around my bare middle. "Much better, and I would enjoy it better if I wasn't getting hungry I think. Too bad humans insist on people wearing clothes when not in private."

"Probably best, skin isn't that good at stopping scratches." He let me pull away as I moved through the closet door. There was row on row of color coordinated outfits. Most of them had never been worn, as I usually wear my school uniform, even if I didn't have to, anything to make one less choice. I moved to one corner of the closet and pressed a panel. It opened a new row that had the black and purple uniforms of my house staff. "Why do you have a set of staff uniforms in here? I thought I was the only one you brought around to play with."

"You are." I could feel myself blushing at the thought, "Yet I am still a klutz and people get hurt or their clothes end up destroyed around me all the time. So I keep a set in here just incase. It is easier than sending them to get changed and then come back and fix whatever it was I broke this time."

"If they are hurt enough to need new clothes won't they want to get away?"

"90% are actives, so, no. The nanites block the pain and heal them before they even finished changing in most cases. There was one I sent to the infirmary for a few days. The passives in my employ don't usually stay within arm's reach of me."

"Good thing I am pretty sturdy then." I found a guard uniform that looked about big enough to fit Goliath.

Handing it out to him I replied, "Yes. Now try this on and let me see. If it doesn't fit I will have to send you to your room. Knowing the computer it printed up ones of the right size and put them there."

"I am not sure I want to get that far from you." Goliath started dressing as I looked for what I might be able to put up with today out of my clothes. None of the ball gowns that I knew.

"I told you already, your room is across the hall. You are here as my personal guard. You have priority access to all of the cameras that have a few of any entrance or exit from my room. You can also access the cameras in my room as long as I have not put them in private mode. Joe even answer to you when it comes to my safety. He is responsible for operational security, like the house over all, the trip to and from the house to any place and safety while in any place that doesn't have its own safety team. He is the only one who I am worried about knowing your id is fake and telling someone he should not." I sighed as I picked out a pink miniskirt and white tank top that was just a bit too tight. Joe would hate it, that was part of why I picked it. "I will have to make time to talk to him too because he had been after me for the last year to fill the position."

Goliath was almost dressed as I pulled on almost see through white leggings to go under the miniskirt, that should make him a bit happier. "What changed a year ago?"

"My grandparents died, and I became an emancipated adult. It's like an adult, only not. It had been my grandparents job to fill the position before that but they hadn't."

"Because you kept asking them not to for some reason, I am guessing." Goliath left the top half of his lilac shirt unbuttoned and the jacket of the uniform open. The color looked great next to the green of his scales.

"Maybe I shouldn't keep you so close if you can read me that well already. Though, I do like the view." I leaned down to tie the straps on some light pink low cut boots. High heels were just not my thing, I would wear them if I had to go to a party but only unwillingly. I was klutz enough thank you.

Goliath had found the spare work boots and was checking if any would fit him. "Since you have veto control of the uniforms I am glad you like them. I am sorry for your loss, though, princess."

"Thanks, Greenie, and I don't really care what you call me in private but make sure you use my name in public."

"Yes, princess." I considered throwing one of the shoes at him but didn't, I needed to get control over this violent streak I was developing.

I stepped up to Goliath and he straightened looking at me. I straightened his collar and tucked in his shirt. "Joe will want to test you with weapons before he lets you carry any around me. How did you get the knife anyway?"

"You are the only person over the age of 8 that I have met that can still see my scales other than myself. The knife is small enough to hide against my scales, so they really just didn't see it. Even your Joe didn't notice it as I carried you."

I didn't like the oh so small smirk I saw on Goliath's face, "I won't ask you not to hurt him, knowing boys you won't feel right until you have attempted to knock each other senseless a few times, but do try not to kill him."