Wet Clothes in the Basin

Jiang Qiao stirred the soup, and the terrible odor intensified, prompting Bai Yueling to cover her mouth and nose and carefully distance herself from him.

Could it be that the mortals here like to eat shit?

Or, is it his personal fetish?

Bai Yueling began to think about whether it was the right decision to ask him to be the guardian of the house.

Jiang Qiao raised his eyes just to meet fairy bai's pitying look, then looked at the distance between the two, and immediately understood the meaning in her eyes.

"Actually, it's not what you think. The condiment I mixed the beef soup with is called snail powder. It smells very bad but tastes amazing!."

Hearing this, Fairy Bai, who had always been calm, widened her eyes.

Does it taste that good? This guy really has a habit of eating stinky things!

It seems that being the guardian of this place is no longer viable and I must stay away from him.

"Ah, no, no, it's the other way around. It smells bad, but it tastes delicious. Many people like to eat it. In our shop, the sales are very good."

Jiang Qiao put down his chopsticks and wiped the oil with a tissue, trying to explain quickly, he didn't want to be misunderstood by the fairy.

Hearing that many people like to eat it, Bai Yueling immediately gave him an "I understand" look, resisting the nausea smell, and walked towards the sofa to lay and calm down by the shocking revelation.

He tried opening his mouth, feeling that she still didn't understand.

But, deciding it would be a waste of energy, he ate the beef snail noodles.

At this time, it was 7'o clock.

Jiang Qiao burped after drinking the soup, and subconsciously took out a Huazi cigarette and planned to light one.

However, Bai Yueling turned around and glanced at him, prompting Jiang Qiao to look embarrassed: "We have an old saying here, a cigarette after a meal is better than a living fairy. If you're addicted to cigarettes, I'll have to smoke one every thrice a day so I'll instead go to the balcony outside to smoke, okay?."

Without waiting for Fairy Bai to answer, Jiang Qiao quickly opened the sliding door and closed himself on the balcony.

Looking through the glass window, Bai Yueling glanced at the enjoying look on his face, and shook her head silently, guessing that this thing is like the ecstasy of incense, which can cause confusion and hallucinations.

She didn't expect that mortals in this world would actually degenerate to this point, eating shit, taking drugs, and having countless bad habits. Is there anything they don't do?

Jiang Qiao's outer appearance seems like there's no serious problem, but in fact, he is plagued by evil diseases, his yin and yang are out of balance, his blood qi is drained and bones are weak, moreover, his spirit and soul are dim.

In her eyes, Jiang Qiao's body is full of flaws and his essence of life has already been leaked. If things go on like this, his internal organs will be exhausted, blood will flow backwards, he'll become paralyzed turning into a useless person.

Listening to the rain and the wind blowing, and after smoking blissfully, Jiang Qiao let out a long sigh of contentment before gently opening the window and seeing Fairy Bai's pitying glance that said, 'A dead man.'

"You're about to die," she spoke casually.

Jiang Qiao shuddered. Could this be the fairy's prophecy?

He touched his forehead: "You mean, my Yin and Yang turned black and within three days, there will be a disaster?."

Bai Yueling frowned slightly: "Your eyes are dim, yin and yang are disordered, the meridians are blocked, and the smoke is entering the lungs. If you don't get rid of the poison in time, you will not survive for a hundred years!."

"I live to be more than ninety years old?"

Jiang Qiao was overjoyed.

But, Bai Yueling was stunned. Why is this person so happy? Isn't a hundred years very short?

For cultivators, it is only a short flick of a finger.

Seeing her puzzled eyes, Jiang Qiao explained, "If you live to 80 here, you will live a long life. Many people in their 90s dare not think about it. It seems that my body is still very healthy."

Bai Yueling was speechless.

Ziweixing (Home Planet) is full of spiritual energy. If the mortals there are free from diseases and disasters, it is normal to live two or three hundred years old. Some people with longevity can live for even more than five hundred years old. It seems that the environment in this world is much worse than she imagined.

Jiang Qiao happily stepped into the room, and Bai Yueling took a step back subconsciously.

This guy is full of poison and filth. If she still had her cultivation base, she had to use {Tianlei} to purify him.

"My body smells bad?"

Jiang Qiao drew a deep breath into his hand as he noticed her attentive expression. The scent of snail powder coupled with the smell of smoke is a powerful stench for anybody, let alone a fairy who has never experienced it before.

"Well, you can order whatever you want. I'll take a shower first and brush my teeth."

After cleaning up the kitchen, Jiang Qiao walked into the bathroom with his pajamas in his arms.

Bai Yueling suddenly thought of something and watched the bathroom door close slowly.

Her cold and delicate face had a trace of redness.

Meanwhile, in the shower, the water splattered from the shower head on the top of his head, and the warm and lubricating sensation caused the skin to shrink somewhat and develop goose bumps.

Jiang Qiao stood under the shower with his eyes closed, and listened to the sound of water rustling beside his ears. In addition to some unbelievable relaxedness, he was more at a loss.

He actually met a real fairy beside the fairy stone.

Furthermore, he took her home.

Now, how would it be living with one?

Jiang Qiao shook his head, and threw the thoughts out of his mind. When he opened his eyes, he suddenly saw a set of skirts that had been wet in the basin.

He slowly opened his mouth, and his breathing gradually became faster.

It can be worth noting that the fairy's clothes should be armor that is invulnerable to swords and guns, right?

Jiang Qiao abruptly stopped the thought of picking the skirt up and observing it, then smeared a handful of shower gel on his body, rinsed a few times at will, put on clean pajamas, wiped his hair and walked out of the bathroom.

During the time he was taking a bath, Bai Yueling opened all the doors and windows, and the scent of snail powder was no longer discernible in the room.

She sat with her legs crossed on the sofa, contemplating, much like a cultivator in seclusion.

After seeing Jiang Qiao come out and blow his hair using the dryer in front of the mirror, Bai Yueling slowly opened her eyes and scanned inside the bathroom.

The clothes she changed from were still in the basin, but she didn't know if he had touched it.

As a result, Bai Yueling felt a bit uneasy when she thought her robes had been touched by a mortal, as though she had been blasphemed.

Well, it seems that she can't use those robes anymore!

Jiang Qiao quickly finished drying his hair and changed into fuzzy pajamas, and Bai Yueling thought he was cute.

"Let me introduce myself again. My name is Jiang Qiao. I'm 24 years old this year. I'm still unmarried. Bai... Fairy, you can call me by my name." After finishing, Jiang Qiao walked up to her and said slowly.

"By the way, where should you throw the things you mortals don't want?" Bai Yueling lowered her head and pondered for a moment, then suddenly asked.
