Meeting Wife

Fairy Stone Peak is a mountaintop surrounded by natural beauty to which most locals and tourists climb to admire a turquoise pond and an ancient fairy stone.The majority of those who are filled with passionate drive raise their hands and silently wish for eternal or true love. However, within that beautiful scenery, there lies a shop.


On a particular day, a rainstorm poured down heavily, lightning flashed in the gloomy skies, and no one seemed to be hiking the Fairy Stone Peak.

Meanwhile, Store Owner Jiang Qiao said goodbye to his last customer and evaluated his store's income of more than 2,000 yuan, which was not bad. He started cleaning up and was getting ready to leave. ($313)

After everything was done, Jiang Qiao looked up at the Fairy Stone not too far away and worshiped it. For tourists, this was the God of marriage, but for him, it was the God of wealth.

At this moment, he saw a figure constantly being shocked by lightning in the crackling eerie sky.

"Someone survived the thunder disaster?"

Jiang Qiao thought of a video circulating on the Internet and shook his head, but it was just a dark cloud in the shape of a human being. (T/L: Video= man survives lightning strike using umbrella)

Before closing the store and going home, the whole Fairy Stone Peak was covered with a thick fog.

At this time, he didn't want to go down the mountain, as the thunder had gotten incredulously rapid and the fog obscured his vision.

Moreover, because Jiang Qiao's shop is at the top of a mountain, if he steps the wrong way it'll be his unavoidable death.

But, when a bit of fog cleared out, he noticed a gorgeous woman standing on a cliff!

Seeing this, he was inspired with fear and courage, mumbling, "But, this is my territory! There will be fewer tourists if there is a suicide. No way! Never let her succeed easily. If she wants to die, she must die somewhere else. She can't delay me from making money!"

Therefore, Jiang Qiao ran out of his shop, took an umbrella, turned on the video of his mobile phone, and rushed into the storm.

Seconds later, he made it to where the woman was standing and slowly approached the edge of the cliff.

Making it near her, the woman's attractiveness shone through, as she was dressed in a white silk neck skirt and a damp long-sleeved top. Her hair was tied up, and flesh color was visible near her delicate white skin.

Jiang Qiao held his breath and approached slowly, trying to pull her to a safe place. However, just as he was only two meters away from grabbing her, the woman suddenly turned around.

"Stop!", She had yelled startling Jiang Qiao, since he didn't know what kind of dialect she was speaking.

At this moment, Jiang Qiao took the opportunity to clearly look at the woman in front of him.

She wore a bead curtain veil on her face. Her beautiful eyebrows were an ethereal distant mountain, with eyes like a spiritual spring and fiery will.

Jiang Qiao has seen many girls dressed in a Hanfu, but none of them had such temperament.

How unthinkable is it to be born so beautiful but want to commit suicide?

He quickly recovered from his stupor and spread his hands: "Well, listen to me, beauty, I don't mean anything. Don't be nervous. I'm a good person."

The woman wearing a skirt looked faintly at the sneaky mortal in front of her. She knew of the umbrella, but what was the square stone in his hand?

Are you going to sneak up on me using a sealing weapon?

But, it doesn't seem to have any aura or lethality.

It's similar to an ordinary stone.

Jiang Qiao continued to move forward, and the woman frowned slightly: "Don't move!"

Looking at her footsteps retreating slightly, Jiang Qiao shivered in fear that she would slip directly under her feet.

"Okay, okay, I won't move, but beauty, relax first. You look very nervous. Let's have a conversation, okay?."

The woman still looked at him calmly, silently and made no movement.

The two fell into a silent confrontation, and Jiang Qiao felt a little troubled.

If it was from the perspective of an outsider, it was like he had forced this ethereal fairy to a dead end.

"You see, you are still so young and beautiful. Although I don't know what sad things you have encountered in the world. There are no obstacles in the world that you can't overcome, only corners that you can't turn, don't you think so?"

Jiang Qiao smiled and appreciated his own kindness, hoping that these words would make the little fairy in front of him let go of her guard.

"There are no hurdles in the world that can't be overcome, only corners that you can't turn..."

The little fairy whispered the words he had told her and thought it made sense.

She failed to cross to the immortal emperor realm, and now her power has plummeted, but the way to cultivate immortality is to fight against the heavenly fate.

It was difficult to understand what she was saying because of her unusual dialect, but he got the gist of what she was expressing.

Jiang Qiao nodded: "Yes, it's beautiful to be alive in this world. You still have countless good moments ahead of you. If you're facing a problem, you can tell me, I'm willing to listen."

Jiang Qiao tried his best to be kind. Generally speaking, as long as the suicide victim is willing to open their mouth, the more they talk, and the more they vent, the calmer their mind will be, which is more conducive to being rescued.

The little fairy looked at the mortal and slowly shook her head: "You can't help me."

She turned around and looked up at the dark sky and sighed faintly.

The immortal emperor realm, there are only a few proud people who can successfully survive from ancient times to the present.

Seeing that the fairy turned around again, sighing and looking at the sky, Jiang Qiao was inexplicably anxious.

"Beauty, say something. Don't jump off the cliff!"

'Don't scare me like that!.'

"Think about it? Jump off the cliff?" The little fairy's tone was confused.

"Yes, it's so high here. Even if you don't jump, in case you fall, you will definitely break 100% of your bones! You don't want your beautiful face to be disfigured, do you?"


The little fairy gave him a piercing look and cursed him for suggesting she would be disfigured and for daring to speak to an emperor like that!

His soul will be extracted, burned in the skylight for a hundred years, and then erased.

I'm concerned about far too many things right now.

Mortal, envy your fate since I will not burn your soul.

"This mountain is too low, only 300 meters deep, and it's boring to jump down. And, once I jumped down from this peak, I would be able to have a panoramic view of thousands of miles of the country, which would be interesting."


Jiang Qiao was speechless when he heard it.

What do you mean only 300 meters? Don't you know that can kill people if they jump down?

Mount Everest is only 8,848 meters. Are you mountain jumping in your dreams!?

Or, maybe you've watched too many TV series?

Jiang Qiao's eyebrows twitched as he didn't want to argue with her: "Then you stand here now..."

"You're getting soaked."

The fairy glanced at him indifferently: "You don't understand."

Being in the emperor realm, her body is invulnerable and has no dirt or dust. As for being wet by rain, she had never felt it for thousands of years.

Jiang Qiao: "..."

Well, he doesn't understand.

He really doesn't understand this stupid woman.

No matter how beautiful the person is, no matter how beautiful the hairstyle is, no matter how beautiful the dress is, they will become embarrassed in this weather.

Jiang Qiao took another look at the wet little fairy.

All right.

This fairy doesn't count for being embarrassed.

"All I know is that you will get sick after getting wet for a long time since it's winter. Aren't you cold? What's more, it's really dangerous for you to stand on the edge of the cliff. Come here and let's talk about it?"

The fairy looked calm: "I ask you mortal, what's going on in this world? Why is there no spiritual power at all?"

"What the hell?"

Jiang Qiao now has sufficient evidence that this woman, who looks as beautiful as a fairy, is actually a psycho.

"That's all..."

The fairy withdrew her gaze. Although she has lost all her qi now, her wise eyes were still at her disposal.

The human in front of her was weak, pale, and his eyes were full of blood. At first glance, his Qi and blood are weak and Yang Qi is insufficient.

There is no spiritual power all over his body. He is a complete mortal.

Jiang Qiao looked at her as she was continuing to stand on the edge of the cliff.

"Where do you live? Do you have any friends? Do you want me to call them to pick you up?."

Thinking of her former friends, disciples and sects, she had long disappeared in the ages, and she set foot on the fairy road and yearned to become an immortal emperor.

The fairy sighed quietly and said in a lonely tone: "I'm the only one left."

Looking at her sad look, Jiang Qiao's face twitched.

Do I, Jiang Qiao, actually care about this psycho?

He took another look at her temperament and as a well-educated modern young man, he hesitated for a moment and scratched his head while holding his mobile phone.

"Now it's getting dark, it's raining heavily, and the road downhill is slippery. My house is not far ahead. If you don't mind beauty, why don't you..."

While speaking, he accidentally touched the photo button in the video, and a bright light flashed by.

The fairy's face immediately turned cold. Sure enough, someone wanted to use this mortal to trick her.

"The nine-day Xuansha, turn into a thunderbolt!."