Found Out

"So, you didn't take the usual route and jumped from the balcony?"Jiang Qiao glanced at her as she pretended to be dignified and noble.

Bai Yueling's pale face was slightly red, and she turned her back, otherwise what would be the explanation? Say that she climbed down the rail in the middle of the night and threw the garbage and couldn't open the door?

In any case, a dignified Emperor can't admit it.

"I've been doing things all by myself my whole life, why should I explain it to someone like you!?" Bai Yueling had a subtle anger in her tone.

Jiang Qiao rolled his eyes: "When the country comes for you, I'll see if you can explain it."

He raised his finger and pointed to the camera placed in the corner of the wall: "I forgot to mention, there are things like eyes everywhere in this world, your actions or any movement may be under surveillance, and once it is uploaded to the Internet, I will have to hand you over to the state."

"Monitoring?" Bai Yueling's eyes squinted.

Jiang Qiao turned on the computer, and the screen displayed in the store appeared on the display screen hanging on the wall. Bai Yueling's every move was clearly seen, and even her elegant temperament as she went down the railing.

"Usually, it is used to prevent thieves. Of course, once someone violates the law, it will be reported to the police and this would be shown as evidence."

Fairy Bai stared at him earnestly, her indifferent eyes showing unprecedented nervousness.

"Are you going to report me?."

Jiang Qiao clicked the mouse a few times and deleted the video.

He's a computer major himself, and he's well aware of how untrustworthy the present network is. Many cameras are equipped with official backdoors. If Bai Yueling's particular traits are discovered and posted to the Internet, it is therefore anticipated that she will overwhelm the whole internet.

"I have destroyed all the evidence just now."

Fairy Bai's body relaxed quickly; she didn't want to be an enemy of this world, and those weapons with exaggerated strength were absolutely not something she could handle right now.



"Remember this promise, if you dare to lie to me, I will kill you, a traitor, with my immortal sword before they catch me!"

Jiang Qiao thought of his dream last night. His heart skipped a few beats, should he have made a copy of the video before deleting it? If he died inexplicably in the future, he can still leave a piece of evidence for the police.

"What I want to say is that there are eyes in the outside world, and any outrageous actions of yours may be discovered by others, and then you can't destroy the video like this now, so you have to be safe, exercise restraint, and don't hurt anyone for no reason, do you understand?"

Bai Yueling nodded slightly: "Are there any of these so-called 'cameras' in your home?."

"Naturally there is none at home." Jiang Qiao suddenly came back to his senses and looked at her suspiciously, "Why are you asking this?"

"Just curious . ." Fairy Bai replied lightly.

She was inexplicably happy in her heart. She couldn't beat others outside but she could punish him inside the house without being filmed!

Soon after, Jiang Qiao noticed that her clothes were soaked by the rain, and his complexion softened: "Is it cold after all the wind and rain outside last night?"

"Everything is a gift from nature. Understanding the four seasons improves mental acuity." Bai Yueling shook her head slowly.

"Then, at least change your clothes and take a shower."

Jiang Qiao took a new toothbrush from the shelf, handed her a new towel, and demonstrated it in front of her.

For example, how one brushed their teeth, then he took off a hanfu skirt from another dummy.

At this time, Bai Yueling noticed that the two dummy sculptures side by side were vivid, although they were dead objects, their appearance and depiction of key parts were so real, it was really... it was... shameless!

Even in the world of immortals, the Hean Sect, which is good at the method of double cultivation, and the Yin and Yang way, will not practice such methods in public!

"I didn't expect you to be a womanizer!" Bai Yueling spat softly and looked away from the dummy.

Jiang Qiao looked at the dummy that had been stripped naked in front of him, and then looked at her again, feeling a little baffled.

I'm a womanizer?

Then, if she finds his 'study materials' in the hard drive, wouldn't he be called a lecher?

"The clothes on you were also taken off from here." Jiang Qiao pursed his lips.

Bai Yueling glanced at him, then quickly turned her head away, gritting her teeth, and didn't know what to say.

Jiang Qiao couldn't help but want to laugh when he saw how she wanted to talk but stopped mid-way.

"This kind of dummy is very common in this world. It can more intuitively show the appearance of clothing, so that buyers can choose at ease. It is a simple marketing method, and it has nothing to do with whether it is good or bad morally."

Fairy Bai finally understood. The current modern people here are indeed ahead of their time, and they especially like to eat shit and smoke.

"Go upstairs to wash first, and I'll take you out to see the world in a while." Jiang Qiao handed the hanfu skirt into her hand.

"Don't you have to open the shop?"

Hearing this, he smiled mysteriously, and took out a sign from under the counter that read: 'Closed today.'

Bai Yueling glanced at it and went upstairs silently with her clothes in her arms.

Jiang Qiao looked at her graceful back, and couldn't help but feel a little proud. He was on equal footing with the fair-minded fairy, and even 'threatened' her with a word or two from time to time. It was considered unprecedented, right?

He hummed a song softly, carried the garbage bag to the sorting trash can, and threw it a few meters away.

The throw missed and the garbage patch fell to the ground.

Jiang Qiao walked over, picked up the garbage bag and put it back in. The moment he turned to leave, he glanced at it, and suddenly noticed that the transparent garbage bag seemed to contain a piece of clothing in the recyclable garbage bin.

He frowned then remembered the question Fairy Bai asked him last night, where should clothing be thrown.

Jiang Qiao picked it up, and after opening it, he saw the familiar blue lotus pattern.

Isn't this the same outfit that Fairy Bai took off in the shower yesterday?

He flipped through it, good lord, there were still her belly bands, trousers, and underwear. When he got up in the middle of the night last night, there was no trace of this set of clothes in the bathroom, but he didn't expect it to be hidden here.

So, Fairy Bai didn't cultivate when she got the chance last night at all, but simply jumped the railing to throw the clothing?

Jiang Qiao couldn't understand, this dress was obviously still wearable, and it was her personal clothes, why did she throw it away overnight?

The next second, Jiang Qiao laughed.

Since she threw it away, it meant that she didn't want it, so now that he picked it up, the fairies dress is his, right?

There is nothing wrong with his logic, but his sixth sense is reminding Jiang Qiao that she must not find out that he had touched her clothes.