Peaceful Life

The narrow road outside the store is barren, with only a few cars passing by and the occasional loud car horn.

The noon sun shone brightly through the speckles produced by the trees, and the dust in the air was hardly visible through the intense beam of light.

Bai Yueling was pleased. There weren't as many tranquil days in the domain of immortals, so lounging about was a luxury.

Jiang Qiao's nation and its people are simple. Because, despite not having such long lives, they are pleased with what they have.

But that kind of thinking piqued Bai Yueling's interest: "Eat well! Please take your time."

"Boss, you are too nice," Jiang Qiao said, looking at the large dish of fried noodles smothered with sauce in front of him.

"Even if I finish it, I'll want more." The amount of sauce you provided us is really excessive, yet I won't back down from eating!."

"All right, enough is enough; finish the bowl."

"If you're parched, have some onion soup."

The sincere boss smiled and served a bowl of noodle soup. Looking carefully, in addition to chopped green onion, there were also shrimps floating on it.

Jiang Qiao grabbed two pairs of chopsticks from the chopstick tube, wiped them clean with a paper towel, and handed one to Bai Yueling. The disposable chopsticks are often not clean.

He glanced at Bai Yueling's bowl while handing the chopsticks; the noodles were steeped in a bland-looking noodle soup, garnished with a few green cabbage leaves, sesame seeds, and shredded ginger, and he could smell the unmistakable fragrance of chicken.

The simple noodles were exactly that: plain.

Then, with an indifferent attitude, Bai Yueling parted her gorgeous delicate red lips and took a little nibble. The noodles were chewy and wonderful as she savored the taste.

She wished for the noodles to have spiritual power if at all possible.

Jiang Qiao remarked gently, "How does it taste?" as he noticed her chewing the noodles.

"Not bad."

He grinned and didn't say anything further before mixing the fried noodles in his dish and eating it.

Bai Yueling chewed slowly and elegantly, with the manner of a noblewoman.

Jiang Qiao, on the other hand, was less concerned with etiquette.

He drank the rest of the noodle soup in one sitting, burped slightly, looked at the pricing list on the wall, took out his phone, and paid the bill for 30RMB for the fried sauce and 80RMB for the noodles.

"Boss, these noodles are indeed old crafts that have been passed down. It tastes very good."

"Glad to hear, come again next time."

"You got it!."

The two exited the noodle store and headed back to the street from the alley. Bai Yueling stood in the middle of the street, watching people come and go, and she had no idea what she was thinking.

"In reality, the splendor of the city can only be discovered at night. At that moment, the beautiful neon lights will light up in every part of the city, as if you are in a dream; anyhow, would you like to continue walking?."

Fairy Bai shook her head slightly.

"Okay, let's go back." Jiang Qiao sighed tiredly.

Jiang Qiao grinned, holding a huge bag in his left hand and a tiny bag in his right, and promptly considered their distance to where the motorcycle was parked.

Instead, he stopped a cab on the side of the road, allowing Fairy Bai to experience the sensation of riding in a car.

The receding scenery outside the window, the extremely nice leather chairs you sit on, but the space is relatively small, and the number of people that can fit in a car is limited, which cannot be compared to using your own spiritual sword like in Bai Yueling's world.

However, it is much better than riding in a motorcycle.

When they arrived at the parking spot, Jiang Qiao gave Bai Yueling all the things in his hands to carry. Then the two got on the little electric motorcycle and went out of the city, heading for Fairy Peak.

It was nearly one o'clock in the afternoon when he returned to his store. They didn't see that many tourists, the ones in sight were descending down the mountain,

Nevertheless, Jiang Qiao entered his store, walked upstairs, and pulled out the items he had purchased one by one, stating, "Except for the shoes, all clothes that will be worn in the body must be cleaned with water first." "Hmm, the sun is shining brightly today; we can surely use the clothing tomorrow."

Jiang Qiao showed her how to run the washing machine, and after only watching him use it once, Bai Yueling remembered it.

"I have to open shop in the afternoon and make at least some of the money I spent in the morning. If you are bored, you can read a book or go for a walk around the neighborhood."

Bai Yueling nodded lightly.

Jiang Qiao thought about it for a while, and felt that he had almost explained everything that should be explained. As he was about to go downstairs, Bai Yueling suddenly stretched out her finger and pointed at him.

Then, a crackling electric current was running around him, Jiang Qiao was lying on the sofa twitching, and it took him a while to recover from his paralyzed state.

"Hey, what did I do!?"

"Hm…" The corner of Bai Yueling's mouth raised slightly, and she walked to the balcony with her hands behind her back. Through the translucent plastic shell, she watched the washing machine turn quickly.

Jiang Qiao scratched his head. There seem to be two reasons where he might have provoked her. First, when he felt her back when breaking through the turn in the road, and second, he took her to a lingerie store without explaining it clearly what she needed to do?.

"I'm so tired, I just wanted to become an immortal cultivator. But now, I have to find a chance to correct her bad habits."

Jiang Qiao murmured and complained softly, ignoring her and going downstairs alone.

Without Jiang Qiao's chatter, the room instantly quieted down.

The noon light gradually dipped westward, illuminating the home. Bai Yueling took a deep breath and placed her hands on the railing. The air on the mountain was definitely cleaner than in the city.

She stared out at the far green mountains. Although this planet is not as beautiful as Ziweixing, a peaceful lifestyle is more valuable.

And there are plenty of intriguing places for her to explore.

Bai Yueling took a stool from the house and sat on the balcony to bask in the sun, clutching the book Jiang Qiao had purchased for her, planning to attentively read the history of this nation.

Remembering what Jiang Qiao mentioned, the history of the country you live in is something that every person, including her, should be aware of.

After a few minutes, the high-speed revolving washing machine abruptly came to a halt, followed by a "beep beep" sound. Hearing that, Bai Yueling slowly closed the page of her book, opened the lid of the washing machine, and hung the clothes on the drying rod using the hanger next to the shelf.

The material of the underwear felt quite soft when she touched it. Although it was not as seductive as what she had previously seen, it still made people blush.

But using underwear and panties should be a choice, right…..?

Standing at the counter, Jiang Qiao looked away from his computer screen, glanced at the things in the tourists' hands, and said quickly-

"Unified sauerkraut, 5 pieces, two hams, 4 pieces, mineral water, 3 pieces, a total of 12 yuan"

[Ding! Payment received of 12 yuan]- the machine remarks.

Hearing the beep, Jiang Qiao quickly looked back at the computer and typed in the chat box.

{Mid-lane Yasuo, give way if you can't defend!}

{Brother, aren't you dragging us down?.}


After typing out this sentence lightly, Jiang Qiao let out a long smoke ring.

Enter a League of Legends match effortlessly, blocking for his colleagues and taking the solitary man initiative of moving ahead, without having to fear dying since his teammates would undoubtedly aid, and sure enough, his presence was an uproar!

Thirty minutes later, a plethora of question marks emerged on the chat box, and everyone was astounded to see that they had won an incredible record of 0-21-0.

Before the rankings were decided, Jiang Qiao left the team after writing down a few texts.

{I wasn't dragging no one down}

{Either ways, winning or losing is not as important as feeling happy at improving}

{Young people these days need to have a good attitude.}

Not giving his teammates a chance to complain, Jiang Qiao turned off the game, looked up at the sky, no one should come to buy things at this time, so he closed the store and went upstairs.