Ghost Doctor's Sacred Hand

However, Lin Jingxue still shook her head as she said, "You give me a strange feeling, but I don't know you at all. You're not my husband. How can I not know what my husband looks like?"

These words made the anticipation on Ye Nantian's face disappear without a trace, leaving only a bitter smile. He thought helplessly to himself.

I'm also puzzled, okay? I'm your husband. How can you forget me? Are the heavens messing with me? Perhaps that's true. I've been looking forward to our reunion for five years, but the reality is actually like this.

"Honey, the doctor said that you have a blood clot in your head and might lose a portion of your memories. Even if you don't remember me, do you still remember the Ye family and the Lin family?" Ye Nantian smiled bitterly and asked.

Upon hearing this, Lin Jingxue cracked her fingers and began to talk about the Zhao family. She did not miss a word about the Lin family and Ye Xiaoxi. However, she did not remember anything about Ye Nantian.

"How can this be?" Ye Nantian smiled bitterly. "You remember everything except me!"

"If you were my husband, I wouldn't forget you. I actually remember everything else. How can there be such a ridiculous thing in this world?" Lin Jingxue shook her head in disbelief.

"Mom, do you really not remember that this is my father?" Ye Xiaoxi looked up in confusion.

"Don't talk nonsense. He's not your father!" Lin Jingxue looked at Ye Xiaoxi and said firmly.

"Honey, I…" Ye Nantian was speechless.

"I don't know you and I'm not your wife. Don't call me that." Lin Jingxue looked at Ye Nantian with a warning tone.

"Al… alright!" Ye Nantian smiled bitterly.

At this moment, the door of the ward opened. Red Moon walked in with a fat middle-aged doctor in a white coat.

"Your Excellency, this is Doctor Xie Xianlin, Madam's attending physician. He's also the director of this hospital." Red Moon introduced him as she entered.

However, cold sweat kept breaking out on Director Xie's forehead, and his feet were trembling. He had witnessed the scene at the hospital's entrance with his own eyes. It was too miserable.

"Director Xie, do you feel hot?" Ye Nantian could tell that Director Xie was unusually nervous and deliberately asked.

"No… no, no!" Director Xie could not speak properly.

"Then why are you sweating profusely? Your legs are trembling? Why are you so nervous when you speak?" Ye Nantian stared at Director Xie meaningfully.

"Um… um…" Director Xie could not explain himself. Suddenly, he knelt on the ground with a plop. "Sir, I'm not with those people outside. Please spare me!"

"So, you are scared. You're different from the people outside. They deserve to die, while you're only a doctor. As long as you treat my wife well, I won't mistreat you. Do you think you can treat my wife?" Ye Nantian's tone was indifferent.

"Yes, definitely, definitely," the doctor hurriedly replied.

"Then stand up. I don't like to lower my head and talk to others. Let me tell you about my wife's situation. Look at her current situation and tell me what's going on." Ye Nantian added.

"Alright, alright, please speak!" Director Xie wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and slowly stood up.

Sensing that Ye Nantian and Red Moon did not seem to have any ill intentions towards him, he felt much more at ease. Immediately, Ye Nantian told him about Lin Qingxue's situation. As Director Xie listened carefully, he flipped through the information at times and helped Lin Qingxue check her body at other times. After a while, Director Xie finally stopped.

"Director Xie, how's my wife?" Ye Nantian asked.

"Mr. Ye, shall we talk outside?" Xie Xianlin glanced at Ye Xiaoxi and Lin Jingxuan before asking Ye Nantian cautiously.

"Alright," Ye Nantian replied and followed Red Moon and Director Xie.

"Mr. Ye, your wife has blood clots in her brain, and it's not suitable for surgery. The blood clots in her brain pressed down on the memory area in her brain, causing her to lose a portion of her memories. It happens to be related to Mr. Ye."

Director Xie concluded, "In our medical world, such a situation is called selective memory loss, or withdrawal memory. Selective memory loss often makes the patient lose the most important memories in their life and forget the most important person and the most important thing. Mr. Ye is Madam's husband. You might have an extremely important place in Madam's heart, so she might have forgotten about you." Director Xie sighed and explained patiently.

"Then how can I restore her memories?" Ye Nantian asked urgently.

"Although modern medical technology is very advanced, there is no systematic or scientific treatment for this problem in the world so far." Director Xie shook his head.

"You mean she's forgotten about me forever and can never recover?" Ye Nantian smiled bitterly.

"It's not like there's no other way, and there's more than one, but it might not work." Director Xie composed himself before speaking carefully.

"What is it?" Ye Nantian asked again.

"If the patient comes into contact with some familiar scenes, people, and things before she lost her memory, she might be able to recover this portion of her memory," Director Xie continued.

"Other than that, is there any other way?" Ye Nantian asked.

"The other method might not be possible even if I tell you." Director Xie hesitated.

"I'll only know if I can do it after you say it. There are few things in this world that I can't do," Ye Nantian said confidently.

"The other method is that you need to invite the Great Xia's Holy Doctor, Sun Siqi. Sun Siqi is known as the Ghost Doctor's Sacred Hand who claims to be 105 years old. He's very good at treating all kinds of difficult illnesses. He has lived in seclusion in the imperial capital for 30 years and has never stepped out of the imperial capital. After he went into seclusion, he never worked again. If you can invite him, it's possible to treat Madam's illness. It's just that it seems impossible to invite this person." Director Xie shook his head.

In his opinion, this method was equivalent to not saying anything. Although he did not know Ye Nantian's exact identity, he did not think that Ye Nantian could invite the Ghost Doctor's Sacred Hand, Sun Siqi, whose name shook the Great Xia.

"Red Moon, please welcome Sun Siqi." Ye Nantian's expression turned cold when he heard this.

"Mr. Ye, it's not easy to invite this Medical Saint Sun. He has already announced that he won't treat anyone anymore," Director Xie reminded.

"If I, Ye Nantian, want to invite him, he has to come even if he doesn't want to. He has to treat my wife no matter what. What seclusion? If I don't ask him to retire, he can't." Ye Nantian's tone was cold.

Hearing this, Director Xie was clearly stunned for a moment before he said, "Although I don't know Mr. Ye's background, I'm afraid ordinary people can't invite an existence like Medical Saint Sun."

The meaning of Director Xie's words was obvious. He was inquiring about Ye Nantian's identity and background. If he did not have any background, how could he dare to say such arrogant words?