
Bai Yueling gazed around the area, which was bordered by white walls and had rows of shelves neatly arranged inside, showing a variety of things.

The windows were pristine and bright and they were clean.

Is this a mortal's home?

Or, a shop?

It appeared to be different from the shops she remembered.

Jiang Qiao stowed his umbrella and returned his gaze to the drenched fairy.

Her white pearly skin was in plain sight but he didn't dare to look any further.

He paused for a bit before saying, "It's quite cold right now. Do you want to go upstairs first and take a shower?"

For a brief moment, Bai Yueling remained silent. Although the torrential rain was enjoyable, the sensation of being wet was rather unpleasant.

If it had been before, she only needed to run spiritual power in her body, so that she could steam the moisture of her clothes in an instant. There was no dust and no dirt, no invulnerability using this method.

She had fought various cultivators in the emperor realm and won, so there was no reason to feel embarrassed facing this mortal.

"Okay." She nodded indifferently.

Jiang Qiao escorted her upstairs, took her to the restroom, and then touched a button on the wall, which turned on the light inside.

In a stupor, Bai Yueling stared up at the bulb over her head. It didn't have a flame or a spiritual stone drive, but it could burst into brilliant brightness. The world was different than she had imagined, and it was full of oddities.

"Beauty, wash yourself and for clothes, wait here."

Jiang Qiao went downstairs, picked up a Hanfu on a mannequin, and returned upstairs, only to find her still standing at the bathroom door.

Seeing him, Bai Yueling stared at the clothes in his arms.

Jiang Qiao sluggishly explained, "Don't misunderstand me. I don't have a thing for women's clothing. These are typically rented to girls who enjoy cosplaying or posing for money. Anyway, I cleaned and dried these clothes."

He then put the clothes in the bathroom and returned to the living room without waiting for her to answer.

He sat on the sofa, looked back at the bathroom with the lights on, and then took out his spare mobile phone to call the police.


Jiang Qiao hastily pressed the hang-up button as soon as the phone call was connected.

Although this beautiful woman can be a fraudster, there has been no serious evidence thus far. Even if the cops show up at his house, as long as she denies it, contacting the cops this time is pointless. In that situation, the Excellent Citizen Award will be snatched from his grasp.

It seems that he had to continue waiting and when she eventually reveals her true colors, he can discreetly record proof and notify the police.

Jiang Qiao devised a scheme in his heart and lit a cigarette for himself.

Suddenly, he saw Bai Yueling and she asked, "There's no water coming out, how..."

The room was filled with a foul odor. She only smelled and felt a bit uneasy.

Then, diverting her attention to the source, she discovered it.

A man with a slowly burning "incense" in his palm, continually spewing deadly smoke, and if this continues in the long term...

Bai Yueling is almost certain that although this tobacco poison is not fatal, it is extremely harmful to the cultivation foundation and if the smoke becomes increasingly larger, it would be serious!

How dare this guy take advantage of this situation to murder a fairy emperor!?

"Didn't I give you clothes? Why are you..."

Jiang Qiao was puzzled as he saw her coming over with a chilly face, her fingers together, directly taking away the newly lit Huazi with the momentum of thunder and throwing it on the ground to trample it.

(T/L: Hauzi= e-cigarettes)

Before he could grasp what had happened, he was yanked off the sofa and stepped on with one foot.

"If you continue to offend me repeatedly, do you really think I won't dare kill you? Say it quickly! Who's backing you?"

Bai Yueling yelled angrily. When Jiang Qiao saw her, he couldn't help but shudder. Her eyes couldn't disguise the murderous stare when she intended to kill.

"Wait, beautiful woman, aren't you misunderstanding something?" He shouted impatiently, if he didn't explain it clearly, he would die on the spot.

Furthermore, he gave her clothes and didn't peek at her when she bathed.

"A misunderstanding?" Bai Yueling sneered, "Can it also be a misunderstanding to secretly ignite a poisonous incense and murder the cultivation foundation of this fairy emperor while I'm not paying attention!?."

Poisonous incense!?

What a psycho!

Jiang Qiao lifted his head and gazed at the Huazi cigarette, which had been snatched from his grasp and tossed to the ground before he could even take a smoke.

Thinking about it thoroughly, his forehead began sweating profusely.

Isn't it a simple cigarette that's generating such an uproar? She unexpectedly threatened to murder him!

If he had known this, he wouldn't have taken this woman to his home just now.

Sure enough, he was inviting a murderer inside!

"Bai... Miss Bai, it's a misunderstanding, a big misunderstanding, if you don't like the smell of smoke, I won't smoke anymore."

"Don't you think it's too late to say these words now? Say, who on earth instructed you to do this?" Bai Yueling didn't believe that a mortal dared to murder an emperor like this, and there must be a big shot behind him!

Jiang Qiao was stunned.

I'm simply a smoke addict? So, why won't you believe me!?

Speaking of which, he has always had the impression that something was wrong with this woman.

As per her present reaction, it appears that she had never seen cigarettes before.

Is she really a fairy emperor who traversed into this world instead of being a fraudster?

"Not to mention, wait for my spiritual power to return, and then I'll take your soul, and you'll know the dread of a fairy emperor!"

Bai Yueling pointed her finger at him and said indifferently.

Jiang Qiao blinked, and his chest seemed to have no discomfort except for the faint pain.

Her motions, on the other hand, were elegant and full of energy.

Originally, he thought she was a fairy emperor, but the more he looked at it, the more he realized it was a hoax.

Since the women seem to blame everything on spiritual power loss.

Unexpectedly, she soon asked coldly, ""Huh? Are you all right?."

"Just a little headache."

Jiang Qiao then mumbled for a moment: "Should I hold my head and act like I'm in pain? Or, give all of my belongings and ask the fairy to spare my life?"

This way the operation of the fraudster will soon reveal itself!

Bai Yueling ignored him and fixed her gaze solemnly on her fingers.

Unexpectedly, the suppression of this planet would be so severe that even the most basic spells would be rendered ineffective.

"Under normal circumstances, your soul would have been detained by this fairy emperor and your body would rot and become lifeless. Furthermore, Life and death are only in the same mind, and all secrets will be exposed."

Jiang Qiao sneered in his heart, thinking internally, 'If I hadn't read enough novels, I would have almost believed it.

"Since the taiost spell is useless on you, let's kill you using primitive methods. Even if you struggle, my body has been reinforced with many cultivation items and when I manage to restore my cultivation base, you will be crushed in one breath."

Jiang Qiao suddenly panicked and his heart palpated fastly when he saw her indifferent expression.

Living in a harmonious society, it wasn't often that he witnessed fights and killing. Is she not a simple person?

Bai Yueling stretched out her hand and grabbed his neck, placing him on the table and grabbed the sharp fruit knife.

After, she put the cold blade near his neck and Jiang Qiao's eyes suddenly widened.

Is this really a fairy emperor?!

"Fairy, wait a minute, I have something to say!"