You're Not My Husband

The scene was filled with panic as everyone fled in all directions. The armed helicopters in the sky began to move, and their guns were aimed at the targets at the hospital entrance. A tragic massacre began. Looking at this scene, Red Moon's expression was cold as she turned around and entered the hospital. She was a god of death who had followed Ye Nantian through a sea of corpses. She had seen too many such scenes, so she was not surprised.

Ye Nantian had already returned to the ward. He knew that what Ye Xiaoxi and Lin Jingxue lacked the most over the years was his company as a father and a husband. Being a good father and husband was one of his important goals when he returned to Jiang City.

"Dad, when will Mom wake up?" Ye Xiaoxi kept looking at Lin Jingxue on the bed. The tears on her face had not dried yet.

Ye Nantian hugged Ye Xiaoxi tenderly as if he was unwilling to let go for a moment. He comforted, "Soon, Mom will wake up soon. She will be fine."

"How soon? Will Mom never wake up?" Ye Xiaoxi was about to cry again.

"Red Moon, get the doctor to come over and explain the situation to me in detail." Ye Nantian had no choice but to frown and speak to Red Moon outside the door.

"I'll go get him now," Red Moon replied and left.

"Ugh…" Suddenly, Lin Jingxue let out a painful and uneasy sound.

"Jingxue? Wife? How are you?" A glimmer of hope flashed through Ye Nantian's eyes as he rushed to the bed.

"Mom, Mom, wake up quickly! You can't leave me behind. Dad is back. Dad is back to save us. We can't live without you!" Ye Xiaoxi ran over too.

At this moment, Lin Jingxue's long eyelashes moved. After she finally opened her eyes, she looked at the ceiling in front of her with a dazed expression.

Ye Nantian hurriedly helped as she tried to get up. She rubbed her head and felt a sharp pain.

"Mom, Mom, you're awake. You're finally awake." Ye Xiaoxi hugged Lin Qingxue's arm tightly and cried with joy.

"Xiaoxi? Xiaoxi! Are you alright? How are you? Let me see where you're injured?" Lin Jingxue's first reaction after waking up was to hug Ye Xiaoxi in her arms and search for her injuries.

"Mom, Mom, I'm fine. It just hurts a little. It's not that painful. I'm not afraid of this little pain at all," Ye Xiaoxi said obediently as she hugged Lin Qingxue's neck.

"Xiaoxi, what is this place?" Lin Jingxue looked around in confusion.

"Mom, this is the hospital. Dad is back. He beat up the bad guys and brought us to the hospital?" Ye Xiaoxi asked in a clear and pleasant voice.

"Dad?" Lin Jingxue was at a loss when she heard that.

"I'm back." At this moment, Ye Nantian, who was standing at the side, spoke.

The emotions that had been suppressed in his heart for many years had finally been vented. He was a seven-foot-tall man, the South Heavenly Emperor who could kill with a wave of his hand on the battlefield. At this moment, he could not help but cry.

When Lin Jingxue woke up, she immediately focused all her attention on Ye Xiaoxi and did not notice that a tall man was standing beside her. However, when her gaze landed on Ye Nantian, the confusion on her face increased.

Ye Nantian saw the change in Lin Jingxue's expression and felt that something was wrong. The joy on his face faded a little as he felt that the way his wife looked at him was too unfamiliar.

"Who are you?" Lin Jingxue stared at Ye Nantian for a long time and asked.

Ye Nantian was stunned for a moment, and the joy on his face disappeared. "I'm Ye Nantian. I'm your husband, Ye Nantian. I'm Xiaoxi's father!"

"My husband's name is Ye Nantian." Lin Jingxue stared at Ye Nantian with a slight frown and a painful expression. She tried her best to recall, but apart from a name, she could not remember anything. Many blank memories seemed to appear in her mind.

"My name is Ye Nantian," Ye Nantian emphasized.

"I don't know you at all. I have no impression of you. How can I not have any impression of my husband?" Lin Jingxue shook her head with a pained expression.

"Mom, he looks identical to the man in the photo. He's Dad. Have you forgotten?" Ye Xiaoxi blinked her bright eyes in confusion.

"What man in the photo?" Lin Jingxue rubbed her temples. She tried her best to remember, but she could not.

"Honey, I know that you and the child have suffered a lot over the years. You've been silently enduring all these years alone. I didn't fulfill my duty as a husband and father. I'm not a good husband, much less a good father. You can hate me, but you can't pretend to not know me." Ye Nantian grabbed Lin Qingxue's shoulder excitedly and stared into her eyes, hoping to find some familiarity in them, but the outcome disappointed him.

"You're a strange person. I don't know you at all." Lin Jingxue calmly broke free from Ye Nantian's hands.

"Alright, you said that your husband's name is Ye Nantian. What does your husband look like?" Ye Nantian had no choice but to ask.

Lin Jingxue rubbed her forehead again when she heard that. She tried her best to think of something with a pained expression. After a long while, she finally said, "I don't know. I forgot. I can't remember. It's been too long. I've forgotten what my husband looks like. However, he's so important to me. I love him so much. How can I forget what he looks like? He's my husband!"

She felt that something in her mind had been destroyed and ruined forever, lost forever. She stared at the man in front of her, wanting to find some familiarity that matched her memories, but she could not remember anything. She only felt a sense of disappointment and loss assault her heart as she looked at this face.

In an instant, she could not help but tear up.

"Honey, what's wrong? Did you remember? I'm Ye Nantian. I'm your husband. I'm Xiaoxi's father!" Ye Nantian was filled with anticipation as he waited for Lin Qingxue's response.