Coke (Soda)

Jiang Qiao walked upstairs and saw Bai Yueling reading a book on the balcony.

The setting sun slanted westward, and the warm afterglow sprinkled softly over her body, creating a magnificent sight with green hills in the distance.

His eyes stayed on the hanging row of underwear for a long time, and he felt a little weary. So, this is the feeling of having a woman at home?.

"Has the shop closed?" Fairy Bai continued to read after taking a glance at him.


"How's business?."

"Following the first sunny day after months of non-stop rain, more people than expected are coming up the mountain to pray for blessings. Also, today's spending is only half of today's earnings."

After speaking, Jiang Qiao sat up and stretched his back. His regular work consisted of collecting money while playing video games. To be honest, it was really dull.

Bai Yueling has little grasp of money, regardless of the fact that she spent a lot today, however she does understand that if they recover half of what they spent, the business should be doing well.

After finishing the last page of the book, Bai Yueling returned to the room, sniffing the air and frowning: "Are you smoking again?."

Her face instantaneously froze.

"I'm not sure whether you want to live or die; I warned you a long time ago that you had poisoned your body and harmed its vitality. Sooner or later, you'll begin to run out of energy and perish shortly after a few years like this!."

Jiang Qiao groaned unhappily as he heard her remarks: "Everyone knows this is true, but how can smoking be so simple to quit?."

He learned to smoke when he was in highschool and has been smoking for several years now. Last year, he underwent a health test, and there was a shadow on his lungs.

According to the doctor, it was caused by long-term smoking. To those who have been smoking for more than ten years or even less, their lungs will begin to shrink and turn black.

"Can I take a few steps to stop smoking? For example, reduce the amount gradually till I stop smoking entirely, will that be fine?." Jiang Qiao attempted to explain.

Bai Yueling's face was expressionless, and she was displeased with his performance: "How can you live eternally with such a heart? You know, Lin Zexu was a tough official with a high moral standard who constantly outlawed the use of cigarettes and narcotics, and he had a high prestige for doing so, however the country forgot everything about him after so many years, but they considered him as a sick man for trying to ban cigarettes!?"

Jiang Qiao opened his mouth to explain that drugs are drugs and cigarettes are cigarettes, but on second thought, in essence, the two seem to be similar.

'Good lord, after an afternoon, all I said was to read the history of the country, yet she taught me a lesson with historical allusions!.'

'Her speed of learning is so fast, how can I lie to her in the future if it continues like this?.'

"Come here." Fairy Bai spoke with a cold tone.


Jiang Qiao slowly moved, step by step, for fear that she would scold or insult him, which would make him uncomfortable.

As soon as Fairy Bai leaned a bit forward, Jiang Qiao subconsciously wanted to dodge when he then heard her low voice, "Stand still."

Then, she lifted her finger and put it on his chest without hesitation, when Jiang Qiao immediately felt half of his body go numb, as if his meridians were cut off by a legendary acupuncture method.

At this moment, Bai Yueling's gesture changed again. Her index finger and thumb hit the heart and lungs at the same time. Soon, the numbness in his body disappeared, but there was a little feeling of suffocation and shortness of breath.

"Hold your breath." The indifferent voice came again, Jiang Qiao gritted his teeth to hold back the discomfort, and at this time, Bai Yueling had touched all over the front side of his body.

Her fingertips began at his caudal vertebra and worked their way up, one by one, to his neck. The unpleasant feeling in his chest got more acute with each thrust of her finger, as if there was a stagnation, and he couldn't help but want to puke all of a sudden.

"All right, vomit now, and remember to go outside."

Jiang Qiao nodded and hurried to the balcony in three steps, a mouthful of dark yellow gas leaking from his chest and lungs, accompanied by a terrible stink.

But after, he was a little relieved at once.

His forehead was oozing with sweat, and he only felt that the places touched by Bai Yueling's fingers were sour and astringent, but he felt very relaxed.

"Just now, was that the cigarette poison?." He recalled this feeling and looked back at Fairy Bai.

Bai Yueling nodded: "It's just a tiny part of your body."

Jiang Qiao was a little overjoyed: "So, as long as I let you do this to my body every day, I can quit smoking?."

"It's not that simple! I just forcibly activated your chest and lungs to enhance your body's metabolism and expel toxins. However, this external force will also damage your body. Once every seven days is the limit."

Bai Yueling tilted her head lightly and continued: "The best way is to find a place with lush spiritual energy to rest and recuperate, and then supplement it with elixir to recuperate itself, so that there is a possibility of recovery, but this world…"

"But there is no spiritual energy in this world, right?" Jiang Qiao already knew.

If you don't have it, you won't have it.

Still, It's good to be able to quit smoking slowly.

Bai Yueling glanced at him and said indifferently: "If you dare to smoke again, I will punish you with thunder."

Jiang Qiao shivered subconsciously, but was astounded that she could still use her Thunder Technique.

Losing her cultivation seemed to be an excuse.

After that momentary scene, Jiang Qiao opened the refrigerator to see what other ingredients were stocked.

"I'm going to get some food, do you want some?."

Fairy Bai thought of the food Jiang Qiao made last night, and the disgusting smell, prompting to immediately shake her head.

Is that really something that people can eat?

"Actually, my craftsmanship is pretty good, you really don't want to try it?."

Bai Yueling wriggled her lips: "No need."

"Then, okay."

Jiang Qiao pursed his lips, took the items from the fridge, and entered the kitchen. He swiftly cooked scrambled eggs with tomatoes, shredded pork with green peppers on the side, and served with seaweed egg drop soup. It was a lavish meal for only one person.

Bai Yueling was taken aback when she saw the dinner he had prepared. It wasn't the smelly thing from yesterday, and it looked wonderful and smelled good today.

"Really? I just said I'm good at cooking, would you like some?."

Jiang Qiao felt a little proud.

Fairy Peak is ten kilometers away from the city. There is no takeaway and it is impossible to eat bread and instant noodles every day, so in desperation, he has no choice but to cook by himself.

After nearly a half-year following this pattern, he could make practically any type of home-cooked cuisine.

He prepared an extra pair of bowls and chopsticks. Fairy Bai hesitated for a moment and sat on the chair then picked up the chopsticks and took a sip.

The tomato scrambled eggs were sweet and sour, and the taste was good.

Seeing her expression, Jiang Qiao poured himself a glass of Coke, and also poured a glass for her.

Fairy Bai looked at the black water in the cup and raised her eyelids, "Poison?."

"Yes, poison."

Jiang Qiao had a serious face, picked up the cup and drank it all in one breath, sighing contentedly.

"You said that all the mortals in this world are poisonous, so we have to eat foods with poison…"

Bai Yueling didn't listen to his nonsense. She picked up the paper cup and took a sip.

The black water seemed to explode in her mouth, and countless bubbles danced on her tongue. The taste was sweet and sour, with a strong sense of stimulation.

In her opinion, it wasn't something she wanted to drink again.

"I said it was poison, yet you dare to drink it?" Jiang Qiao raised his eyebrows.

Fairy Bai gave him a fluttering look: "The water of the Stygian River can't infect this Immortal Emperor yet, what made you think this can?."

Jiang Qiao was taken aback; it was true, women with great power were odd.

Then seeing her unimpressed look, he explained, "It's called soda. It's a very popular drink. The taste varies from person to person. For example, I like it very much, but what do you think?."

"It's hard to drink."