Come right in

Jiang Qiao lifted his palm subconsciously to stop the approaching lightning blow.

But, almost immediately, he felt an electric current wrap around his body, his limbs went numb and he collapsed motionless on the ground, and his phone exhaled wisps of white smoke.

The fairy frowned slightly. Even without her cultivation, her realm was still there. Normally, she could communicate with Xuansha thunder, bombard this scum and turn him into ashes, but why was it so weak?

Have the laws of the world disappeared?

Jiang Qiao eventually recovered from the numbness that had spread throughout his body. He raised his eyes to the little fairy and his phone, which continued to emit white smoke. He was quickly baffled.

The little fairy in front of him, who looked weak, was actually so brave!

'She zapped my mobile phone, and there was also that kind of crisp electric shock feeling but she didn't have an electric shock stick in her hand. What's going on!?.'

His head started to hurt from thinking too much into the situation.

Jiang Qiao only wanted to persuade a person to go home but in return, he had lost his mobile phone in a weird supernatural manner.

Regardless, this is a deliberate destruction of other people's property, right?

"Say! Who sent you here!? The ancient families, flying dynasties, or Longyuan Cave? Or those forbidden places in the immortal mausoleum and hell? Do you want to be destroyed!?" The fairy's face plummeted as hard as ice.

Jiang Qiao scratched his head.

'What are these names? I read too many novels, didn't I?

Looking at the mortal in front of her who had a blank face, the fairy pointed at him and proudly showed her figure, saying:

"No one dares to offend an emperor. Even if I have no cultivation now, the Taoist fruit is hidden, and it is still invincible in the world!"

(T/L: I honestly don't know what she's trying to say, maybe a hidden weapon?)

Listening to her wuxia novel nonsense, Jiang Qiao's eyes twitched.

"Beauty, even if you pretend to be crazy and stupid, not to mention even if you were an emperor or an extralegal madman, you will pay for my mobile phone."

He attempted several times to click on the button, but the phone was entirely unresponsive. Jiang Qiao was depressed since he had only recently purchased this phone, which cost thousands of yuan.

However, the fairy looked at him blankly. She had not expected this.

When did a mortal dare to be so rude in front of the emperor?

Aren't you afraid that your soul will be destroyed?

She walked forward, while Jiang Qiao stepped back a few steps timidly. He had a hunch that he could not beat this woman in a 1 on 1 fight.

"We can talk about compensation later. By the way, it's raining heavily. Do you really not need an umbrella?"

The little fairy glanced at him faintly, and getting wet in the rain is a trifle, since her most important priority right now is to better understand the rules of the world.

She continued to look at the fairy stone statue. After centuries of wind and rain, the fairy stone had long lost its original appearance, leaving only the basic outline. At the base below was engraved the origin of the fairy stone, but she could not understand the words of this world.

"Let me ask you, what language is this?"

After getting comfortable with her strange dialect, Jiang Qiao inexplicably felt that her ethereal voice was beautiful.

"Is this Yuzhou?."

He ignored her strange proclamation of this land being called Yuzhou when he suddenly realized, "No, you don't even know what language it is? Yet, you came to the top of this mountain?"

The woman's face immediately turned complicated as she raised her finger and pointed to the sky: "I fell from there."

Her finger was in the direction of the top of the sky, and she didn't know why she was sent here.

Jiang Qiao raised his head and gazed up at the dark clouds of lightning and thunder. He opened his mouth, unsure how to respond to her thoughts. He thought she was either insane or ignorant. Furthermore, he believed some of the crap she said.

Because, it really doesn't look like she was lying.

He also recalled the figure being hit by countless lightning strikes a few minutes before, and also this fairy woman had palms containing electric currents.

Jiang Qiao shivered fiercely, and his scalp went numb.

Could it be…..?

"Who are you? Where do you live?"

"Purple Microstar, White Moon Spirit, 9,800 years of ruling, I am Bai Yueling."

When she said this, Bai Yueling had an inexplicably arrogant and amazing feeling.

Which other emperor can live and rule for so many years!?

When Jiang Qiao heard this, he drew a frigid breath and goose bumps developed all over his body..

He had really read too many novels.

Because once he accepted the setting of her being an emperor cultivator, everything made sense.

Good boy, is she really one of those expert fairies from wuxia novels?

"In Xiaofan, break through the ancient road of the starry sky, stop the darkness and turmoil, re-establish the heavenly court, and respect the world together. He is called the emperor of heaven!" (T/L: His personal introduction)

Jiang Qiao held an umbrella and suddenly became arrogant. If she deliberately played tricks on others, he would do the same.

Bai Yueling stared at him and after looking at him carefully a few times, she shook her head slightly.

His soul was dark and weak and he was indeed a mortal.

The so-called emperor of heaven was simply a lie.

Bai Yueling already knew that she was not in Ziweixing (Home Capital) now since it did not have this place because there was no spiritual power and the law of the world worked.

Therefore, this rude mortal should be able to help her understand the world she was in.

"You just said that your house is not far from here?"

Jiang Qiao nodded.

"Well, take me there."

Jiang Qiao was stunned. It was one thing if he simply promised to take her back to the store to get out of the rain. Now it's another issue for her initiative to inquire, and this indifferent tone that couldn't be refuted made him a little irritated.

What if she wants to forcibly encroach on him?

"What? Don't you want to? When my cultivation comes, I'll give you great opportunities."

Jiang Qiao thought about it for a moment.

"Do you mean to say that you are a cultivator who went down to earth. But, now that your spiritual power is exhausted, you need my help. Then, when you recover your cultivation, will I attain immortality?."

"That's possible."

He suddenly realized that something was wrong. It turned out that the problem appeared here, and the fox's tail was still exposed after all.

New type of fraud, right? If it is a text message, the national anti-fraud will directly characterize it as fraud information, so they begin to cheat with the most primitive offline methods.

This girl is quite beautiful. Why did she go astray?

As for damaging his mobile phone, it is obvious that he has no chance to call the police since it doesn't count as an offense.

'However, I can use this information to take her to my home, and then wait for the opportunity to call the police. Maybe it can destroy the fraud gang who employed her and make great contributions. Moreover, I can get awarded the "Outstanding Citizen Award" by the Public Security Bureau. As a result, my business will boom!.'

After devising a plan, Jiang Qiao looked at her and smiled brightly.

"No problem, no problem! My house is right in front. Fairy, please follow me."