Noodle Shop

Jiang Qiao stared at the chapter titled "Breaking the Sky" then at the book in Bai Yueling's hand, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Fuck! I was careless.

"The different fires are the creation of heaven and earth. It has the ability to burn mountains and boil seas and is immensely powerful. If I can conquer it, I might be able to reclaim some of my cultivation."

Seeing that Jiang Qiao did not speak, Fairy Bai continued, "But the spot where the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire is located is strongly guarded by the Snake Clan, mhm, this is too risky for you, you only need to take me there."

Seeing her solemn expression, Jiang Qiao moved his lips after a lengthy silence: "Would you trust me if I said everything written on it is false?."

"This is an old epic written in the book," Bai Yueling said, looking at the book in her hand and then at Jiang Qiao. "There was once an Immortal Emperor whose cultivation level was unrivaled in this world, and he could break the sky."

"Then no, I wouldn't believe you."

"But it's fake, you may interpret it as a narrative that bards generally write boringly, but since the story is so brilliantly told, countless people are captivated, so it becomes a bestseller, and then appears in here," Jiang Qiao remarked thoughtfully.

"Not just this book, but all the books in this category, the stories contained in it are false, technically speaking, this is not useful knowledge, it is just pleasure reading."

Bai Yueling was immediately stunned. There were so many useless books in the bookstore. If someone believed it to be true and if they practiced it, wouldn't it mess with their cultivation?

"Then, what book contains real information?" she asked again.

Jiang Qiao smiled as he gave her a book titled "Modern Growth of History," then added, "This is the history of blood and tears put into this country's modern development." After reading it, you will see that today's peaceful society was not established effortlessly. If the invaders infringe again, it will be a never-ending nightmare."

Bai Yueling lowered her gaze to the cover image, which depicted gunpowder smoke and people drowning in blood.

Are you referring to me, as an intruder?

It appears that I must exercise caution in my actions.

"Well, I'll remember it." Fairy Bai nodded her head with a firm gaze.

Jiang Qiao was a little puzzled. He had never seen her take his words so seriously.

After paying the money at the counter, the two came out of the bookstore. Jiang Qiao looked at the time and felt that his phone was fixed by now, so he took her to the Rice store again.

"It's true that the motherboard has been burned, and it has been replaced for you now. If you usually have the habit of uploading data to cloud services, you can retrieve it after logging in to your rice account." The employee commented as he handed the phone to Jiang Qiao.

Jiang Qiao knew that the original motherboard had been scorched beyond recognition, and now he was satisfied with a new one for free.

In terms of data, his cell phone album has only a few photographs. If I lose it, I lose it. It's not a bad thing.

"Thank you!."

Fairy Bai glanced at Jiang Qiao while both of them exited the store, and said, "The phone has been repaired, and the things that should be bought have also been bought. Now let's go back?."

"You want to go back so soon?" Jiang Qiao replied, smiling. "The mountainside where I live is barren, and here in the city is bustling and prosperous, yet you still don't believe the city is good?."

"I still enjoy the mountains, at least the air is nicer," Bai Yueling said, looking at him. "I feel like my life is being cut short after spending so much time in the city."

Jiang Qiao's breathing stagnated.

Do young people who live in the big cities for a long time still think that it isn't good living there?

Hearing her response, Jiang Qiao hesitantly agreed, "Yes, since it's noon now, we'll have to go back for lunch."

Bai Yueling nodded softly; she couldn't feel hungry, but Jiang Qiao needed to eat on a regular basis.

The two took a stroll along the street. Unknowingly, the light shone through the clouds, and the tree shadows were elegant, adding a little warmth to the early winter air.

"In addition to the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, can you immortal cultivators also be able to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon to strengthen your body?" Jiang Qiao stretched comfortably and suddenly asked.

"The essence of the sun and the moon?" Bai Yueling shook her head lightly, "I have never heard of such a thing."

"You haven't?." Jiang Qiao was stunned, whether it was in Xianxia or Xuanhuan novels, almost all of them had this setting.

"What is the nature of the sun in your opinion?."

"A flaming ball of fire."

"What about the moon?."

"An ordinary ball."

"Why does it glow?."

"Reflecting sunlight."

"So, the essence of the sun and the moon is the sun's light? Or the energy released by the burning of the flame?", Jiang Qiao suddenly asked in surprise.

"There are indeed monks who rely on the true fire of the sun to practice various methods, but more of them are auxiliary. If the sun's light is equivalent to aura, according to this endless release method, it would have been leaked long ago. "

Jiang Qiao appeared to understand but also did not.

Forget it, he is not an immortal cultivator. He only knows that without the sun, the world will usher in the end. As for what aura is, it has nothing to do with him.

Soon the two entered a Sichuan restaurant that Jiang Qiao believed was decent. It was midday, just in time for lunch, and more people were seated to eat.

Bai Yueling sniffed the smoke in the room, grimaced, and stood at the store's door, refusing to enter. Jiang Qiao turned his head and looked inside, then saw the cigarettes in people's hands and knew she was disgusted.

"If you're really hungry, I'll wait for you outside and not go in." She muttered softly.

"Forget it; let's go to another restaurant where there won't be as many customers."

Bai Yueling was heading into a modern city for the first time, and if she was left alone outside, Jiang Qiao was concerned. What if someone with few brain cells tries to ask her out?

Whether it was dating or another matter, mainly because he was afraid that she would kill someone.

Eventually, the two turned around and strolled into an old-looking noodle restaurant. This was too distant from the main road. It was chilly and lonely, and there was just one person eating noodles.

The owner of the noodle business appeared to be a middle-aged man in his 40s or 50s, washing the tables and organizing the restaurant.

"Although the sales of such a noodle store fluctuate slightly, at first look, it is not the recipes that are purchased with money, but the traditional workmanship that has been handed down for decades. It should be dependable." Jiang Qiao tilted his head to look at Bai Yueling.

Bai Yueling didn't have much experience evaluating a restaurant as decades are simply minutes for her.

"You have good eyesight, this noodle shop was first passed on from my grandfather to my dad, and then my dad passed it on to me. It's a pity though, that little brat in my family doesn't want to take over the job. Now, it's probably going to end in my hands." The boss smiled, shaking his head.

"Boss, children and grandchildren have their own blessings. Why don't you make money in modern society? Don't you think so? By the way, what is your son's job?."

"Being a soldier." The boss grinned, a little proud.

"The people's children, you know, the army and the people are like fish and water. I won't say anything else, but just one word, reliable!." Jiang Qiao gave a thumbs up.

Hearing the guest compliment his son, the boss seemed very happy: "What noodles are you two eating today?"

"Two liang of fried sauce, dry and miscellaneous."

"What about her?."

Jiang Qiao looked at Bai Yueling and said softly: "Eat something? It's part of life. Three meals a day are naturally part of it."

Fairy Bai hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"What do you want to eat?" Jiang Qiao looked up at the menu posted on the wall: "There are small noodles, knife-cut noodles, miscellaneous sauce noodles, beef noodles, egg noodles…"

"Just a bowl of plain noodles."

Jiang Qiao looked back with a smile: "Boss, did you hear her? A bowl of plain noodles, no spice."

"Okay! Do you have any special requirements?." The boss grimaced.

"No, cook it like normal, please."