Foul Stench!

Opening the brown colored door, Bai Yueling stepped outside barefoot, and her crystal clear toes looked especially cute. She was wearing a white ruffled skirt that was used for rental, and her jet-black lead hair was casually coiled into a bun. With her holy and noble temperament, she didn't look weird at all, instead similar to an immortal in those Wuxia novels.

Jiang Qiao stared at her delicate and indifferent face for two seconds, then quickly turned his head away, as expected of a fairy, the tightly tied Hanfu has the appearance of a delicate yet gentle woman.

Then, he took out a hairdryer and a pair of clean plush slippers from his room and handed them to her.

"These are my spare slippers, but I assure you that they are absolutely clean."

Bai Yueling's eyes stayed on the slippers for a few seconds, and then said lightly , "No need."

'I once walked barefoot through the exotic mountains and rivers without being stained with dust, but what's this smooth ground?.'

"What is this thing?"

Compared to the slippers, she was more curious about the other technological creation held by this mortal.

"A hair dryer is usually used to dry hair, and sometimes it is also used to blow socks."

Jiang Qiao plugged the hair dryer into the electric socket and subconsciously reminded her: "The sound may be a little loud once you start it, but don't be alarmed; it's natural and not a dangerous weapon."

"Mhm, I don't feel any threat from this object, you can demonstrate it." Bai Yueling was quite curious, this is not a feather fan yet how can a strangely shaped object generate wind?

Jiang Qiao nodded, pushed the switch, and the hair dryer immediately made a "woo woo woo" sound.

He added, "There are two buttons, hot and cold, and each button has strengths and weaknesses. Use the temperature adjuster to set it.

Bai Yueling took the hair dryer from his hand, slowly stretched out her palm to feel the strength of the wind, and gradually revealed a smile on her face.

The wind is not strong. Compared with the {Astral Wind} that can blow away the soul in a light speed movement, it can even be said to be pitifully weak, but if it is only used to dry the hair, the wind and temperature are just right.

It's worth noting that cultivating monks can evaporate water with mana, but ordinary mortals cannot. Being that way, mortals can enjoy it despite having no mana.

Jiang Qiao responded with a smile: "It's all the power of science, and thanks to it, science is capable of changing life itself."

Bai Yueling was noncommittal, although the mortal continued bragging about science, at present it is only the bright lamps, running water and hair dryers, any monk who has set foot on the path of immortality can do it, maybe even better.

"Let this fairy emperor experience it…..uh."

"Yeah, that hair dryer."

Bai Yueling sat in front of the mirror, untying her hair tie as her waist-length black hair cascaded down like a waterfall. The hair dryer's air outlet is facing her, and the hot humid air breezes through her hair repeatedly guiding the machine with her white jade fingers, a thrilling sight to behold.

"It's good, but the efficiency is too low to instantly evaporate the water like mana." Bai Yueling touched her still slightly damp hair, turned off the hairdryer, and expressed her opinion.

Hearing this, Jiang Qiao couldn't help but complain, do you think everyone is an omnipotent cultivator like you?

"I thought about it for a long time when I was bathing just now. Since this place is a world of its own and new to me, I'll be the guardian of this place."

Seeing Jiang Qiao put down the hairdryer and slippers, Bai Yueling said suddenly.

"What's the benefit?"

"You mortals have an old saying that if one person gains the dao, the dog will ascend to the sky. When this fairy emperor recovers her spiritual power, I'll bless you with cultivation. But for now, you must do your best for me and help me get along in this world." (T/L: Having too much power, mortals will think they stand at the peak when in reality its simply an illusion)

"How long will it take?". Jiang Qiao directly grasped the key point of the problem. If it took thousands of years to restore her cultivation base, he would have already become a handful of bones by then, therefore, this promise was equivalent to nothing.

"I don't know."

Bai Yueling sighed: "The laws of this world are not so simple, there is no spiritual power, and if you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to imagine that there are humans in such a barren world."

Jiang Qiao said pouting, "I don't want to do things that are not good for me. Why don't you teach me how to become an immortal or grant me a wish? In this way, I can live longer and do better things for you, right?"

Bai Yueling shook her head swiftly, "No one can walk on the path of immortality if the laws of the world can't be comprehended, meaning that teaching you would be worthless."

"So I can only be driven by you in vain?"

"You can choose to accept or reject it."

"If I reject you, will you leave and find another place to stay?."

"Before that, you will find out the consequences."


"I'll be granting you death."

He took a deep breath: "It's not impossible to help you, but I hope we can treat each other as equals, instead of me being your slave. You can't force me to do things that I don't want to do or else it'll violate the law."

After thinking for two seconds, Bai Yueling nodded: "Yes."

Jiang Qiao breathed a sigh of relief; It's okay, things are far less bad than he had initially imagined, at least there is a beautiful fairy living at his home, which felt good.

From the bottom and deepest part of his heart, he didn't want this fairy to leave either. It had nothing to do with morality, and was purely selfish.

"Do you need to make three pages of a contract, or something like a contract oath? I mean, what if you force me?"

Bai Yueling glanced at him indifferently: "This fairy emperor always fulfills her promises. If my cultivation gets restored, you will be a follower of mine."

"Fairy Bai is so generous!." He replied sincerely.

It was pouring outside the window at the moment, and the sky was darkening, the clouds dissolving by the minute.

Jiang Qiao's stomach suddenly growled. He had already eaten dinner at this time but his appetite had been aroused.

"I'm going to eat, are you hungry?" Jiang Qiao looked at her delicate face.

"For those who cultivate immortality, first and foremost is fasting, not eating grains and miscellaneous grains, only eating and drinking dew can one achieve longevity." Bai Yueling said quietly, looking at the rain outside the window.

Jiang Qiao opened his mouth and didn't know how to refute for a while. After all, satisfying one's appetite is one of life's great pleasures.

"Come on, then you can do whatever you want, I'll go get the food."

He ran downstairs and went to the shelf to get a pack of beef noodles, a marinated egg, two hams, and a bottle of water.

Bai Yueling looked curiously at this mortal cooking. He didn't need to add firewood, but something called a gas stove. It was amazing to be able to cook for a short time simply by igniting it.

Jiang Qiao put all the ingredients into the pot and boiled it. After a long time, an indescribable stench floated out and filled the whole house.

Bai Yueling covered her mouth and nose subconsciously, looking at his strange expression.

Why is this mortal cooking shit?

Or, do mortals in this world grow up eating shit?