Offering to the Dead of our Ye Family

"Hahaha… Ye Nantian, do you remember? Five years ago, the entire city was searching for you. I was involved and was the one who broke your leg."

"Ye Nantian, you're just a piece of trash! Do you think you're still the second young master of the number one family in Jiangnan Province back then?"

"Ye Nantian, what right do you have to speak to us like this? If you beg Brother Long for mercy now, I can leave your corpse intact."

Hearing Ye Nantian's words, everyone immediately burst into laughter. In Jiang City, ordinary people might not know Ye Nantian, but everyone in the Jiang City Public Security Division knew him.

"Ye Nantian! Do you know what your current status is? You're a fugitive murderer. Five years ago, you killed your father and brother, the 179 members of the Ye family, and fled for your life. I'm now enforcing justice on behalf of the heavens to capture you and bring you to justice," Huang Long said righteously with a cold expression.

These words made Ye Nantian laugh. It was an angry laugh. "Five years ago, the Zhao family, the Lin family, and many other families schemed to harm our Ye family. 179 people including my father and brothers died under your schemes and eventually perished in the sea of fire. Five years later, the demons are still free and unfettered in the mortal world, but I've become a sinner who killed my father and brother. What a great act of enforcing justice on behalf of the heavens."

Ye Nantian looked at everyone coldly, and his expression suddenly turned cold. He continued, "Unfortunately, I, Ye Nantian, have never believed in any nonsense Heavenly Dao. I have always believed in an eye for an eye. A blood debt must be repaid in blood. The Ye family's deep hatred can only be repaid with your death."

"Hmph, an eye for an eye? I'm afraid you aren't good enough to do that. Ye Nantian, I'm warning you for the last time. Hand over that b*tch and the little b*stard." Huang Long pointed at Ye Nantian and berated him.

"What if I don't hand them over? What can you do to me?" Ye Nantian had a teasing expression.

"Men, capture this piece of trash and bring him back for my aunt to deal with." Huang Long ordered the people beside him. When the two people beside him heard this, they walked over.

Seeing this, Ye Nantian only stood there calmly, his gaze incomparably cold.

"Ye Nantian, do you still remember me? Back then, I personally broke your legs and almost caught you. You didn't expect that I would still catch you personally five years later, right?"

"As for me, I contributed greatly when I pursued your Ye family back then. Later on, I was rewarded by those large families."

Two people walked up. As they walked over, they spoke proudly as if they were showing off their achievements. Everyone roared with laughter when they heard that.

"Is that so?" Ye Nantian stared at the two with a sinister smile.

The two of them grabbed Ye Nantian's shoulders. However, suddenly, he moved. His two large hands grabbed their outstretched hands.

"Trash, how dare you fight back?" The two of them shouted in unison.

"Crack! Crack!" Two loud bones cracked.

"Ah!!!" Two miserable cries followed.

With a grab of their hands, a part of their arms was shattered by Ye Nantian.


Ye Nantian punched out and forced the two of them back. The two of them were sent flying dozens of meters away and vomited blood non-stop. Everyone was shocked when they saw this. An uneasy restlessness arose, and a sense of danger arose from the bottom of their hearts.

"This…" Huang Long was already dumbfounded when he saw this. He took two steps back in fear. He was not far from Ye Nantian. He had watched helplessly as his two subordinates' arms were grabbed and shattered before they were blasted dozens of meters away by Ye Nantian.

Was he still human? Was this something a human could do? When did this trash become so strong?

"I gave you a chance to live." Ye Nantian had a cold expression.

"Ye Nantian, so what if you're strong? Can you be faster than a bullet?" Huang Long gritted his teeth and hurriedly took out a weapon, pointing it at Ye Nantian.

Ye Nantian was not afraid of the black muzzle.

Buzz! Buzz!

Suddenly, the roars of planes sounded in the sky. At this moment, dozens of helicopters appeared in the sky and hovered in the air. The guns on the armed helicopters were all aimed at Huang Long and the others.

Seeing such a scene, Huang Long was instantly dumbfounded. He put down the gun he was pointing at Ye Nantian and exclaimed, "What's going on?"

The people he brought instantly sensed that something was wrong and panicked.

"Boss, are these all fighter jets from the Southern Border war zone?"

"Why would fighter jets from the Southern Border war zone appear here?"

"Boss, I don't think things are looking good."

Huang Long's lackeys immediately panicked. Something was wrong, something was too strange.

The entire Jiang City was not normal today. The Southern Border war zone had gathered 300,000 troops in Jiang City. There were countless fighter jets and ships, and even the empire's most advanced aircraft carrier battle group had appeared. Now, so many fighter jets had appeared in the sky above the hospital.

"May I know why you have come to Jiang City?"

Huang Long looked at the leading attack helicopter in the sky and braced himself to shout. However, the people in the lead helicopter ignored him.

"Southern Border War Zone, Seventh District. Fifth Air Force Captain, Xiao Zhi, reporting to the South Heavenly Emperor. Your Excellency, please issue the order!" A loud voice sounded from the sky.

"Excellency? What Excellency? South Heavenly Emperor? What South Heavenly Emperor?" Huang Long was even more dumbfounded. He looked around in confusion. Other than Ye Nantian, everyone here was Huang Long's subordinate. How could there be an Excellency?

"This is the number one person in our Southern Border war zone, the number one war god guarding the South Heavenly Gate of the empire, the South Heavenly Emperor!" At this moment, a leisurely voice sounded as a tall and well-dressed woman walked over.

"This is impossible! He's Ye Nantian, the last member of the Ye family, not the South Heavenly Emperor. You're mistaken, you're definitely mistaken." Huang Long took two steps back in fear. The people in front of him were not fake. However, when did Ye Nantian become the South Heavenly Emperor?

"We can't be wrong. You spoke rudely to the Excellency and were blind. You deserve to die." Red Moon glanced at everyone coldly, then she lowered her head and asked Ye Nantian, "Your Excellency, what should we do with these people?"

"Other than Huang Long and the two who have fallen to the ground, kill the rest! As for the three of them, they will have their limbs broken and hung on the eastern city gate. Every day, each of them will be stabbed 179 times. Every strike must not hit their vital points. After that, salt their wounds until they die as an offering to the 179 tragic souls of our Ye family." Ye Nantian frowned slightly and left two commands before turning to leave.

Hearing this, Huang Long felt a chill run down his spine, and his legs went limp.

"No! It's a misunderstanding. You've misunderstood. How could he be the South Heavenly Emperor?"

He panicked completely as he took two steps back and fell to the ground.

"Other than the leader and the two lying on the ground, kill them all." Red Moon pressed the communication device by her ear and said coldly.

For a moment, the sound of various equipment being activated on the helicopters could be heard.