
Isn't it illegal for even fairies to kill people in modern society?

But, maybe it's a unilateral killing.

Concerning the social and public safety policies, Jiang Qiao felt that it was necessary for her to realize that this was Earth, not the planet she came from, that there was no enemy, and no one instructed him to take her down.

Jiang Qiao eventually described the current scenario to the lovely fairy in front of him after a succession of oaths, self-evidence, and everything that was stated.

"You mean, it's not a poisonous incense and that it's not intentional murder, but a product called 'cigarette'? All the mortals here rely on this to relax their minds?"

Jiang Qiao swiftly nodded his head.

"Such weirdness."

Bai Yueling really couldn't understand, this cigarette is pungent and foul-smelling, containing toxins, and hurts the foundation, moreover, its named "cigarettes", and it would cost spirit stones to buy it.

She began to wonder if the mortals in this world were all fools, or why, even though they knew it was harmful, they still often took it and became addicted.

"I've said everything that I should say, so, Bai... Fairy Bai, can you let me go now?" Jiang Qiao looked at her anxiously.

Bai Yueling nodded, and gently lifted up the knife hanging from Jiang Qiao's neck and in response, he let out a long relieving breath.

After being threatened by hell itself, he broke out in a cold sweat and then guided her to the bathroom where the source of the problem started.

"There is no water in the bathroom, how do you mortals take a bath?" Bai Yueling frowned as she looked at the empty and clean bathroom.

Hearing her indifferent tone, Jiang Qiao looked around nervously then at the fairy who seemed to not know anything yet acted like the owner of this house.

"Uhm, modern society is different from the world you live in. Although there are no immortal cultivation methods, there are more convenient measures at which we call it science."

In response, Bai Yueling's always indifferent expression finally changed a little.

He then pointed at the moderate size nob, explaining, "This thing is called a faucet handle, it can be used as soon as you turn it and it will stop if you repeat the same motion."

Seeing her curious face, Jiang Qiao felt an indescribable sense of pride in his heart.

"As for the main principle, it's hard to explain it to you right now, but you just need to know that there are ten degrees of scald on the left and ten degrees of frostbite on the right. The specific temperature varies from person to person and can be adjusted by yourself."

Jiang Qiao turned on the water and looked up at her: "See, it's easy to understand, I hope?"

Soon after, he turned it off again.

Bai Yueling nodded, the movement operation was not difficult to understand.

More so, her eyes contained admiration, this world seemed to be much more interesting than she had initially imagined.

"Ordinary people in this world do not rely on supernatural powers and spells, and also do not need mantras and chants, but by pure ingenuity, they can transport water sources from thousands of miles away for the livelihood of the people, which is truly remarkable."

Jiang Qiao smiled proudly: "This is the power of science, and you will see more in the future."

"I don't know what Fairy Bai usually uses to take a bath to remove filth, perhaps soap?."

Bai Yueling glanced at him, replying faintly, "This celestial body cannot be tainted by dust or dirt and if necessary, I only take a bath in the hot spring."

Jiang Qiao tried explaining the use of a soap bar, "This thing is called shampoo, it can remove oil, dirt, dead skin, dandruff, itching, and other dead materials. This thing is a conditioner, which can effectively protect the hair from dry, yellow, dull, and split ends, but men generally don't use it."

After explaining, he glanced at Bai Yueling's hair, although it was condensed into strands of hemp rope by the rain, it was black and shiny as a lead wire.

"This here is shampoo conditioner. It's similar to shampoo, but it's used to wash the body. It's a face wash."

Jiang Qiao continued babbling on and on, until he glanced at the toilet, and hesitated.

How do I explain this?

Pondering for a bit, he added, "This is a toilet, it's used for convenience, going to the toilet, doing what you need to do, and moving your hands, in short..." (T/L: Moving hands: Masturbation)

Before he could finish speaking, Bai Yueling flicked his sleeves, and there was a rare trace of embarrassment on her always indifferent cheeks.

"This body has gone ages without eating and my foundation does not require food so naturally I don't need it!"

"Yes, yes..."

Jiang Qiao closed the bathroom door with embarrassment and backed out, looking at the extinguished Hua Zi on the living room floor, subconsciously wiping his dripping cold sweat.

Tremblingly, he then took out a cigarette from his pocket, and was about to light it to calm down.

However, as soon as he thought of the scene just now, he let it go.

In case of another misunderstanding, the knife would once more be near his throat, he cannot bear such shock.


Meanwhile, Bai Yueling stared blankly at the cramped, closed space in front of her. She came to Earth from Ziweixing, but she couldn't feel the world rules and spiritual energy, but it was filled with something called "science".

For example, the connecting bathroom faucet which delivered water, the electric light above her head and according to what the mortal outside said, human beings have been able to develop to this point precisely because they believe in science.

This sounds like the kind of bizarre visions that she had in her mind when she was transcending to Earth. Even as a fairy emperor, she was still a little dazed when she experienced it in person.

Perhaps, this is also one of the hardships she needs to go through to set foot on the Supreme Dao.

After thinking about it clearly, Bai Yueling's Dao Heart was unprecedentedly pure.

She took a deep breath, lifted the veil slightly, and removed her Taoist robe, exposing her white jade skin to the air; it's too smooth and lovely to be genuine.

Bai Yueling recalled the operation from the mortal man, and turned on the shower, the water flow was hot and cold, sprayed from the shower head, squeezed some so-called shampoo, spread it in her hand, it foamed, and finally put it on her head.

Outside the bathroom, Jiang Qiao listened to the water heater in the bathroom constantly turning on and off, the sound of water rushing from time to time, and couldn't help thinking: 'The fairy is so curious because she has never seen it before.'

'By the way, what is the scene of a fairy taking a bath?.'

Jiang Qiao glanced at the bathroom door, and didn't seem to have taught her how to lock the door just now.

If he went to open the door now, would he be able to see the fragrant scene of her showering?

Impeccable facial features, fair skin covered with water droplets and good posture.

He can't think about it now or else there'll be a picture forming in his mind. However, once he opens the door, and she's looking at him, he'll definitely die miserably.

Sitting on the sofa, Jiang Qiao shook his head vigorously, took out his mobile phone and typed 110, hesitating whether or not to hand over this fairy who came from crossing over to this world, so that at least he wouldn't be passively threatened.

If she gets arrested, she'll be locked in a special cell, or sliced ​​by scientists to study the mystery of cultivation, which will open the era to cultivation for all of humanity.

If she recovers her boundless mana, who knows if she'll destroy the entire earth.

Perhaps, he can simply observe her temporarily.

After all, the fairy is not a big shot who kills without blinking an eye.

If you can communicate in depth with one another, perhaps she'll be nice enough to share the secret of cultivation to him.

While Jiang Qiao was thinking wildly, the bathroom door suddenly opened.