The Fairy Who Is Hungry

While Bai Yueling was taking a bath, Jiang Qiao sneaked back to his room holding her worn skirt.

The clothes were still soaked in the rain, and the washing machine was on the balcony. He knew that women tended to take a shower rather slowly. It took her more than half an hour to bathe last night, and a quick clothing wash in ten minutes should be enough.

Hearing the sound of water splashing from the bathroom, Jiang Qiao threw the skirt into the washing machine, poured in the laundry detergent at the same time, and pressed the switch.

Time passed by and the bathroom door suddenly opened!

Jiang Qiao's body froze, and he mechanically turned his head to see the remaining time displayed on the washing machine, there were 6 minutes left.

Why is she taking a shower so fast today?

"You didn't take long. Why don't you bathe again?." He cautiously inquired.

"No, my body is in a perfect state. Besides, didn't you just say you were going to take me out?."

Jiang Qiao's breathing stagnated, so it turned out that the problem was here.

Soon after, Bai Yueling came out in an elegant Hanfu, a big-sleeved shirt, fluttering robe, and was immaculately beautiful.

She looked at the rumbling machine on the balcony and asked curiously, "What is this?"

"A washing machine, throw the dirty clothes into it, pour in the laundry detergent, and press this button to automatically clean it." Jiang Qiao explained.

Bai Yueling was amazed.

Jiang Qiao smiled and handed her the hairdryer: "Because we can't practice cultivation, we can only spend a lot of time on how to improve the quality of life. In modern society, almost the vast majority of labor can be replaced by machines."

Bai Yueling nodded, but in any case, the mortals in this world are called extremely smart, in comparison to Ziweixing her home planet, the mortals there are uncivilized fools.

She took the hairdryer, plugged it in, and stood in front of the mirror blowing her hair.

In her world, mortals who can't cultivate can only clean their hair with a towel and wait for it to dry naturally. This weird item is, in fact, really useful.

The clamorous washing machine on the balcony suddenly stopped after making a few beeps.

Jiang Qiao glanced at Fairy Bai who was still drying her hair in the bathroom, and was about to tiptoe towards the balcony with a solemn expression.

Bai Yueling touched the humidity of her hair, and when she felt it was almost done, she pulled the plug.

As soon as Jiang Qiao was about to open the lid, he saw Bai Yueling walking out with the hair dryer, so he hurriedly closed it, so that she could never find out that he was washing her worn clothes.

"Why isn't the washing machine moving? Is it broken?"

"It's already been washed." Jiang Qiao's expression was a little nervous.

"Oh, that was pretty fast."

Seeing Jiang Qiao standing motionless in front of the washing machine, Bai Yueling frowned: "Why aren't you taking out the clothes to dry?."

"You have to wait a while, the washing machine will automatically heat and dry the clothes." Jiang Qiao replied solemnly.

"Then, I'll wait."

"It's fine, just put the hair dryer in your room. I have short hair and I don't usually need it. The warm air in the bathroom will dry it."

Bai Yueling nodded lightly and she left towards the living room.

Looking at her back, the moment she walked into the room, he immediately opened the lid of the washing machine, rushed into his room with all the clothes in his arms, and slammed the door shut.

With his back against the door, his heart was pounding, and he reviewed the situation just now in his mind, and concluded that she mustn't find out.

In any case, this skirt couldn't be hung out on the balcony!

However, now, it was his property!

Jiang Qiao took out a hanger from his closet, and hung the skirt on the bay window. There were seven or eight pieces of small clothes, tuxedos, light gauze shirts, and obscene trousers.

He tried cutting it with scissors just now, but he couldn't get it to cut at all. It was as light and thin as silk.

Based on the quality of the cloth, the skirt is also likely bulletproof, making it a treasure.

As expected of a cultivator's clothing, yet she still wanted to quietly throw it away.

It seems that in the future, he has to keep an eye on the garbage thrown by Fairy Bai, maybe it would contain the manual to practice cultivation or gain spiritual power!

Jiang Qiao crept through a crevice in the door and pushed himself out.

He noticed Bai Yueling looking at him suspiciously as soon as he stepped out of his room: "What were you doing just now, sneaking into your own room?"

Jiang Qiao raised his head after a brief while with a sullen face: "Do I have to say it?"

Fairy Bai gave him a serious look: "Forget it."

"Mhm, when are we going to the city? "

Jiang Qiao glanced at the time, it was almost eight o'clock, and he could catch up with the merchants in the city.

"Let's go after breakfast." After a moment's pause, he asked: "Do you want to eat something?"

"A person who cultivates immortality..."

"I know, eating a meal is comparable to drinking dew, by the way, don't you have any spiritual energy?. The smog is quite serious." Jiang Qiao shrugged and kindly suggested.


"We are at the top of Fairy Peak, the air now is not bad but once you enter the city, it'll be a different kind of atmosphere." After speaking, Jiang Qiao walked downstairs, grabbed a sandwich from the shelf, and made himself a cup of coffee.

It was a lazy and simple breakfast.

Seeing this, Fairy Bai followed behind.

He took a bite of the sandwich and said vaguely: "However, since you intend to integrate into our society as a normal citizen, you should forget your emperor status and learn about the world, its pleasures and sorrows, and what it's like to try new things, such as rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, and tea."

Bai Yueling did not reply, but pondered quietly.

"In short, let go of your arrogant attitude and attempt to do what regular people do, so you may add a touch of joy to your life and act more like a human, rather than a person who can only be seen from a distance."

Bai Yueling thought about these words carefully and felt that it was very reasonable.

"But, if you have cultivated the World's Dao since childhood, you would understand."

Jiang Qiao was slightly excited, is the teaching of spiritual power coming soon?

"If you haven't known, I have the time to cultivate immortality! Is Fairy Bai planning to teach me the supreme cultivation method?"

Fairy Bai shook her head sympathetically: "Your body is full of dust and poison, intertwined with your internal organs and flesh and blood, and the entanglement is difficult to remove. To walk on the path of immortality, I would have to cut your marrow, and rebuild the bones, otherwise, there is no hope of cultivating the World's Dao."

Jiang Qiao pouted regretfully.

"Anyhow, can you give me some of your breakfast?" After a moment of hesitation, Bai Yueling said indecisively.

Jiang Qiao was stunned for a moment. He just said casually, but he really had convinced her?

"What do you like? Sweet or something Spicy?"

"Something light."

Jiang Qiao scratched his head and after careful consideration, he took a light snack from his store; A cream bread and a bottle of fresh milk.

He inserted the milk straw and handed it to her: "Tear off the outer packaging bag and eat the cream bread."

Fairy Bai tore it off, then opened her small mouth and took a bite of the bread, chewing it carefully, with a beautiful posture.